757 A/T failure

My knowledge of Mt. Diablo and SUNOL is because I used to instruct out there.

But someone has to recognize the need to have terrain up when drilling around at night working on a problem.

This could have easily been this generation’s “Eastern 401” where a very minor problem became a, well, appreciably bigger one.

Yes, but.

EGPWS makes these scenarios entirely different. While nobody wants to do escape maneuver, the chances of that happening again are lower.
I actually find myself looking at the VFR one quite a bit, for landmarks approaching a city for landing.
Why? You're in a 737, with one-hundred fifty souls in back, you're IFR. You're under ATC guidance at all times. You're not getting flight following, lol? Not following why you're at all concerned about VFR, in a 121 environment. Someone correct me I guess.
I would love to hear Wagner’s analysis on this!
Probably similar to CCs but more use of "I" and "my".

Why? You're in a 737, with one-hundred fifty souls in back, you're IFR. You're under ATC guidance at all times. You're not getting flight following, lol? Not following why you're at all concerned about VFR, in a 121 environment. Someone correct me I guess.
I did lol at this but to be fair, additional SA that doesn't interfere with other duties is not a bad thing at the end of the day. Between comments like that and switching the display mode on the 320 to see the traffic around him to see what's close behind him if anything, I do at least appreciate his attempts at extra SA even if they're not required.
Why? You're in a 737, with one-hundred fifty souls in back, you're IFR. You're under ATC guidance at all times. You're not getting flight following, lol? Not following why you're at all concerned about VFR, in a 121 environment. Someone correct me I guess.
I see what he’s saying. Even though you’re IFR, you’re still trying to get a visual on the field. Using landmarks shown on a VFR chart can be very helpful in doing so. “Airport should be two miles northeast of those large smokestacks I see over there…”
I see what he’s saying. Even though you’re IFR, you’re still trying to get a visual on the field. Using landmarks shown on a VFR chart can be very helpful in doing so. “Airport should be two miles northeast of those large smokestacks I see over there…”
Do most 121 or 135 pilots actually carry a VFR chart around with them though? I only fly VFR and ended my FAA IFR subscription on Foreflight, long ago. Simply for non use.
Late to the party but if anyone’s wondering why troubleshoot with maintenance instead of run the QRH…

The QRH procedure for A/T disconnect is: “The auto throttle is disconnected.”
Which speaks to what a minor issue this should have been.

You guys do realize there’s a video that tells you what the issue was and it wasn’t an auto throttle disconnect, right? They didn’t run the QRH for A/T disconnect…

Come on now