What IDIOTS (Two Falcon Air Pilots Scab for Spirit)


Ok...don't flame me bro...

I never understood the crossing of the Amerijet line, or this one (for example). I can KIND OF understand crossing Cal in 1983, UAL, or maybe even Eastern (I said "kind of" understand, not "agree with" or "would do". Please note that).

I think the CAL, UAL, and EAL scabs were offered some form of "super seniority" or something. Basically, they would have a good job (better than what they were doing prior to crossing, or being junior) and would actually get some benefit from having done this. Through a "greedy lens" I can see how this would appeal to the selfish. What I don't get are people that cross a line and make themselves a pariah at a crappy place (Amerijet and to a lesser extent Spirit). Why do this? It simply doesn't make sense...there are no tangible things except a couple bucks in your pocket today. Why wwould you sell your reputation and integrity for such minimal payback?

You have to remember that this isn't 1983 anymore, it's much harder to scab now at days. The poor F.O and the CA in this case are being crucified within 24 hours for the world too see. The Amerijet guys were probably lifers and couldn't care less, even though there still weren't many that crossed. The Spirit example is even less of a reason to scab. The people that do it frankly I think just don't care about their profession or just want to get their 15 minutes. It's really unexplainable because everyway you look at it, it's not worth scabbing.

I put the offending FO's name in the googles and got this link. Apparently somebody contacted him and got this reply.

I am sorry that I crossed the picked line. I was pressured into it by my company. I also did not understand the implications. Right after I came back I called Falcon Air crew scheduling, and told them that I did not want to do this anymore. If there where to be any consequences for the decision not to fly anymore, then so be it.

Furthermore I contacted Tony Willis, the Spirit Airlines ALPA strike coordinator in Ft. Lauderdale to explain to him that I made a mistake. I do support your cause. I offered him that I would want to walk the picket line in support of the Spirit Air pilots at the airport. He appreciated my offer, but advised me not to go because of possible confrontations.

Again, I am truly sorry for my actions and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.


I put the offending FO's name in the googles and got this link. Apparently somebody contacted him and got this reply.

I will reiterate something that AMorris once said.... "Ignorance is offensive."

Just because someone doesn't understand the implications doesn't exonerate them from wrong doing. I find it a little difficult to believe that he failed to notice his fellow employees calling in sick/refusing to fly. When in doubt ask questions.... a few simple questions to the right people could have helped him avoid this situation all together. I recommend that this gentleman stay far far away from the picket line.

Looks like the F.O is apologizing to the Spirit MEC saying he didn't know it was scab work and that he would like to walk the picket lines with the Spirit pilots now.........
how could he not have known? who doesn't keep in touch with the outside world? How could you not know what's going on in your own collective?

they did call the spirit call sign during the flight right? that call sign was called in after the strike deadline right? and he does work for another company that is not called "Spirit Airlines" right? if so...then he knew, he knew well enough what was going on.

plus, he flew the flight back as well right? was that only to cover his own and get himself back on easier to commute grounds?

also, i'd heard that the CA was a retired Delta pilot...that true?

From an outsider looking in, this looks like a cop out. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but was pressured into it? Come on. Someone got their hand caught in the cookie jar, and is just now trying to save face.

No, the captain was not a Spirit guy. There is a fired Spirit guy working for them but he was not flying that plane.

You do not want to ever get your name on a scab list. Once it goes on--it does not come off.


how could he not have known? who doesn't keep in touch with the outside world? How could you not know what's going on in your own collective?

they did call the spirit call sign during the flight right? that call sign was called in after the strike deadline right? and he does work for another company that is not called "Spirit Airlines" right? if so...then he knew, he knew well enough what was going on.

plus, he flew the flight back as well right? was that only to cover his own and get himself back on easier to commute grounds?

also, i'd heard that the CA was a retired Delta pilot...that true?

Who knows, but stranger things have happened, what if you're gone on vacation, or just go to work, clock in, do your job, clock out and go home. Not everyone is tied to the interweb constantly looking at information about possible strikes, etc. I think that there's a decent possibility that the guy is telling the truth. Nobody's that dumb. The captain was probably a lifer, and probably doesn't give a damn, but the could genuinely have not known. Is it realistic? Potentially. Did he screw the pooch pretty hard on this one? Absolutely. Do I think he's telling the whole truth? Not so much no. I'd suspect that the truth of the matter is much more complex than a vitriolic internet shout of "SCAB!!!"


Okay. everyone in the American aviation industry knows Spirit's on strike. You fly out of an airport that Spirit serves, so you DEFINITELY know. You're using the call sign "Spirit Wings." Uh....sorry, not seeing how the "I didn't know" holds any kind of water. Sorta like paying for something with a credit card with someone else's name and then saying "I didn't know it was stolen!" as the cops haul you away......

Saw this posted on the "other" website...

Looks like the guy is hanging out on FB all day. Here's what I got from him.

Post 41 on Falcon Air F/O SCAB identified !!!, Posted by "grnclvrs"

XXXXXXXXX June 13 at 2:49pm
You knew full well what you were doing when you flew that flight and now it will follow you to your grave. You undermined the efforts of a group that are getting **** on by their management. Now you look for forgiveness? *******.

Onno Bulk June 13 at 2:58pm Report
No, I did not know. If I knew what was going on, I would have never done it. I was not even aware that the rest of the Falcon Air pilots called in sick. I had been sick for two weeks, and I just had reported back for work. I heard today that my fellow pilots thought I was going back to work on tomorrow (Monday), and they intended to inform me about what was going on today. Too late now...

XXXXXXXXX June 13 at 5:09pm
Bull****. If you didn't know when you passed the picketers at the airport, you should have known when you went to a Spirit gate and certainly knew when you called clearance delivery for a clearance for "Spirit 2098."

Onno Bulk June 13 at 5:47pm Report
I was called in by my company last minute. I was told that the pilot who I was to replace had lost his company ID, and that I had to hurry. Afterwards I learned that they had caIled 2 other pilots before me. Obviously they both did not go, and so they called me without ever telling me that they declined. Anyway, I rushed to FLL. I was told to take the perimeter road and wait at BAX international parking lot. I guess that's how I missed the picket line. I never saw any picketers at the airport. After arriving at the terminal I ran to the gate where I saw a couple of pilots with a camera. They made a picture of me which I thought was odd. The pax had already boarded and the captain had already picked up the clearance. I asked the captain what our callsign was, and he replied "NKS 2098". I used "NKS 2098" until halfway to MYSM when a center controller informed me that Spirit Wings the call sign was for NKS. Before take off I saw a guy with a camera with a big tele-lens. In my ignorance I thought that he was an airplane spotter. The captain pointed out that he was probably with Spirit Air striker. It kind of started to dawn on me by that point that something was wrong. Like I said, if I had known that all the Falcon Air pilots had called in sick, I would have too!! Think about, do you really think I would have volunteered if I had known what was coming? I was never realized that I crossed a picket line. I guess you call me naive...

I'm not defending anyone here...I'm 100% behind our brothers and sisters at Spirit. I would not under any circumstances defend someone who knowingly crossed a picket line to fly struck work, PERIOD.

If (and it's a BIG IF) what this FO is saying is true and he truly did not know about this, it should be something of a "trail by jury", if you will, by the Spirit MEC.

Whatever the Spirit Pilot's decide to label him, that's all I need to know.

Okay. everyone in the American aviation industry knows Spirit's on strike. You fly out of an airport that Spirit serves, so you DEFINITELY know. You're using the call sign "Spirit Wings." Uh....sorry, not seeing how the "I didn't know" holds any kind of water. Sorta like paying for something with a credit card with someone else's name and then saying "I didn't know it was stolen!" as the cops haul you away......

The question is why though? I don't think anybody is really that dumb! It's an instant career killer, so why would a guy do it? I mean, maybe he didn't know until he got the flight release, or maybe there's something else going on. I don't know. That CA? Yeah, he's a lifer, he doesn't care, but the FO? Seriously? Why? "It just don't make sense?! This is Chewbaka..."

The only other plausible answer for this that I've seen in this thread was that he was looking for his 15 minutes, but even then, I don't know if that would be a good enough justification for even the most vain of pilots.

My take? The guy is a complete weasel. Sounds like a lot of excuses Maggie would give if she were caught doing something she knew was wrong. Just my opinion.

EDIT: The guy says he just came off of two weeks of sick time. Maybe all his sick time is used up...couldn't call in sick maybe...thought he'd lose his job? Smells like a steaming pile to me. Again, just my opinion.

My take? The guy is a complete weasel. Sounds like a lot of excuses Maggie would give if she were caught doing something she knew was wrong. Just my opinion.

EDIT: The guy says he just came off of two weeks of sick time. Maybe all his sick time is used up...couldn't call in sick maybe...thought he'd lose his job? Smells like a steaming pile to me. Again, just my opinion.

I know at Horizon, I could call in sick even if I didn't have any time in my sick "bank"...I just wouldn't get paid for the time that I was sick for...

Onno Bulk June 13 at 5:47pm Report
I was called in by my company last minute. I was told that the pilot who I was to replace had lost his company ID, and that I had to hurry. Afterwards I learned that they had caIled 2 other pilots before me. Obviously they both did not go, and so they called me without ever telling me that they declined. Anyway, I rushed to FLL. I was told to take the perimeter road and wait at BAX international parking lot. I guess that's how I missed the picket line. I never saw any picketers at the airport. After arriving at the terminal I ran to the gate where I saw a couple of pilots with a camera. They made a picture of me which I thought was odd. The pax had already boarded and the captain had already picked up the clearance. I asked the captain what our callsign was, and he replied "NKS 2098". I used "NKS 2098" until halfway to MYSM when a center controller informed me that Spirit Wings the call sign was for NKS. Before take off I saw a guy with a camera with a big tele-lens. In my ignorance I thought that he was an airplane spotter. The captain pointed out that he was probably with Spirit Air striker. It kind of started to dawn on me by that point that something was wrong. Like I said, if I had known that all the Falcon Air pilots had called in sick, I would have too!! Think about, do you really think I would have volunteered if I had known what was coming? I was never realized that I crossed a picket line. I guess you call me naive...

from the quote of his other post:

I was pressured into it by my company. I also did not understand the implications.

So which is it?

Can't the coms be pulled from the outbound to see if he said "NKS" as opposed to "Spirit Wings?"

from the quote of his other post:

So which is it?

Can't the coms be pulled from the outbound to see if he said "NKS" as opposed to "Spirit Wings?"

Would it matter if he said "NKS" or "Spirit Wings" or "Dildo Express"? A scab is a scab is a scab. Ignorance is no excuse for it. I'm not someone who looks for the union label most of the time, but seriously, what is the point of even discussing why this guy did what he did? The result is what matters, not the intent.

So which is it?

Can't the coms be pulled from the outbound to see if he said "NKS" as opposed to "Spirit Wings?"

To be honest...I'm not sure of anything at this point, other than he did fly that MD-82 from FLL to MYSM as an FO.

To that point, he is a SCAB...period.

If he did in fact talk to the Spirit MEC and the Spirit MEC/Pilot's decide that his "story" holds up for them...fine by me...but until I see or hear something from them saying that he's not a SCAB, he is and will forever be one.

Too bad we can't make people walk the plank anymore...:yar:

I give people the benefit of the doubt, but this sounds like a Timothy Martins type excuse. I bet he's happy to be out of the ALPA spot light now.

It would be interesting to hear the ATC tapes to see if he was indeed using "NKS 2098" call sign or if it was Spirit. I guess that might confirm some of his story.