Airline Seminar


Well-Known Member
It is getting to be time to do another AI seminar. I have some great information and several of the regionals and commuters are about to start hiring.

When is a good time for you all to make it down here to Orlando?
I have a question for you John. I would love to attend one of your seminars but......
It seems to me you have nothing positive to say about flying professionaly. I've asked you before for advice and you told me to stay away. Why would I or anyone else attend one of your seminars? Do you whistle a different tune in these seminars than you do on this message board?
Just curious...
I have never told anyone to stay away from airlines.

1) I have told people not to fly for free.
2) I have told people not to "sell out" to airlines.
3) I have told people that being an airline pilot is a job like anything else.

If you look over my posts you will see that all my "stay away" statements are prefaced with IF.

If you can't handle being away from home, no planning of your future more than the next 30 days, cheap hotels, low pay for several years, etc then you may want to consider another career.

Obviously there is some need for airline pilots, although the supply is currently far greater than the demand!

I have interviewed 17 times with 10 yes letters. I understand this is above average. Most people I talk to average around 25% success rate.

This seminar is for those who are committed to a professional aviation career, in particular the airlines. I spend the first day talking about the resume.

Day 1:

How to write a pilot resume
How to get it to the right person
How to meet the right people
How to treat those people you meet
How to maintain relationships in the industry
Pitfalls and traps to avoid.

Day 2 is the interview

We set up a video camera and do mock (and occasionally real!) interviews with airline pilots who have experience doing interviews. One of my favorite guys to bring in is Scott Sindelar from SW, he asks some of the toughest questions! The video is then picked apart, as well as the interviewee. This will be the toughest interview you ever have I promise!

I email or snail-mail the digitized video to the pilot if he or she wants it.

So far we are 14 for 22 and I haven't heard from the other 8 recently.

I've been accused of doing this to make money. Well yeah! Of course I do it to make money! Do I get rich? NO. The largest group I've had so far is 9, and one of those was a return customer so he only paid $100. New guys pay $150 and that includes lunch both days. I make enough with 7 people to justify spending two days of my time, renting a conference room, and buying lunch.

Of course someday I hope to have 50 people in a big room and walk away with a couple grand. But right now we're talking about a profit of a couple hundred. I hope this is not evil in a free enterprise society!

Braidkid, one thing that gets lost in posting on a forum is a sense of humor. A lot of times what I say in person is very funny, but when it is written down it sounds sarcastic and negative. I have this little standup comedian hiding inside of me trying to get out and sometimes he evades my clutches.

I look back on a successful airline career (so far) and I would not miss it for the world. Yeah I starved for 5 years but I was single and not worried about it. BE1900 captain at Mesa let me start paying off some debt, and CRJ captain really helped clear it all. Of course, going back to FO at Midway didn't help and 9-11 kiboshed my finances fairly bad. Now I have my own business going and I see it is the way to go.

I am using knowledge that I gained in my airline career, however, and it's hard to put a price tag on experience.

If you want me to help you get hired as a professional pilot, I'm here. Just be sure that's what you really want to do, because when times get tough I don't want to hear the complaints!!!! (That's one of those humor attempts again.)
Your seminar sounds very interesting and I would very much like to attend, however, I still dont understand one thing...

I have never told anyone to stay away from airlines.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Please don't leave Boeing to be a pilot!

Worst thing I ever did.

Resist the urge to make "your vacation your vocation"

Save up some money, buy a nice airplane for yourself and ENJOY flying until you are old

If you become an airline pilot you will ruin a wonderful joy."
-John Tenney

Are you one of these guys that dredges up quotes at the worst times? A forum lawyer? Hint: Don't do that during an interview!

The guy already has a great career. Why ruin a good hobby?

Now that I am not doing it for a living, flying has become fun again!

I'm going to tackle the tropical storm and try to make it down to Tampa today
I'm going to tackle the tropical storm and try to make it down to Tampa today

[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks for the heads up. I'll have my people waiting.
Do you know who atty Michael Miller is? I'm sitting in his conference room right now. Raining pretty hard outside. Hope it lets up when I try to fly home in about 2 hrs.
an office complex at 15438 N. Florida Ave. About a block north of Bearss Ave.

Do you pronounce Bearss like the SNL guys do? "Go Bearss!"
Oh - you're WAY north of downtown. Thought you might be in my neck of the woods and I'd come by and say howdy.

Bearss is indeed pronouced like Alan Wendt and the boys on SNL.

DA Bearss!!!

I was about a block or less from you today. I went to "Buccaneer Heaven" about a 1/2 mile south of Bearss on Florida at lunch today.
OK the seminar is now tentatively planned for Oct 21-22 at Showalter Aviation in Orlando, FL.

How many are interested?
Are you one of these guys that dredges up quotes at the worst times? A forum lawyer?

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Come on John you avoided the answer like a lawyer or a politician.

Do you say that or not?

If so explain why ANYONE would want to give you money for your advice?
Assuming your seminar was the deciding factor in those 14 landing their jobs ... you have a 63% success rate. Or, a 37% failure rate.

Either way you term it, those scores would not be a passing grade on any given FAA written.

(just messin' with ya .... take it easy.)
That’s like the safety program manager trying to justify to the CEO to spend more money on safety by saying see look how many accidents we didn’t have, can you honestly say those 14 would not have jobs had they not attended your class??? I mean come on, it comes across very arrogant.
It's not arrogance. It's facts. Maybe some would have gotten jobs anyway but not all! 4 were hired directly from my seminar. Some of you seem to be forgetting the fact that I invite companies to the seminars as well.

Anyway what is all this hostility? Just because I am a proud American who likes President Bush? This makes me a useless human being?
Anyway what is all this hostility? Just because I am a proud American who likes President Bush? This makes me a useless human being?

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What hostility? I could care less if you are a proud American or not, nor do I care about your political views. And as far as if you are useless human, well..............jk-jk, I never even hinted at anything like that!

It just seems to me that if 22 people are actively searching for jobs it only seems reasonable to expect at least half would get them? So 14, statistically doesn't seem to be far off from 50/50 and could well be within the median, mean, I forget what you call it, anyway.
This makes me a useless human being?

[/ QUOTE ]

Pretty much ....


(seriously, just kidding with you.)
I know what 14 are doing. They have aviation jobs. The other 8 I haven't heard from. They may be flying for an airline for all I know.

I have heard from others in the business that this percentage is not good, but fantastic!

A lady here in Orlando who does FA seminars says only 33% of her graduates even get interviews the first year.

Come on John you avoided the answer like a lawyer or a politician.

Do you say that or not?

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Did you?

As for if your classes are good or bad I don’t know nor care, I did however, download your video clip, and picked up a number of glaring mistakes that would be avoided by anyone with formal public speaking training, or those with an educational background. ( but I am s HUGE stickler for detail) But that doesn’t make the topics presented worthless. Just offers hints to the preparedness and/or professionalism of the speaker.

But I guess what I find the most fascinating (aside from your avoidance of the above question) is if you are able to provide such a service and have only a 37% failure rate, why aren’t you flying for an airline, vs. telling others how to, fly for an airline.

As I said before those who can’t do…. teach.