COVID Infection Rate, Pilots Vs Flight Attendants

So is anybody wearing masks in the cockpit during flight? I wear mine outside of the cockpit and to and from the hotel etc.. basically any time I am in public and can't be socially distant. But when the cockpit door closes I've been removing it, and accepting what I perceived to be minor risk in favor of one less additive condition at work. But I could be persuaded otherwise.

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It’s a tale of two cities for the most part. In Dallas the entire time everyone’s been wearing masks. I’m at the lake house in Gun Barrel City right now and people aren’t wearing masks for the most part. They didn’t before Abbott made it mandatory either.

The tale of two cities thing is more like the tale of urbanization vs incredible numbers of places where little has happened and likely little will.

On a board dedicated to the livelihood that truly is the number one cause of global spread, probably is a difficult place to discuss it rationally, however.

And yeah, it’s a high risk job.

My county still sits at two deaths, at least three months into this thing. The neighboring ex-burb county has a few hundred and only six cases in June. They’ve had dine-in stuff open for a month now.

Obviously various others are experiencing quite a different thing, including most airline folk. But there’s literally zero “emergency” going on here. Wife’s hospital IN the city never went above 350 and that was over two months ago. Some places you see nearly 100% masks, some places you see none.

Nurse wife who’s been around equally nasty and viral stuff for three decades points out that easily 95% of the average person’s safety is being handled by the six foot thing, better personal hygiene, and nasty ass people and businesses cleaning things. Secondarily supported my not sticking fingers in their faces. The masks, are a marginal (at best) improvement over all those immeasurables.

Even funnier than that we like to play the “they’re gonna catch it and have a 99.7% shot at survival!” game when we go to town and sit and eat some take out while spying people who have absolutely no idea how to use PPE, completely jacking around with their masks, touching them, sticking fingers in their eyes, sticking the cloth ones in their pocket then putting them back on again, too many to mention. Of course a thirty year nurse spots yj instantly and we both get a good laugh out of it. It’s become our “trip to town” game.

I know, sounds mean, but she’s tried explaining to friends and family online and there are g enough hours in the day. Like many pilots, she’s been doing her usual full time job since all this started and only has weekends to educate the idiots who are bored and online scaring themselves and others seven days a week. She’d rather read a book in the evenings at this point.

And yep. She hit the fully annoyed point and hopped an airliner this weekend to visit a friend out of state. Whoever got to not be furloughed — you’re welcome. Maybe she’ll bring the bad ol’ Covid home with her. Probably not, but oh well. I get to go sit in the cell phone lot and watch a few of y’all tuck the gear into the wells and make some jet noise, so I’m happy.

I’m already well turned down for new life insurance for non-Covid medical reasons, so the actuaries have already sent their message about borrowed time. They already started sending that message when I learned to fly at 19 and continued recreationally later in life. Ain’t nobody cornered in light aircraft unless you snagged a desperate underwriter right after one of two market crashes where they’d write limited policies.

Been a “dead man walking” for decades. Kinda keeps a 99.7% and climbing survival number in perspective. Was a lot more iffy at predictions of 4% three months ago, but we have real data now, even if horribly preliminary.

7 billion to possibly infect, 7 million closed cases so far. Got a lot of zeros to go. People REALLY don’t like that math.

Thanks to all the transportation folk honestly. It’s going to be a hard hit occupation no matter what. The nurse wife is bringing it home eventually too. She knows it, I know it, it’s a mathematical inevitability with current real world data. It’s also already more than four times more survivable than predicted which was also known math, and well within the error margin of the predictions.

With real world data instead of three month old predictions, and a whole crap-ton of new believers in hand-washing as much as a thirty year nurse who lives for her moisturizing lotions and potions — ha! — we’ll all mostly get thru this. But it’ll take a long time and there’s no math leaning toward 40 years of study of coronavirii hitting the full vaccine jackpot.

Would be nice, but I wouldn’t put any serious money down on it in Vegas.

Find a nice nurse and ask em how to handle yourself in whatever job or environment you find yourself in. They’ll teach ya where your actual bad habits are.

When was the last time you wiped down a light switch or door handle at home? She’s been doing it for decades here. All sorts of stuff like that. It ain’t your mask doing the heavy lifting. It’s your placement of contaminated fingers.

Watch folks next time you’re out. You’ll see it. Catching a deep gold digger is bonus points! :)
So is anybody wearing masks in the cockpit during flight? I wear mine outside of the cockpit and to and from the hotel etc.. basically any time I am in public and can't be socially distant. But when the cockpit door closes I've been removing it, and accepting what I perceived to be minor risk in favor of one less additive condition at work. But I could be persuaded otherwise.

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Thats how I’ve been doing it. I wouldn’t fault anyone if they wanted to wear it in flight, but we are unavoidably close for as much as 15 hours at a time.
So is anybody wearing masks in the cockpit during flight? I wear mine outside of the cockpit and to and from the hotel etc.. basically any time I am in public and can't be socially distant. But when the cockpit door closes I've been removing it, and accepting what I perceived to be minor risk in favor of one less additive condition at work. But I could be persuaded otherwise.

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Which pretty much agrees with the company policy.
(you?) ”Man, what a pain wearing these masks in public”

”I really don’t mind, I get it. All some guys do is bitch about it and bring up some stupid blog they read about the virus”


Am I following correctly?
This is how you start off with your FO?
First: I’m not defending Todd.
First part 2: You have made fun of and ridiculed those who have posted info from blogs, and rightly so. However, you don’t get to sit upon high and proclaim a “cogent conversation” and get pissy about some known member being vastly opposed to your already established point of view.

You can’t have a “cogent conversation” without providing a real source.
This is exactly the conversation you get, when you posted in post #1.
And for the love of Pete, I’m not defending Todd.

A large number of captains, at every airline I've worked at, start most trips by casting the line.

"You see the protests this weekend?"

"Can you believe anyone would actually vote for that bitch?"

"What guns do you have at home?"

"Divorced yet?"
“Yes, I did, none of your business, and I never married.”
So is anybody wearing masks in the cockpit during flight? I wear mine outside of the cockpit and to and from the hotel etc.. basically any time I am in public and can't be socially distant. But when the cockpit door closes I've been removing it, and accepting what I perceived to be minor risk in favor of one less additive condition at work. But I could be persuaded otherwise.

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Actually we are not allowed to in flight or when the cockpit door is closed, but any time we are in sight if the public from getting into the hotel van in the morning to getting out at the end of the day, we are supposed to wear a mask.
May I suggest casting your line with more exotic bait. They don’t all bite but when they do!
“Cruise check complete.... so unsolved mysteries is back, they did a story about a UFO sighting by my house....” ...3 legs later....
“Wait, so you’re saying we’re all being governed by lizard people? Interesting....go on.”

makes the trips whizz by.

re: masks, I wear it except when I’m in the cockpit.