I would like to make a motion:
I motion we create an award. It will be called the Szluka Award. Who's with me?
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I'll second that motion. But we have to figure out a way to write up the criteria for winning it.
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You have my vote for a Szluka Award.
The way I see it, to be eligible for the Szluka Award you have to not only party for an extended period of time, but you have to exhibit some randomness to where you went and what you did (and with whom you did it). Now someone certainly could stay out late -- no real trick to that -- but the sheer abandon with which Szluka took on Vegas is going to be hard to match. Simply meeting a girl (er, woman) won't do it.
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Wow guys, I dunno what to say!
All I know is if you're gonna do something, you better do it well! Life is too short... and if you take it too seriously, you'll never get out alive.
It just happened because of the positive rush of energy and influence from the JetCareersers!!!
Next year is going to be golden. We better have one huge group! Johnny T is going to be upset if he shows up for a 20 person group.