We need a Freight forum....


Well-Known Member
They have one at flightinfo...gotta keep up with the competition. I notice that some of the school forums don't have much traffic...I'm sure a cargo/freight section would do better.
They have one at flightinfo...gotta keep up with the competition. I notice that some of the school forums don't have much traffic...I'm sure a cargo/freight section would do better.

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Hey... hey... hey... are you mocking us?
Well...I was going to mock you. But then I remembered the conversation I had with the Captain I was flying with last week. In the mid-90's, UPS hired two super low time, intern type, dudes from Purdue. They had a lot of heavy jet sim time and UPS figured they could easily pass the F/E training but they were "experiements" beyond that. While UPS hasn't hired any more experiements, the Purdue guys did well and the one who I once met is a junior Captain now.

I really don't like the idea of low time guys being major airline pilots, but it seems to have worked out okay for those guys.

I believe it was the Westwind forum that I looked at that hadn't had a post in a while.
There are what, 4 or 5 girls here too? Let's have a girls only forum! LOL. Recipes, nail polish, drapery, flat irons, bon bons and Victoria Secret...
Well...I was going to mock you.

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Hey, it's all good. I wouldn't dish it out if I couldn't take it!

I don't know you that well, but I don't need no-doze to get through the daylight hours.
Maybe we could have a "Girls of Jetcareers" calender.....as a revenue source for the site...

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LOL! Is there even enough to make all 12 months (Miss Jan, Feb... etc)?
Maybe we could have a "Girls of Jetcareers" calender.....as a revenue source for the site...

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I like it - we will get them wearing 'remove before flight' jetcareers line in colaboration with Victoria Secret. I am sure someone has some networking.
I really don't like the idea of low time guys being major airline pilots, but it seems to have worked out okay for those guys.

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Yeah, we have some real "super stars" here. I'm with you, I don't relish the idea of college grads becoming major airline pilots as their first job.

Heck, I'm still peddling trying to get my commerical. I'm in the aviation management program, so I have to do my training on the side (along with a full course load). My friend, a sophomore, is already a CFI!
Well this might be conterversial. But since there are only 3 maybe 5 girls on this site.

Maybe we should have a mens calender more then enough of them to go round.

There are a few that I'd like to see ona calender but not gonna say any names.
Well sorry I wasn't being serious I just thought I'd add some levity to the post.

But I think that a Freight forum would be nice as I wouldn't mind being a freight pilot or a regional pilot before moving up to the big "D".

Thats Delta Airlines....(duh).

Yes, yes.... Freight Dogs forum!! Bring it on!! I'd LOVE to see that as I'm HIGHLY interested in that form of flying!!

April what? (day?). Mine is the 7th.

[/ QUOTE ] April 29th is birthday and April 24th is wedding anniversary. I knew there was something about you I liked R2F.
I notice that some of the school forums don't have much traffic

[/ QUOTE ] Maybe some of the slower shcools could all be combined in a "other" forum and either have one general "other" discussion or create sub forums. Just a thought.
Maybe we could have a "Girls of Jetcareers" calender.....as a revenue source for the site...

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Be careful what you wish for, "The Wife" is a pretty strong gal, I am quite confident that she will push for a "Guys of Jetcareers" calender and have us spinning around in a "G" string.
a)I'd rather view a female calendar then a male calendar, as the male body is not exactly eye pleasing. (although I do get much pleasure from veiwing dh in his "Top Gun" thong.)

b)I've had a baby and I am not Demi Moore, I don't think anyone would want to see ME on a calendar either.
