What do you hate most about the job?

When I was working line, we had a new guy that was paired up with us and responsible to train. His goal in life was to work line, but he wasn't the sharpest tool in the box. If you didn't watch him he was literally going to walk into a prop. It took almost 3 months of near death experiences, spilled fuel, scrambled paperwork, and irate rich 172 owners before he was.....no, not canned...demoted to yard man. Two months after daily near death-by-lawnmower he got canned. That was probably what I liked least about line.

Most?,...Counter girls.
Counter girls can go well with this thread. I really dislike how they never know what is going on. Not only that, some of them are pretty immature and do not know how to deal with people which in turn makes me (and the business) bad.
:yeahthat::yeahthat: Pretty much every thing written so far on this thread. I'll add these two:

"Working" with lazy people who have bad attitudes. These people could be other line guys, desk girls, and the fractional pilot who thinks everyone in the world is stupid and dispatch is out to get them!

Some corporate pilots will call themselves "limo drivers", not to disregard their profession but as a sign of humility. Others think they are as important and deserving of kow towing as the billionaires who own the airplane they are hired to fly.

For the record, the people who worked the desk at my FBO on my shift were among the finest in the business.
"blue" running down the arm after doing a lav

At least that stuff is clean. It does suck though when it dries and it takes a few days to get it off your skin.

I didn't connect the lav discharge hose correctly on a falcon a couple of weeks ago and as soon as I pulled the handle, the weight of the discahrge made the hose disconnect and I had lav water allover the ramp. Glady, not only did the hose fall to the opposite side of where I was, but there wasn't anything solid in it.
Well I guess my list is as follows:

-Bonanza pilots (don't spill fuel on my wing!)
-Fueling the center tank on an Aerostar
-Doing Dry lavs
-A certain base pilot that loves to watch us move planes in and out of the hangar....just in case we end up hitting something.
-Pilots who are ###### bags
-When 1400 hits, I have a half hour left, but now second shift is on the clock. They usually take their good old time in "getting ready"...by chatting, eating, and lounging inside while the 1st shift guys are parking airplanes. Oh, and none of them have a radio on even though there are plenty available. So if we need assistance and all the other 1st guys are tied up...you're by yourself.
-Management, once again. We have two locations at this airport, the FBO and MX. We (the FBO) usually get the shaft on everything.
-Overwinging a certain Corporate Flight Department's Citation V. They come in everyday almost. It starts with M and ends with ards.
-Washing airplanes. I absolutely hate doing this because it's overly time consuming, and I would rather be out on the line than couped up in the hangar.
-Low Leader pilots who are complete #########s and complain about everything.
-A certain airline ground crew that will flip out if their plane isn't fueled 30 minutes prior to departure so they can go back to their office and watch TV.
-The fact that whenever we get food or sit down to eat...stuff starts happening.
-Piaggio P180...it's single point, that's great and all...but it seems like you could overwing it faster.
-Pilots who want their plane moved 20 ft closer to do the door.

And pretty much everything that everyone else said.
Oh, has anyone gotten prist on themselves?:banghead:

Careful with that, prist is nasty stuff! (Not that you didn't already know that...)

By the way, are you working the line at BCT? Which FBO? Maybe I'll see you down there sometime, we go in there quite a bit.

N519AT said:
-Overwinging a certain Corporate Flight Department's Citation V. They come in everyday almost. It starts with M and ends with ards.

One of their F/O's is a good friend of mine. I will tell him to suggest that they buy their fuel somewhere else so as not to annoy you. :);) (just kidding)
-The fact that whenever we get food or sit down to eat...stuff starts happening.
-Piaggio P180...it's single point, that's great and all...but it seems like you could overwing it faster.

Couldn't have said those two any better. I thought I was the only one who thought that!
-The fact that whenever we get food or sit down to eat...stuff starts happening.

Every aircraft on the field would need fuel come dinner time... Sometimes it seemed like right as everybody was about to take their first bite roughly 300 aircraft needed fuel, and toss in a LAV with the clear hose on our LAV cart to ruin your appetite.
Every aircraft on the field would need fuel come dinner time... Sometimes it seemed like right as everybody was about to take their first bite roughly 300 aircraft needed fuel, and toss in a LAV with the clear hose on our LAV cart to ruin your appetite.

Same here, as soon as I'm about to shove my face with a sandwhich, flight school gets busy, people want gas, can you fill my tires? thanks!, run a deposit slip.....:rolleyes:

Its not that bad :)
Tips on a 36 by yourself
Overwinging a caravan on floats
inner tanks on a king air
dude in a 421 that thinks his crap dont stink
trunk in a MU-300 (Mitsubishi beechjet thing)
Brownish-green juice.
Airport managers
Overwinging a V that came from Alabama (600 + gallons) by yourself.
Brian, Phillips has their stuff pre-mixed. No prist for me.

Airline side
used diaper in a stroller in the bin that bursts and gets gel ALL over the place
loose bottle of baby powder that gets a bag dropped on it right infront of the air vent
A certain ex-MCO based Captain
Pissed off passengers
I actually don't mind the King Air inboards. You get to sit/lay down! :nana2:

Now if you're fueling it by yourself and have to strain to see the meter, it can be a different story.

One night I had to top all four on a 1900 in the dark, zero degrees, with the wind blowing. The crew was doing a part 91 repo from AUG-BHB-JHW and was supposed to come back to AUG but enroute they had an inner part of the windshield break and went to Sherbrooke. Got the call at midnight they weren't going to make it back.
Caravan on floats sucks but the best way is to back the fuel truck up to the leading edge and stand on the platform. Works awesome!

Here's my list:

people cutting in line to get fuel
fueling the MU2
fueling floatplanes
people leaving their planes on the ramp and don't tell you they want it fueled and put away.
people coming in when I'm closing and complaining that they are going to be charged an afterhours fee
emptying a hanger and pulling a plane out only to have them say I guess I'm not going to fly, you can put it away