Airline Placement Program

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Let's all keep making up stuff about the PFT program that has not even been developed. :insane:

So what is it you want? Obviously it's all about the $$$ in the end for you, isn't it? Well I can tell you there are far better ways to rip people off. :rolleyes:
He must be a Jr High kid on summer vacation. There is no way he could had graduated from ER and be so disconnected from the industry.
I don't know, I have met a few ER grads that I am pretty sure are from Mars.:beer:

By the same token I have met grads from a lot of other places that are just as out there. Crazy people come from everywhere.
<edited>Here's why, you remind me of just about every politician we have out in Washington. People ask questions, and then they don't answer. They sidestep the question everytime! It drives a person nuts. You are doing the same thing. You haven't answered ONE stinkin question yet. You've told us it's not a PFT or PFJ, but that's it. I know Moxie has asked some good questions, you still haven't answered him. So don't come on our board preaching some miracle cure to the "I can't get a job" FLU, without being able to provide details other than: "It's not a PFT" Well no sherlock, you've said that 50 different times. We got it. Now how about providing details, or are ya gonna keep sidestepping the questions Barack O'Bush.
But what about me and my goals. Why does nobody care?

I would also like to get answers to the questions. Simple truth: If you start a business and someone asks you direct questions, and you can't or won't answer are not the next Steven Udvar-Hazy
Since you state that you are not a PFT program, perhaps you could educate us on how your program focuses your clients to become 250 hour employable pilots, when in the state of the industry those with thousands of hours are stuggling to find work.

How does your program elevate the state of the industry? How is it not undercutting other pilot applicants?

I think these are serious and legitimate questions, asked with respect; to which a response is appreciated.

Prior to reading dcraamer's post, I am just looking for you to answer the questions posed. I tried to post it in a non-threatening, productive manner because I believe if you are sincere in your operation then educating us is probably the most constructive.

Let's all keep making up stuff about the PFT program that has not even been developed. :insane:


you remind me of just about every politician we have out in Washington. People ask questions, and then they don't answer. They sidestep the question everytime! It drives a person nuts. You are doing the same thing. You've told us it's not a PFT or PFJ, but that's it.

Agreed. Answer some questions, otherwise it's probably best you leave the replies as they stand. Life has taught me that someone taking a hard defensive is usually hiding something or refuses to admit they miight be wrong.
:mad: With all due respect, a few comments in your post have made me extremely angry. I'm going to do my best and restrain myself from lashing out.

Quite frankly, what your selling is snake oil, like many others before you.

What your proposing sounds a lot like the defunct CAPT program, and we all know how well THAT went. I'm a Riddle Grad too, so trust me, I'm familiar with the phony baloney song and dance that school puts out. "Harvard of Aviation", Blah Blah Blah.

It sounds like a great way to make a quick buck off the hopes and dreams of others, but hey if you break a few hearts in the process whats the big deal? You still made a decent profit margin, right?

You think your "great way to advance careers" is a novel idea? I've seen HORRIBLE things happen to people that place thier faith in "exciting new programs" that will "help" new pilots with thier career. Right off the top of my head, Silverstate helicopters: Took the money and ran. TAB express: Took the money and ran. CAPT Program: Took the money, ran, went bankrupt, and stranded some Chinese in Flagler. Add to that a dozen others, I can't think of right now because it's 3am. You ask us to not bash companies in response, but what do you seriously expect? The aforementioned companies have ruined peoples LIVES, sir, and now you're essentially selling the SAME excrement but this time you've wrapped it in a pretty little ribbon of a different color.

I find the comparison to doctors and lawyers equally offensive. Doctors will make 30-40K through residency, you're absolutely correct. What I wouldn't give to make 40K my first year of flying! If we did, there would be no need for your program. Have you stopped to see the difference in the two careers? First off, there are substantial loan forgiveness programs avaliable to those in the medical profession. Am I going to get a hand-out for my 100k if I sign on your dotted line? Secondly, a cardiologist makes 480K a Idaho (yes, I checked). How much am I going to make when I get to be a captain in my big fancy jet, spiffy uniform, and 100 lives in my hands 5 times a day, 4 days a week? $65,000 a year and I'll probably be laid off 3 times before I retire with no pension. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I knew what I was getting myself in to when I pursued the career. However, show us a little bit of respect and stop insulting our intelligence and don't you dare compare doctors to pilots. You're not dealing with chumps on this board.

How about if your program does not perform to what was agreed to, the student gets to sue the ever livin' pants off of you, and then gets to go on board like this one and curse your name up and down the internet, that sounds more fitting. Typical puppy mill flight school. Sell somebody a service, but then offer no guarantee that you'll hold up your end of the bargain.

Sure you'll get some interested people that love the job, but not the work. They want to take the quick and easy way. They'll sign on with you. They'll buy your snake oil. You'll sell them the romance, the adventure, and make the career sound prestigious and easy. You'll gladly take their 100k, and like all the others before you, you'll fail them and still sleep soundly at night on a mattress stuffed with money you neither earned nor deserve.

Snake Oil.

When a doctor makes a mistake, only 1 person usually dies...

When an airline captain makes a mistake, he kills everyone on the plane including himself.

Who should be paid more?
When a doctor makes a mistake, only 1 person usually dies...

When an airline captain makes a mistake, he kills everyone on the plane including himself.

Who should be paid more?
Is that a rhetorical question?:D I would still say a doctor, he has to learn more, and his trade is a little more technical. But pilots should sure as hell be paid more than 19,500/yr!!
What a great idea for a program. It's all about me me me. I don't give a crap about how the industry is affected as long as I get to fly a shiny jet really soon.
I think we're about done discussing this program. I understand the legitimacy of this program/job placement service is in question, so I'll let Airployment take it up with Doug if he'd like to advertise.
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