You were right (for the most part)


New Member
About a couple of months ago, one of you asserted something to the effect that the reason we fly is to go fast. I responded that the reason I fly is to fly. I still stand by that statement, but after today, I have to say that going fast is definitely a blast.

I had a nice l'il flight in a Bo today. I was extremely impressed with its speed and handling. This is a real hi-perf, and no bones about it, Sam. I think I'd like to get signed off in a hi-perf before the IR, because of the challenge. Don't know if I'd actually do the IR in a Bo, though. I have to say, it really is true: there's so much more to do, and so little time to do it in!

Can you say:

fast, FAST, FAST!!! ?
By 'Bo he means the Beech "Bo"nanza. Excellent aircraft. And fast too.

Another fast one that I've been in recently is the Cirrus SR22. It's rated at 180@75% power, although Bill and I were doing two something and two something more on decent. Can't remember the exact airspeed off the top of my head but it was right below red line. Fun ship.
Also known as the "Doctor Killer."
Also known as the "Doctor Killer."

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More correctly - "The Fork Tailed Doctor Killer"
Hopfully that applies to MDs

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Yeah usually MDs.

You're safe ... but risky.
I read that the reason they got a reputation as dangerous was doe to several structural failures in the empennage, but that most of the ones flying today have been reinforced, so the saftey issue isn't so much of a concern anymore.
I read that the reason they got a reputation as dangerous was doe to several structural failures in the empennage, but that most of the ones flying today have been reinforced, so the saftey issue isn't so much of a concern anymore.

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And the one I was flying was straight-tail.

I still can't get over that speed!
Yeah, it was the earlier models that had problems.

I've got some time in a '75 V35B...that is a SWEET airplane!! I had a 215 kt. groundspeed flying that airplane once!
yeah they are Smooooooth airplanes.

168kt cruise, @ 14-16 GPH...16,000ft Service ceiling

Very nice.

All in all a Mooney 201, rocks across the sky at 2/3 the cost, a few knots faster, at 9-10 GPH... 18000 ft Service ceiling,

only down side is ..... NO G"Damn room in a Mooney...
yeah they are Smooooooth airplanes.

168kt cruise, @ 14-16 GPH...16,000ft Service ceiling

Very nice.

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That's exactly what we were seeing.

All in all a Mooney 201, rocks across the sky at 2/3 the cost, a few knots faster, at 9-10 GPH... 18000 ft Service ceiling,

only down side is ..... NO G"Damn room in a Mooney...

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That is a big problem for me.
Yeah there was an AD calling for strengthing the V-tail; it solved the problem as far as I know.

It IS a nice airplane... just don't become one of those guys who is sooooo into the engine and GPS whodangit things that you never scan for traffic
Hey Eagle, is that your Mooney in the picture?

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naaa ... company stock photo, I do need to get a quality inflight photo thanks for reminding me, I'll try and get one in the next few weeks I have a pal who is a professional aviation photographer.