Goonie Never say die Mar 18, 2009 #1 Me and a few co-workers had a debate about ADD being a "no go" on a medical. S a couple quick questions... 1. is it? 2. If so, can you take a drug like adirol, which I think is prescribed to people with ADD?
Me and a few co-workers had a debate about ADD being a "no go" on a medical. S a couple quick questions... 1. is it? 2. If so, can you take a drug like adirol, which I think is prescribed to people with ADD?
My Flight Surgeon Sr. Aviation Medical Examiner Mar 18, 2009 #2 It is a No Go unless the FAA reviews the files and approves the medical. You cannot take any medications for ADD and get a medical certificate.
It is a No Go unless the FAA reviews the files and approves the medical. You cannot take any medications for ADD and get a medical certificate.
DPApilot GUYSH! GUYSH! GUYSH! Mar 18, 2009 #4 ryanmickG said: You're the man MFS!! Click to expand... Dr Forred is the man! And that's why he's on the JC!
ryanmickG said: You're the man MFS!! Click to expand... Dr Forred is the man! And that's why he's on the JC!