What is this job to you?

What is this job to you?

  • Just a business decision. I’m in it for the money.

    Votes: 14 11.6%
  • I’ve loved airplanes since I was a kid, what else would I do?!

    Votes: 89 73.6%
  • I like my job, but I don’t geek out about airplanes or airline history.

    Votes: 35 28.9%

  • Total voters
Jimmy the regional captain packs his food for six days while carying a caravan of bags and looking for ice like the travelers looked for food in Cormac MacCarthy's 'The Road'r" just to avoid the "You know, a McDonalds #2 will run you $18 in the real world and I have a medical next month" conversation.
*sob* this is me. So much me. But only one extra bag.

I’m that wayward bastard getting ice out of the machine at 4am but I’m doing this for nutrition more than frugality. And any money saved doing this is offset by time cost in meal prep.

50 year old Me is PISSED at 25-30 year old Mes and mating up diet and exercise now to offset poor past decisions.
curious what industry you ended up in where you were able to retire at 37?

Sorry for the delay, I don't check here daily... Just regular corporate stuff, started in the airlines and moved to another couple of industries after I had climbed the ladder fairly recently. The secret is marrying someone who makes similar income to you and then get real effing lucky in both home purchases, the stock market, and your significant other having a similar view to finances as you.

yeah, gonna go back and tell teenage me to do that, etc.

There's a 0% chance I could replicate it again if I tried, it's almost all luck (buying homes in Arizona for $0 down in 2009 making regional-ish [back then even] pay, being the most obvious example).
So I've been thinking about this question since the thread was posted.

Flying is my life. It's been my life since I was little. I was at a shuttle launch, watched Challenger explode on TV from my hospital bed. Used to go out and watch the concord come in. First word I said, according to my parents, was 'plane.' I used to devour every aviation book I could find, including a 1984 Jepp private pilot manual, WWII historical fiction, blow-by-blows, autobiographies, accounts of early/modern/late aviation, you name it.

I wanted to fly. More than anything else, it's what I wanted. I told my parents when I was 12-13 that I wanted to fly airtankers or warbirds.

I was an airport rat when I was learning to fly. Keep in mind, I lived 45 miles north of KPFN, out in the swamp. So it took an hour of driving to get to the airport. First flight school ("Sowell Aviation") didn't fly me at all and tried to screw me out of my money because I was just a kid, my parents had no aviation background, and they thought they could get away with charging me for "ground school" when "ground school" meant I was allowed to hang out in the back room where some old King tapes were. Well, my CFI clued me in, and I took what was left of my money and went across the runway to the FBO. Used to hang around there on the days between when I was trying to scrape together money and the days when I was flying. I'd make the popcorn, help people with stuff, and watch airplanes, secretly hoping people would invite me to go fly. Applied at the maintenance shop on the field, turned down. Offered to was planes, sweep the hangar, whatever was needed, but no dice.

Nice guy flying corporate in a Duke took me up a few times to go hang out with him as he was getting the plane worked on. Talked shop, and so on, and he let me fly a bit during cruise. Name was Dewey, nice guy.

When I was 17, I finished up my private pilot's license, and flew from KPFN to KDHN with a friend, then walked to a diner down the road, got a hamburger, came back, flew home, and ... that was the last of my money. My swordfighting group and the people I performed with had all split up, and I didn't have anything on the horizon but small office tech work and a bunch of stuff I did for community, like contributing to the debian project, running systems and MUDs for friends, and so on. Well, a few weeks after that last flight, I scraped together enough to go hang out with "Nine O' Nine" and the Collings foundation folks when they came to town. Spent the entire day hanging out on, admiring, and talking people's ear off about the B17—an airplane I loved to bits.

As sunset was coming on, my parents were coming to pick me up and they were getting ready to depart for their sunset flight, the crew took me over and said "Hey, kid ... wanna go for a ride?" I cannot tell you how fast I said "yes." Afterwards, the pilot told me that they were looking for pilots who were interested, and told me to give him a call once I had my commercial (or it might have been instrument, I can't recall).

A few days later, hanging out at the FBO, I met a guy who was flying Beech 18s, but he said he could get me in touch with a guy who worked tankers. Said what I needed to do was go do some cropdusting, get my multi. He'd give me more info the next day.

Well, I came back the next day and he never showed up. I lost the contact info for the Collings Foundation pilot. I do still have a picture of Nine O' Nine, but ... well, that's all that's left of her.

I was turning 18 around this time, and my parents told me that I needed to go out on my own, find my own way. So I came out to the bay area on a greyhound bus with $50 in cash and a bag full of clothes to see if I could get a job in tech—something I was uncannily good at—to make the money to pay for crop dusting school.

I had my sights set on Sam Riggs flying school in Claremore, OK.

'Course, then Sam Riggs lit out for Belize.

Shortly before or after, I can't recall, there were a series of high-profile tanker crashes, and the Blue Ribbon panel, and suddenly the industry contracted, and I realized that I was going to have a really hard time getting in, especially with no contacts. I tried to reach out to people, even sent in $50 to join the Associated Airtanker Pilots, a group run by somebody named Dale. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find anyone who knew anyone back then, and my AAP registration never got processed, so I never got onto the group.

Of course I did try to fly out in the bay area. But flying in the bay area was (and is) very hobby-focused for most people. I did start flying tailwheel, doing acro, and getting checked out in interesting planes like the Great Lakes, but at the end of the day, work pulled me in. And I never liked the $100 hamburger thing—I needed a mission. A reason to fly other than just converting money into exhaust.

The more tech work began to dominate my life, the more I desperately tried to reach out to find my place in aviation. I got my AGI, then my instrument, my commercial, multi, CFI. I almost bought a share in a C55 baron, and I was seriously considering buying a Super D to go fly across instead. I even built part of an RV-8 tail kit to see if that would stick.
But I wanted to fly planes, not build them or buy them. And I couldn't afford to build or buy AND fly.

Around that time, I went and flew with a friend of mine up in Alaska who flew beavers for 135 out of K-town. A week of flying around the Alaska bush, and I was hooked. He wanted me to come up and get me hired, but I didn't have my seaplane rating, and they didn't have any openings for the summer. He told me I could work the dock in the summer and he'd try to hire me for a float position in the fall, but then I had someone approach me about flying 207s in Juneau instead, and I took him up on it.

That company, Wings of Alaska, happened to be in CASS.

Three years later, having ridden around the country on various jumpseats—mostly AS—I decided to bounce to the airlines, hoping that maybe, someday, I might possibly be able to fly for Alaska Airlines. I came to a large regional with west-coast bases, got out onto the line, then eventually upgraded to captain.

Ten years later, here I am, thinking about leaving the industry for good, a bit heartbroken, a lot more worn down, and only a few hundred thousand richer than when I started flying for a living. More than five thousand hours, two thousand tpic, and almost thirty years of flying. But I'm still trying to do my best. I'm a pilot, not a business drone. I'm not wearing a suit, I'm wearing a uniform, and I try to be proud of it. I try to maintain the professional standards, courtesies, and inspire the next generation. But it's wearing on me.

So, in answer to that question: "What is this job to me?"

I don't really know anymore.
50 year old Me is PISSED at 25-30 year old Mes and mating up diet and exercise now to offset poor past decisions.

At least you figured it out and are trying to fix it. Glancing around the terminal it's not only extremely prevalent but it gets more common with younger pilots.
I logged in here for the first time in 6-7 years to say that to me, not just flying, but airline flying is a calling. Not just a profession, or a vocation, but a calling. It was what I was put here to do. I love it, I am pretty OK at it, and enjoy teaching others how to do it properly. I'm a student of the history of the profession, I spend my down time trying to improve myself, and consider myself to be the luckiest person I know getting to fly for the airline of my dreams in a role that exceeds them.

That's all.
I wonder if when I’m old I’ll watch those spotter videos with nostalgia. Planes just don’t seem as exciting anymore. I’ll see some of them from the 80s/90s/Early 00s pop up on YouTube and get sucked into them though seeing all the cool stuff that used to be flying around.
I remember those JustPlanes airport videos. I had an ATL one from 1994 that I watched a ton with great old airplanes and airlines that no longer exist...ValuJet, Air South, Kiwi. It was awesome!

I also had the first cockpit video they made on VHS, Carnival Air Lines 727 from FLL to EWR.
I wonder if when I’m old I’ll watch those spotter videos with nostalgia. Planes just don’t seem as exciting anymore. I’ll see some of them from the 80s/90s/Early 00s pop up on YouTube and get sucked into them though seeing all the cool stuff that used to be flying around.

Phoenix Air Guard KC-135E full stop taxi back at LAX.

And a variety (a real variety) of planes at LAX in the fog. The Northwest Cargo 747-251F shown, N617US, sits across the runway from our my hangar down here at MZJ, stored along with a sister bird.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uh8eD6LMWOo

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Flm-uqjHLZE
I like old 90s DC-9 nostalgia.

I've flown with guys that recognize my name and ask "your name isn't the most unique, but it isn't heard often, are you related to..." One of them was in class with my old man at the OG Midway, what a great time and holy crap he was a magician with the airplane. I guess that comes with spending your whole work life circling to 22L.
Not sure if anyone else is like this but I love airlines. Always wanted to fly airliners, like airliner history, like airliner news (routes etc). Worked in the industry as a freshman in college till I graduated and actually loved the job. Love this job of flying more and don’t ever dread going to work (not saying I don’t sometimes hate having to pack up and leave the house but more so when I’m on my way to the airport, I’m never upset about it)

But in my off time and limited reading about work, I don’t follow much outsider aviation industries or airplanes. None of my hobbies involve airplanes.

I only ask if that is weird because so many people are the opposite in the airline world. So out of touch with worldwide airlines, airline news, and love old school airplanes and VFR flying (real flying). I don’t know - curious to hear back
Not sure if anyone else is like this but I love airlines. Always wanted to fly airliners, like airliner history, like airliner news (routes etc). Worked in the industry as a freshman in college till I graduated and actually loved the job. Love this job of flying more and don’t ever dread going to work (not saying I don’t sometimes hate having to pack up and leave the house but more so when I’m on my way to the airport, I’m never upset about it)

But in my off time and limited reading about work, I don’t follow much outsider aviation industries or airplanes. None of my hobbies involve airplanes.

I only ask if that is weird because so many people are the opposite in the airline world. So out of touch with worldwide airlines, airline news, and love old school airplanes and VFR flying (real flying). I don’t know - curious to hear back
I also am more fascinated by airlines and airliners. There is no desire to fly GA at all. It's never been there.
Not sure if anyone else is like this but I love airlines. Always wanted to fly airliners, like airliner history, like airliner news (routes etc). Worked in the industry as a freshman in college till I graduated and actually loved the job. Love this job of flying more and don’t ever dread going to work (not saying I don’t sometimes hate having to pack up and leave the house but more so when I’m on my way to the airport, I’m never upset about it)

But in my off time and limited reading about work, I don’t follow much outsider aviation industries or airplanes. None of my hobbies involve airplanes.

I only ask if that is weird because so many people are the opposite in the airline world. So out of touch with worldwide airlines, airline news, and love old school airplanes and VFR flying (real flying). I don’t know - curious to hear back
Nope. Not alone at all!

Always been in love with the airlines, airliners and airline history. You should see my Instagram feed!
I’ve only flown 3, the CRJ-200, A319/320/321, and the 737NG/MAX. I like them all in their own unique way. I enjoy flying every time I go do it. :)
Hey I know this is a bit old, but did you go from the bus to the 73? If so was that a pain in the ass transition? Figuratively and literally?

I keep going back and forth on whether not I want consider that as an upgrade option. The number of people that go on about how awful it is being on the 737, especially coming from the Airbus has been hesitant.
Hey I know this is a bit old, but did you go from the bus to the 73? If so was that a pain in the ass transition? Figuratively and literally?

I keep going back and forth on whether not I want consider that as an upgrade option. The number of people that go on about how awful it is being on the 737, especially coming from the Airbus has been hesitant.
I did it, albeit briefly before going back. People make a way bigger deal of it than it actually is. Obviously the 737 is a lot more “do it yourself” but at the end of the day all airliner systems are pretty much the same. If you know what the Airbus systems are doing and when, you’ll be fine “becoming the computer” in the 737. Never flew the -900 which I hear can be a pig, but flying dynamics wise I genuinely preferred the 737. Felt nice to feel like I was flying an airplane vs playing a crappy version of an arcade game.
There is some “ok, that’s dumb” or “well, that would be REALLY nice information to know” on the 737, but overall it’s negligible IMO.
Oh, and the box of the 737 is a breath of fresh air from the airbus. Just makes more logical sense being able to do things like line select and not having to add or subtract 180 when you want to extend a line off the approach.