We need a Freight forum....

How about my girlfriend -- and she's multilingual!

I notice that some of the school forums don't have much traffic

[/ QUOTE ] Maybe some of the slower shcools could all be combined in a "other" forum and either have one general "other" discussion or create sub forums. Just a thought.

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At one time, that's the way it was. However, we have about two or three people who say, "What about XYZ Flight School? Why can't we have a forum for it?"

So, Doug sets one up, and then maybe one of those guys posts to it for maybe a week...
Amanda Bynes:


But you can not have a post with good looking birds and not have these 2 featured. Atleast not a board I am an admin of - I am responsible for ensuring the quality of the forum.

Nice sweet honest loving kind men who are faithful are an endangered species.

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe that's why nobody comes near us... don't want to destroy the species.
See? That wasn't so bad Michelle! All you women get so worked up about this looks stuff, but don't realize the majority of men like the women who are the beautiful girl next door types! Sheesh!
I actually have to say TheWife and her husband have guts. I sure as hell know me neither me or my wife would allow a picture of her to go up on the net
(yes I have seen what happens to them). Ha, anyway...Pilot602 or who ever was right, talk about a trainwreck.

Anyway...FreightForum, yeah cool!

BTW, if you need "July", I could get all oiled up, put on my leopard skin thong, mirrored sunglasses and my uniform hat and sit on my riding lawn mower!

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A300Capt, for some reason that makes me picture Dale Gribble from "King of the Hill." Thanks a lot for that mental image.


BTW, on a related topic, I saw in the paper the other day that Playboy is planning a Girls of Wal-Mart pictorial. (I'm not kidding.)
I actually have to say TheWife and her husband have guts. I sure as hell know me neither me or my wife would allow a picture of her to go up on the net (yes I have seen what happens to them).

[/ QUOTE ] Are you meaning pervs or something? Well you can't hide from everybody and protect everything, I'd rather have my family and friends enjoy our pictures as they don't all live close enough to see Caleb. Sickos can get off with a newspaper ad, hoping they aren't doing it with any of my pictures, but I am not going to email them all to all my family as opposed to having them hosted on one site, "Just in case". KWIM?

I have also heard about the WM pictorial. Funny cause I haven't ever come across any one at WM that I would um, think would be good for a pictoral.
All I see is a little red "x"

[/ QUOTE ]

Why is it that I can't ever manage to get a picture going on this thing? Oh, hell, I'm just not computer literate.

It was a picture of Heidi Klum. Give me some credit for taste, will ya?

Are you meaning pervs or something?

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Yeah-Thats exactly what I mean. We stuied internet security in my last year of college. Was a great thing to learn. Had a guest speaker and everything from the military. Theres a lot of it, and it just takes one person to get you're face (or body) all over the net.
Sickos can get off with a newspaper ad

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You mean like in "There's Something About Mary?" That was one funny movie!
Don'tcha mean right up until the moment your wife lays eyes on you laying eyes on her...?

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Naw - my wife trusts me - and she has every reason to. Faithful as a puppy here.

Actually, there's no one prettier than my wife in my eyes.

Not saying that girl isn't freakin' HOT - she is..... to me though - she can't compare.

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Meow! Meow! Meow!

Just kidding!