Which Airline Should Elon Musk Take Over and Run?

My wife got 1 month of free full self driving on her Tesla and it drives like a 15 year old who got their learner’s permit yesterday.
Ours too, tried it twice and that was it, drove terribly. Def not ready for prime time. Cant believe people would pay for that?
My wife got 1 month of free full self driving on her Tesla and it drives like a 15 year old who got their learner’s permit yesterday.
Read his bio: his standard MO is to question everything. He's lost rockets because he questioned concrete pad weight ratings; other examples with vehicle manufacturing practices; won't be surprised if PCN/ACN ratings were questioned or other things if running an airline; but some of them are in good position for some cost cutting and trimming of useless staff, ie corporate drag.
My wife got 1 month of free full self driving on her Tesla and it drives like a 15 year old who got their learner’s permit yesterday.

I always tell people. I’d never trust my Tesla to drive myself and I love the car, had it 5 1/2 years. I will buy another provided the company doesn’t do something stupid.

My brother works for one of the big 3 in autonomous driving and he says Tesla is trying to do this with cameras vs lidar and is very doubtful in how achievable it is with such a limited sensor array.

As per forever, the Elon dogpiling is amusing. Are we voting for him to be the next God-Fuhrer? I'm a hard no, as would be anyone with any sense. The guy is clearly not the most stable keel on the psychic oceans.

Are we glad that he no-poop Disrupted the dominant paradigm vis a vis space launch? I would hope so, since the hopelessly overbudget "more of the same" SLS is still sitting on the pad, whilst Falcons are merrily blasting off with nary a failure in sight at very small fractions of the cost of the "more of the same" options.

Hate him all you want. I mean I'm more kind of neutral, but there's plenty to dislike. Hate it or loathe it, though, Space-X has accomplished a really *meaningful* change in the cost of lofting stuff in to space, and AFAICT it is simply *not true* to suggest that it would have happened without everyone's favorite Autistic Enfant Terrible at the tiller. *shrug*
It’s because they’re awesome and we don’t hate cars for political reasons. I also have a new Duramax because we buy the stuff we like. You do you though…


Teslas are a great concept, a legit pioneer and revolution in electric cars. That being said, they are built like hot garbage. Some of the worst paint in the industry, many cars ship with missing parts. Panel gaps, fitment and finishing on Tesla is the worst in the industry. Self driving is half baked and insanely expensive. There are thousands of unsold Teslas because demand has tanked. When they were the only player in the industry, they got away with all the shortcomings. Now they are quickly falling behind. Don't even get me started on the Cybertruck...

I won't buy a Tesla because they are quite frankly, crappy cars. But Musk being a walking disaster to everything he touches, and the way he tries to manipulate the world are probably larger reasons I wouldn't buy one. I don't care whether he is Republican or Democrat, but I would rather not support somebody like him for how he treats the workers of his companies.
I can’t imagine him purchasing or taking over an airline but could see him establishing a niche carrier like Trump Shuttle.
I always tell people. I’d never trust my Tesla to drive myself and I love the car, had it 5 1/2 years. I will buy another provided the company doesn’t do something stupid.

My brother works for one of the big 3 in autonomous driving and he says Tesla is trying to do this with cameras vs lidar and is very doubtful in how achievable it is with such a limited sensor array.

Musk might be revisiting LIDAR after dismissing it as a “crutch”. He made some interesting purchases last month.
Well, when Ole Musky bought Tesla he had it written into the deal that he was a "founder" of the company.

And since 'murican has a whole "Founders" thing going in the company lore, I assume he would buy into that.

But then he would try to have his Twitter "grok" try to replace as many ops personnel as possible until his Saudi daddies install someone else to run the company and be a proponent for your "ME3."
Am I the only one who read that in Sam Elliott’s voice, ala Big Lebowski…?