1000TT and below?
I believe the best way is just to pay your dues and do some good old flight instructing. Right now, is the BEST time to time build. The reason is, that while lots of your peers are sitting on the ground not building time, you could be getting ahead of them by Instructing. If we project the airlines/corporate outfits to start hiring again in 2-3 years, you would be that much ahead of everybody else!
I do believe the 1500 TT for pilots will be implemented by the government, in which case many would be left by the wayside. I know Flight Instructing jobs are scarce, but just keep applying to as many flight schools as you can, until you can get on with one. I would focus on flight schools that are located at a larger GA airport, in which you could also work at a Local FBO part-time and develop some connections.
You can search all of the forums, submit your resume to every single job available, and pay subscription fees for EVERY job site out there. I'm not discouraging you to do these things, as I own my own job site myself, but nothing beats networking. Networking will allow you to get the jobs that are not being advertised. The majority of positions are not advertised. Especially for Corporate/contract jobs, it's all about networking.
That is just my two cents...