757 A/T failure

Do most 121 or 135 pilots actually carry a VFR chart around with them though? I only fly VFR and ended my FAA IFR subscription on Foreflight, long ago. Simply for non use.

The Jeppesen FD app, which most 121 carriers that have EFBs use (not sure about 135), has VFR enroute charts in addition to the Low and High IFR charts, so that's what people are talking about. No need to carry your own VFR charts assuming your airline has EFBs.
The Jeppesen FD app, which most 121 carriers that have EFBs use (not sure about 135), has VFR enroute charts in addition to the Low and High IFR charts, so that's what people are talking about. No need to carry your own VFR charts assuming your airline has EFBs.
Yeah, was talking about EFB. No one has paper charts anymore. If they do, they shouldn't. Lol.
You guys do realize there’s a video that tells you what the issue was and it wasn’t an auto throttle disconnect, right? They didn’t run the QRH for A/T disconnect…

Come on now

No, who posted a video from evidentiary material derived from what source?
Yeah, was talking about EFB. No one has paper charts anymore. If they do, they shouldn't. Lol.

I wonder if anyone still does use paper. C5 switched to EFBs in 2019, and my understanding is they were one of the last airlines still using paper at the time. There were rumors that Jeppesen was annoyed with C5 for not having EFBs yet because they were keeping their presses in operation just for us, but I don't know if that's true. Apparently China Airlines was still using paper charts in 2018, because some paper chart revisions addressed to them were mistakenly delivered to C5 in IAD.
I use paper charts & approach plates when I am flying for the military. IFR charts though. No need for sectionals. Though we do fly with hand made paper flip charts for low level MTRs
Why? You're in a 737, with one-hundred fifty souls in back, you're IFR. You're under ATC guidance at all times. You're not getting flight following, lol? Not following why you're at all concerned about VFR, in a 121 environment. Someone correct me I guess.

Maybe I shouldn’t say “quite a bit” but definitely in airports I don’t fly into on a regular basis. The VFR option in FD Pro just has more details to show when approaching the terminal area. And it’s not like I glance forever. It’s a click, see it, and then click back on the STAR or Approach plate.
“There’s the right way, the wrong way, and the -200 way. You fly the -200, so you know what I mean.”

- Eskimo pilots at my shop, (with the exception of 1)

“Howdy final Eskimo jet 1234 out of 10 descending via the DYAMD with the bridges and the airport in sight”
I flew many a Bay Tour departure in the EM2 and ER7 days. But my familiarity with there - which is why I know where Diablo is - (and LA, and Seattle) is the result of extensive VFR GA experience not universally extant on a 121 flight deck.

Sure, I could navigate by pilotage there, but nobody would like it. And not to the tolerances required to keep the airspace busy.

Also you’re cleared for the Bridgual.
Why aren’t they still flying at Eskimo then?
Early retirees from Covid time. However those packages worked. Youngest one with 29 years, oldest one with 35 or so years on. They have a year or so of 121 years left and reside down here, so they make some extra scratch and don’t spend all their time at home annoying their AS- FA spouses. They definitely know the 737, the MD80, and with two of them the 727, like the back of their hand. Hal especially; his knowledge of Boeing, the 727 and 737 and their tech, and the design, creation, and certification of RNAV approaches and procedures, is legendary to hear in the cockpit.