What cert to go for next, staying involved with aviation


Well-Known Member
Over the past few years, I have upped my game from PPL SE (2001) to Multi (2009), Comm & Instrument, Multi (2011, 12, 13) along with the Ground Instructor exams. Class 1 Medical w/SODA.

Although I have another career, having knocked that challenge out of the way I am eager to hit the next step up, even if aviation keeps on being a part time activity for me.

The logical next step is CFI. Being a foreign citizen it seems tougher to find a way to teach in the US and get paid for it (no green card) but it seems more likely someone would be able to accomodate me.

I could get typed (I had to turn down a Flight Safety UK internship as they would give no pay for a year, I'm not that rich!) but when I come to keep current in the next few months, I have an ADX written I could convert into a certificate. I am even tempted on the Flight Engineer side.

Any suggestions?


PS - I would love a career in aviation, but it is unlikely to come to fruition, so some of the more interesting experiences (flying a DC-3 etc) are exciting me, to do while I can.
Why do you believe that a career in aviation is unlikely for you?

If you want something practical, go get a CFI. Time to start turning your investment and experience into a little money in your pocket.

I you want something fun and can afford something expensive, go get a single engine seaplane rating, or perhaps a glider rating.

If you want someone less expensive go get a tail wheel sign off.

All of the above are not only "things to get" but will add value and a breadth of experience to your knowledge.
If you want "interesting experiences" go get some aerobatic instruction in an Extra or Pitts, it will definitely be interesting AND valuable.
For practical purposes, FAA CFI abroad can be useful as you can give still exercise the privileges outside the US and get paid for it, for example recurrent training of someone who has an FAA license or flight review etc. Lots of FAA certs exist outside the US, ask some local flight schools in the area if they could use a CFI with FAA certs.

I agree with tail wheel, glider, floatplane etc if it is just a case of something else interesting to do.
I think a career in aviation would be possible but at 325TT unlikely without hour building, most likely via CFI.

The other career is more stable but I still want to keep involved in aviation at least part-time. Anything in the engineering sphere is of interest also.

CFI Initial could be interesting, it'd be a busy 3 weeks that's for sure if I did it later this year.