Mom alleges kicked out of Delta first class for crying baby

Also clearly most of you have never travelled with an infant before. Infants are easy. On a plane they pretty much eat and sleep. Might need to change a diaper once a flight but unless you're one of those awful people who thinks the tray table is a changing table I don't know why anyone would complain about that.
I don't care, if I'm trying to sleep and your kid throws a tantrum and starts kicking my seat back, you are an ass hole. I never met my great grandmother and I doubt she died wishing she had met me. Your snowflake shouldn't be a burden for the rest of to us bear. You fornicated, planned or not your partner produced YOUR problem, it's not my intention to give you any measure of respect for having accomplished this, preteens have been doing it for eons. Get over it, you and your kid aren't special.
Kinda ironic how you come off sounding like a special snowflake while complaining about special snowflakes. I have an idea for a new airline called Safe Space Air.
Some of you are still getting it twisted. No one is suggesting (that I've noticed) that it should be illegal to take your squalling brat on an airliner. We're just saying it's rude. Imagine if I showed up with a car alarm and a bag of fresh poop and sat down expecting to rub elbows with you for six hours. Why is this any different? So, you see, you ARE in fact expecting to be accorded some special status because you're a parent, no way around it.
I'm a little curious how many of the "OMG, kids suck" people are only a "oh, but she's HAWT, we're buying a house together" away from cranking out your own spawn? :)

I've seen that one a bunch.
Some of you are still getting it twisted. No one is suggesting (that I've noticed) that it should be illegal to take your squalling brat on an airliner. We're just saying it's rude. Imagine if I showed up with a car alarm and a bag of fresh poop and sat down expecting to rub elbows with you for six hours. Why is this any different? So, you see, you ARE in fact expecting to be accorded some special status because you're a parent, no way around it.
Pretty much applies to all behavior on the plane....
.....I don't care if you're the greatest salesman in the history of the earth, I don't want to talk to you or discuss your line of work
.....Please Ms. Flight attendant, when I see you sitting in the jump seat a meter (about a yard for you unwashed masses) in front of me rubbing your feet, try washing your hands before you start passing out food and drink.
........sorry late, arrogant •, no I will not move my bag seven rows back because you showed up late, decided not to check your elephant size case and insist it must travel directly above your head.
....Hey jackwagon with a cold, that pocket in the seat in front of you is not the used kleenex holder
.....Sorry asshat, when they stroll by with the cart, that means food and drink are coming, no I won't move my tray and balance my meal and drink in the aisle while you pursue your weak bladder issues, plan ahead better.
.....No I'm not trading my exit row aisle seat for your middle seat so you can sit next to your wife. Perhaps she booked it that way because she hates you as much as I do right now for asking and then complaining about it for 30 minutes to everyone around you?
Some of you are still getting it twisted. No one is suggesting (that I've noticed) that it should be illegal to take your squalling brat on an airliner. We're just saying it's rude. Imagine if I showed up with a car alarm and a bag of fresh poop and sat down expecting to rub elbows with you for six hours. Why is this any different? So, you see, you ARE in fact expecting to be accorded some special status because you're a parent, no way around it.

In that case, luckily as the captain, it's my call to figure out which of you is the bigger baby and have you removed.
In that case, luckily as the captain, it's my call to figure out which of you is the bigger baby and have you removed.

I've got my camera phone out, NOW WHAT? :)

As a side note, that's something I include in my brief, "if there's a problem, let me know before anyone has the inclination to think they need to film it"
In that case, luckily as the captain, it's my call to figure out which of you is the bigger baby and have you removed.

Am I typing in some secret code? I sit next to squalling brats all the time, and don't say a word. Sort of like when the guy you're flying with farts constantly (I'm looking at you, Gulley). Just another unpleasant thing you have to live with (looking at you again, Gulley). Doesn't make it any less unpleasant, though.
I'm not on either side of this argument. I have kids, I've traveled with them and I've been very fortunate that they are very well behaved. However, if I've paid a premium to sit in first class than I expect a certain level of serenity in which to drink my vodka tonic and eat my microwaved chicken. If there aren't already, there should be age restrictions on first or business class imo.
I rode AA from ORD to LAX about 20 years ago, had a nice comfy seat in FC and a lady changed her childs diaper right there on the seat in front of me.

OMG, the childs parents must have been hippies that had their child on a broccoli, molasses, sorghum syrup and roadkill diet because that stench permeated by clothes for hours.

Even my mom asked if I had showered that morning.
I'm not on either side of this argument. I have kids, I've traveled with them and I've been very fortunate that they are very well behaved. However, if I've paid a premium to sit in first class than I expect a certain level of serenity in which to drink my vodka tonic and eat my microwaved chicken. If there aren't already, there should be age restrictions on first or business class imo.

I still don't get this argument...what does sitting in first class guarantee you except a wider seat, free drinks, and your own bathroom? It doesn't guarantee you serenity or quiet at all. I'd rather sit next to kids all day than listen to some bro try and mack on chicks all flight or some mouth breather talking about god knows what while reeking of cigarettes. We all have our "faults", welcome to society.
I still don't get this argument...what does sitting in first class guarantee you except a wider seat, free drinks, and your own bathroom? It doesn't guarantee you serenity or quiet at all.

I understand that. I'm saying that it should.

If I'm stuck in a middle seat with my knees again the tray table because the "Wanna Get Away" price was just tooooo good to pass up then I kind of expect a crying kid to be a part of the suck and prepare myself accordingly.

But if I've chucked over a grand at a seat in the FC cabin then I expect a certain kind of experience, and a screaming kid ain't part of it.
But I do have a theory. If, from an early age, traveling simply becomes "part of life" you have a much lower chance of having a meltdown than if your kid never leaves the house.

I've got friends and family who just stay at home with their kids. When they do finally decide to go to the grocery store it is a HUGE event and the kids freak out. I've got friends and family who have continued to live their life despite having kids and while there is the occasional meltdown, the kids are usually awesome. They're also a lot more inquisitive about the world.
I wanted to re-quote this for truth. Kids that grow up reading the airport signs with mom and dad and lugging their own backpack through security don't grow up to be the adults who are showing the commuting pilot their boarding pass and asking where the gate is or holding up the security line because what do you mean i can't take my commemorative ulu and gallon jug of whale oil in my carry on?
I used to hate kids, especially the ones that had just learned to walk. For some reason, toddlers a drawn to me and want to lavish me with gifts of...whatever they just found on the floor and had thoroughly coated in a sticky slime substance.

Then, once upon a time, I worked as a Corrections Officer. Long story short, I don't mind kids so much anymore.
You have a choice too. Don't bring your hellspawn on an aircraft. No infant "needs" to fly.
Young family lives on coast A, just had a baby 2 months ago. Grandma on Coast B passes away suddenly. Baby nurses exclusively, (let's even say for the sake of this argument, baby can't tolerate formula, or parents choose not to formula feed, and mom has not had time to stock up a supply of pumped breast milk.) Funeral is in 2 days. Can't drive or take the train (not enough time). Flying is the only option. Go!
Young family lives on coast A, just had a baby 2 months ago. Grandma on Coast B passes away suddenly. Baby nurses exclusively, (let's even say for the sake of this argument, baby can't tolerate formula, or parents choose not to formula feed, and mom has not had time to stock up a supply of pumped breast milk.) Funeral is in 2 days. Can't drive or take the train (not enough time). Flying is the only option. Go!

One parent stays home, the other goes. Sometimes in life sacrifices have to be made. I've lived through this exact scenario. I was quite young when my grandfather died. My dad stayed home with my brother and I while mom went to his funeral. Life is difficult sometimes.

Once again, no infant "needs" to fly.
One parent stays home, the other goes. Sometimes in life sacrifices have to be made. I've lived through this exact scenario. I was quite young when my grandfather died. My dad stayed home with my brother and I while mom went to his funeral. Life is difficult sometimes.

Once again, no infant "needs" to fly.