Airline Placement Program

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Airployment should have figured out by now it's too widely known that an aviation career is a pipe dream going forward. A little late to the party to be selling it to the masses. The cat is all the way out of the bag.

With every post he digs himself deeper.
Well, for the fact that I have never actually been affiliated with any PTF program, nor have one of my own...I think it's a little excessive to be so crude.

Great that you are optimistic, maybe you don't have a career, but good aviators do.
Clearly, you are not a supporter, so move along and let other indivduals who are ready to advance their career help in building this program so it caters to the pilot, not the guy who is upset he can't participate in such a program.

I really tried to stay removed from the fracas, but I suspect the reason you are not garnishing support is because most people here are fairly well versed in the state of aviation and programs which train pilots.

I don't think that many people on this board respect what you have to offer.

By your stating that you don't want to hear any dissenting opinion, you clearly demonstrate a few things:

1. You are only looking to hear what you want to hear.
2. You are really only looking to promote your services in a round about manner (which really isn't good according to the forum rules of conduct)

I don't think anyone in this thread has voiced that they are upset thay cannot participate in a program such as yours, so while you ask others to get their facts straight, it's like calling the kettle black.

Since you state that you are not a PFT program, perhaps you could educate us on how your program focuses your clients to become 250 hour employable pilots, when in the state of the industry those with thousands of hours are stuggling to find work.

How does your program elevate the state of the industry? How is it not undercutting other pilot applicants?

I think these are serious and legitimate questions, asked with respect; to which a response is appreciated.
Since you state that you are not a PFT program, perhaps you could educate us on how your program focuses your clients to become 250 hour employable pilots, when in the state of the industry those with thousands of hours are stuggling to find work.

How does your program elevate the state of the industry? How is it not undercutting other pilot applicants?

Thank you!
Impossible on this forum. It's all about attacking another company or individual. Show me one post that says something positive about a company, I'll show you 10 more that show something negative. JetCareers was developed, i'm sure, to help people in the aviation community. Not mud-sling back and forth.

I hope that people can converse in a more positive manner on this forum. Maybe give some good insight on the development of an Airline Placement program, rather then making up stuff and saying whatever comes to the front of their brain.

Welcome to Jetcareers. Enjoy your stay. :pirate:

First - I may be slower than most, but after looking at the Airployment website, combined with the posts here, I am somewhat uncertain what the goal is. I don't know if it is simply a job service, or a placement scheme, or a percursor to a flight school/training academy or what. OP says he is against PFT, ok. OP says he is against PFJ, ok. OP wants to help low time pilots into a big airplane - how? OP wants people to sign up for six bucks per month to view jobs on his website.

I am unclear on what the stated goal of Airployment is. What are you trying to accomplish? What are you offering and for how much? Are you developing a flight school? If so, you are advertising here where other flight schools have paid money to be featured - is D. Taylor kosher with that arrangement? Finally, if you can answer the questions above in an abbreviated format and directly, a final question would be; what are you seeing in the industry right now that is leading you to believe that low time pilots have any kind of a shot at meaningful, big jet employment?
Impossible on this forum. It's all about attacking another company or individual. Show me one post that says something positive about a company, I'll show you 10 more that show something negative. JetCareers was developed, i'm sure, to help people in the aviation community. Not mud-sling back and forth.

I hope that people can converse in a more positive manner on this forum. Maybe give some good insight on the development of an Airline Placement program, rather then making up stuff and saying whatever comes to the front of their brain.

Ok I'll cry uncle. I'll just go ahead and tell you what you want to hear. Airployment you are soooo smart. You are, no doubt, the smartest, most innovative, aviation "executive" that has EVER graduated from the "Harvard of Aviation"

Your ingenious plan, to lure ignorant people to plunk down a tremendous chunk of change, with essentially no guarantee of you holding up your end of the bargain is truly brilliant. Nobody has EVER thought of what you're planning to do before. I'm sure hundreds upon thousands of people will apply. You'll make tons of money, you'll finally be able to get the hair treatment and the pectoral implants you've always wanted, along with your super cool Hummer. Yep, chicks will finally dig you. If you're able to pull this off, the world will LITERALLY be your oyster. With your knack for knowing what customers are looking for, along with your good ol' fashioned feel for the deal, hell, you can't POSSIBLY fail. I CAN'T WAIT TO SIGN UP!! WHEN ARE YOU STARTING? ARE YOU ACCEPTING PRIVATE HIGH INTEREST STUDENT LOANS OR WILL YOU JUST TOTALLY BLOW THROUGH MY VA BENEFITS LEAVING ME WITH NOTHING? TELLMETELLMETELLME!!!! OOOOIM SOOOOOEXCITED!I'LL GIVE YOU MY DADDY'S CREDIT CARD NUMBER SO WE CAN GET STARTED K?

There ya go! Was I a good focus group type person? Did I tell you want you wanted to hear? Golly gee Whiz I hope so!
Exactly. Thanks for proving my point. We don't promote PTF programs, we are investigating the possibility of an Airline Placement program. Clearly, you are not a supporter, so move along and let other indivduals who are ready to advance their career help in building this program so it caters to the pilot, not the guy who is upset he can't participate in such a program.

Are you really that clueless about this industry?!!


That means that short of packing up and moving across the globe,




Go ahead, try to separate fools from their money. In the end, you'll just fail like the rest of the scammers have...
I really tried to stay removed from the fracas, but I suspect the reason you are not garnishing support is because most people here are fairly well versed in the state of aviation and programs which train pilots.

I don't think that many people on this board respect what you have to offer.

By your stating that you don't want to hear any dissenting opinion, you clearly demonstrate a few things:

1. You are only looking to hear what you want to hear.
2. You are really only looking to promote your services in a round about manner (which really isn't good according to the forum rules of conduct)

I don't think anyone in this thread has voiced that they are upset thay cannot participate in a program such as yours, so while you ask others to get their facts straight, it's like calling the kettle black.

Since you state that you are not a PFT program, perhaps you could educate us on how your program focuses your clients to become 250 hour employable pilots, when in the state of the industry those with thousands of hours are stuggling to find work.

How does your program elevate the state of the industry? How is it not undercutting other pilot applicants?

I think these are serious and legitimate questions, asked with respect; to which a response is appreciated.

Airployment, Moxie asked some great legitimate questions. Are ya gonna answer them? Huh? Get on with it.
Great that you are optimistic, maybe you don't have a career, but good aviators do.

This post proves you have absolutely no idea how the commercial aviation industry works. There are plenty of EXCELLENT, seasoned, well trained pilots sitting on the streets. There are also many dead-beat, moronic pilots sitting in cockpits right now. It doesn't really matter how good you are anymore, just who you know and the networking you've accomplished.

Something doesn't make sense. How in the hell can you afford to put someone though such a large amount of training without them paying out of pocket without being in cahootz with some kind of Pay-for-job airline. Do you really think you are fooling anyone around here?
He must be a Jr High kid on summer vacation. There is no way he could had graduated from ER and be so disconnected from the industry.
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