What is this job to you?

What is this job to you?

  • Just a business decision. I’m in it for the money.

    Votes: 14 11.6%
  • I’ve loved airplanes since I was a kid, what else would I do?!

    Votes: 89 73.6%
  • I like my job, but I don’t geek out about airplanes or airline history.

    Votes: 35 28.9%

  • Total voters
You wouldn’t believe how many are out there like that. A lot of it is the dad was a (insert legacy pilot) and it got pushed onto the child. Sucks because if you talk to them they’ll eventually get to what they’re passionate about. Helluva bill to foot for someone that doesn’t want to fly though.

No kidding, the price of admission is pretty steep if you don’t like this type of carnival rides.
I guess you can count me in the loves to fly group. Or at least misses flying big jets after retirement group. I just paid $8500 to get requaled in a 757 sim. It even counts as a flight review according to the instructor.
I guess you can count me in the loves to fly group. Or at least misses flying big jets after retirement group. I just paid $8500 to get requaled in a 757 sim. It even counts as a flight review according to the instructor. View attachment 82443
Nice! I wish we’d let our retired pilots instruct here at Brown if they wanted to. You and others would make great assets in the training center.
Not a professional pilot obviously, but as for flying, the longer I’ve been in aviation the less interested in it I’ve become. Maybe just burned out or maybe the cost now doesn’t justify it. I’ve only had my ppl for 5 years now but I haven’t flown a plane since November of 2022 and honestly I don’t miss it at all except for wanting to take my daughter up one day. Maybe I was doing the wrong kind of flying in the wrong kind of planes (c172’s aren’t exciting no matter what you’re doing). I’ve always loved planes since I was a kid but mostly in their regards to history and warplanes, and even then my interest starts waning post 1945 (sorry missiles and bvr are boring af). But with the cost of flying today I’d rather use that money for motorcycle stuff.
Growing up I loved airplanes, it started with my first flight as a 5yr old going to vacation. Had my next birthday party at an airport. I knew what I wanted to do for a career at a very young age.

I like my job, I like flying and get grumpy if I haven’t flown recently (it’s been months) but I don’t go to air shows, I don’t fly GA, I see airplanes as a tool to make money. Once my son is older I’ll no doubt get checked out to take him flying. But on my days off the last thing I want to do is touch an airplane, or see a hotel.
Nicely done! Just as you remembered it?
Eventually. It was harder at first cause I'd been retired 4 years and not in the sim for 5. Just like during training at brown, I struggled in the first couple sims but was pretty comfortable on the last one. I was getting the kinks worked out well towards the end. Partly I did the training in case the 757 that is trying to get an STC to be a retardant tanker goes online. Being a tanker pilot is about the only thing that would get me out of retirement now. Found the plane sitting in Blytheville, AR with no engines so probably not going to happen. I couldn't get close enough for a better photo. It's in the center of the frame.
I grew up loving planes and wanting to fly. No aviators in my family so I have no idea where it came from.

Changed careers and loved every second of the journey. Enjoyed every job from CFI to the 121 world.

However, I had a son over a year ago and he and my wife are all of my joy now. I’m starting to dislike the job because it’s taking time away from them.

Hopefully I can find the joy in the job again. I’m incredibly lucky to be where I am now but I’d trade it all to be home with my family if the bills were paid.
I grew up loving planes and wanting to fly. No aviators in my family so I have no idea where it came from.

Changed careers and loved every second of the journey. Enjoyed every job from CFI to the 121 world.

However, I had a son over a year ago and he and my wife are all of my joy now. I’m starting to dislike the job because it’s taking time away from them.

Hopefully I can find the joy in the job again. I’m incredibly lucky to be where I am now but I’d trade it all to be home with my family if the bills were paid.
You'll hit a challenging bit at 2 or 3 where your kid will turn from the center of the universe to terrible. They will grow out of this relatively soon. Then, there are the teenaged years. Stick with both parenting and the job that will allow you to be gone at times!