What do you hate most about the job?

New pair of leather gloves - $10

Uniform cleaning fee - $3

Black work boots - $75

Realizing you forgot to remove the doughnut AFTER pulling the handle - Priceless
New pair of leather gloves - $10

Uniform cleaning fee - $3

Black work boots - $75

Realizing you forgot to remove the doughnut AFTER pulling the handle - Priceless

Hehe, that's great. Reminds me of a story...we had quite a few trips into my facility from a very famous female (she's from here), and recently had a baby. Well, one of my coworkers was doing the lav, and pulled the handle...only to have the donut drop into the lav cart. Needless to say, he was elbow deep in KH/TC's ##### feeling around for the doughnut. Not fun.
Sometimes I'll get really pissed off trying to connect a SPR hose that's in a bad location. Makes me even madder if the APU is on and the airplane is doing a quick turn (read: being rushed).
I know it was said before but:
Jet A bath's
Dry washing the G4
Some jackrabbit watching me fuel his crap 152 like a hawk in case I put in Jet A.
Cold new england mornings and diesel fuel trucks with crap glow plugs. (ohh and someone forgot to plug in the block the night before)
Pilots that won't give a kid a ride in their plane
Stacking 5 airplanes in a hanger meant for 3. No hanger rash now!

Glad I'm not doing line anymore!
I like getting the call for a deice, do the job put everything away.Then they call in a fuel order. Get the deicer out and do it all over again.That is just stupid!
I like getting the call for a deice, do the job put everything away.Then they call in a fuel order. Get the deicer out and do it all over again.That is just stupid!

Did I tell you this happened to me this year? Teller1900 probably remembers this night. I had deiced them and all and they just got the word that RKD couldn't fuel so I had to go get the truck, fuel the 1900, and come back for the second deice. I didn't care, they paid me both of em.:D
Did I tell you this happened to me this year? Teller1900 probably remembers this night. I had deiced them and all and they just got the word that RKD couldn't fuel so I had to go get the truck, fuel the 1900, and come back for the second deice. I didn't care, they paid me both of em.<IMG class=inlineimg title="Big Grin" alt="" src="images/smilies/biggrin.gif" border=0 smilieid="3">
<P>I did it three times in one hr and only got paid for one,you remember that Mav. I was pissed. They had ground stops&nbsp;at BOS.<IMG alt=0 src="http://forums.jetcareers.com/images/smilies/banghead.gif" border=0 smilieid="14"></P>
<P>I did it three times in one hr and only got paid for one,you remember that Mav. I was pissed. They had ground stops&nbsp;at BOS.<IMG alt=0 src="http://forums.jetcareers.com/images/smilies/banghead.gif" border=0 smilieid="14"></P>

Yeah, I remember that. So far I've always been paid for every deice.
All in all, I definitely have had worse jobs in my life. But there are definitely some things that tick me off...

- Taking off the lav cap to find some joker pulled the handle after he put the cap back on at the last FBO.

- Taking the 100LL truck all the way out to the northeast side of the airport for a fuel call, getting all the way back to the FBO, just starting to back the truck into the parking space, and getting another call for a fuel order back on the northeast side.

- Pilots who will have me drive the truck up to their plane, but insist on fueling it themselves...instead of taxiing up to the self-fuel pump and saving themselves 50 cents a gallon.

- Pilots will want their catering...take it to them...then they decide they want two bags of ice...go back, get ice, bring back to them...then they decide they want another bag of ice...go back, get ice, bring back to them...Oh yes, do you have any newspapers left and I guess we're going to get fuel here afterall. No tip.

- I work overnights on the weekends...if I have to go and service one plane that night, it's a busy night. I'd rather keep busy.

- De-icing on a windy day.

- Planes that completely ignore me when I'm trying to park them and park themselves right in the hole everyone else uses to exit the ramp.

- Having to get a second job to afford flying lessons.

- Jet A geysers...while the pilot's watching.

- Pilots and passengers who consider that us line guys rank right there with something they have to scrape off their shoes.

- Being screamed at over the radio by an overbearing supervisor for something minor when the customers can hear it too. (Though it warmed my heart when he did that in front of a NetJets pilot, and the pilot 'wanted a word with that man', then handed me a very healthy tip)

But the fun things and the experience of working around airplanes make it all worthwhile. :rawk: