What made you choose freight?

You know damn well you can't fly a jet like props and you have to fly "nicely" with pax on board.
You know you can do the "prop things" and still be smooth right? You know who I'm talking about! hahahaha Exponential control inputs are the biggest thing and is a lost art in all of aviation.
I think those guys are nuts! The poor guy that did my recurrent at midnight and then rode with me to another airport to do another one at 6 A.M. BARF! I wasn't very enthused about doing a checkride at midnight, but he had it WAY worse. :confused:

Ya, I wouldn't do that for the money they make.
What jet allows you to go to flight idle and throw everything out (Gear, flaps, ect.) in minimum time all the while keeping the passengers comfy?

There is no speed restriction on the spoilers in the Lear, and VLO is 200kts. Although I try to not use spoilers I routinely go to flight idle and trade altitude for airspeed, get the gear and flaps out and the passengers are comfy as hell.
There is no speed restriction on the spoilers in the Lear, and VLO is 200kts. Although I try to not use spoilers I routinely go to flight idle and trade altitude for airspeed, get the gear and flaps out and the passengers are comfy as hell.
I want to see you at 200 indicated on a 2 mile final and make the touchdown zone... let along the 800ft taxiway.
I want to see you at 200 indicated on a 2 mile final and make the touchdown zone... let along the 800ft taxiway.

Its easy, our Vref is like 131 lol. I can dump 20 degrees of flaps at 200, the rest at 150, land at 131. Doneski... The 800 foot taxiway might be a problem.
What jet allows you to go to flight idle and throw everything out (Gear, flaps, ect.) in minimum time all the while keeping the passengers comfy?

We've got no problem hitting the marker at 250 knots and being on speed and stabilized by 1,000' easy. Gear and flaps 9 can come out at 250 knots, there are no restrictions on spoiler usage, and if you're not a complete monkey about it, there's no problem with making it smooth as silk.
We've got no problem hitting the marker at 250 knots and being on speed and stabilized by 1,000' easy. Gear and flaps 9 can come out at 250 knots, there are no restrictions on spoiler usage, and if you're not a complete monkey about it, there's no problem with making it smooth as silk.
And you of course bomb around 1000' off the deck at the same speed for 100 miles right? Up canyons to? All the while not giving 2 craps about the turbulence.
I'm just trying to say the premise that flying pax in jets being like flying freight in props is the same isn't even remotely true.

And I'm saying that I've never known one filed route where I used to work that involved "bombing up" a canyon at 1,000' for 100 miles, and if you were doing so, then you likely weren't doing what the company asked you to do.
And I'm saying that I've never known one filed route where I used to work that involved "bombing up" a canyon at 1,000' for 100 miles, and if you were doing so, then you likely weren't doing what the company asked you to do.
Direct, it's 120nm. VFR only airport. It's filed to an airport that has an approach and you could backtrack, but not realistically. The mins are too high at the airport filed to. You have to stay under the whole way for any hope of getting in if the weather is low.
The company was/is very aware of what was going on. I flew 3 different VFR only(realistically, each had a canned IFR route to another airport that was worthless) routes at 2 different bases.
Maybe "bombing up" is a bad term. How about - using pilotage and dead reckoning to fly VFR below surrounding terrain, under the weather.

Did you ever fly anywhere but BUR? I'm not aware of anything down there.
Stayed in BUR for the most part, made it up to OAK every once in a while. I'm aware of the routes that you're talking about up in PDX. The theory at the time was that the GPS's would change how some things were done, but I'm not sure they've even finished installing them at this point.
Stayed in BUR for the most part, made it up to OAK every once in a while. I'm aware of the routes that you're talking about up in PDX. The theory at the time was that the GPS's would change how some things were done, but I'm not sure they've even finished installing them at this point.
GPS sure made things a lot easier, but these are airports without approaches at all. KLLJ, 6S2 and KBOK are the airports. BOK isn't that hard to do IFR with the ILS out of CEC. You can break off on the procedure turn and be on final.
Stayed in BUR for the most part, made it up to OAK every once in a while. I'm aware of the routes that you're talking about up in PDX. The theory at the time was that the GPS's would change how some things were done, but I'm not sure they've even finished installing them at this point.