Two Lockheed Electra crashes in as many days.

Now, if these Electra rumors are true and he crashed doing a demo specifically to show how bad those other Electra pilots screwed up only to not follow the checklist himself, then..."let's see him wriggle his way out of this one".

Won’t be a problem. And people will believe him. It’s like the Fox and Dominion’s largest settlement ever for a media lawsuit. Yeah, it happened. They still don’t care. And continue to watch and believe Fox.

People aren’t gonna change.
Is the DailyMail reader actually knocking people that watch Fox???
I hope so. Fox is what you might call controlled opposition. To get folks riled up you need to create a division so as the angst ramps up everyone chooses a side, without some sort of opposition to focus attention away from reality the majority of the population might look deeper into what's actually happening. What better tool was there than the 24 hr news cycle stations? I remember when CNN just reported the news worldwide and didn't editorialize, but all of those broadcasters have divested themselves of any fiduciary duty to just report the news in the face of the internet absolutely overtaking them as them as most folks main source of reporting current events. This scared the crap out of the folks pulling the strings and that's why alphabet agency folks were working at twitter, facebook and many other companies trying desperately to control the narrative, the cat's out of the bag, the barn door is open or Pandoras box's lid has been thrown wide open. I applaud unrestricted access to the truth, but a small portion of people don't agree with me, it's weird that they're what we call the "elite". And now there's a large portion of folks so accustomed to protesting that have run out of things to be angry about they're starting to bite the hand that feeds them. I doubt you care what I think, so don't pretend to be sympathetic.
Welcome to the Cherokee Cruiser hour sponsored by Westinghouse and Pabst Blue Ribbon…

Tonight, we're going to enjoy the smooth jazz of Charles Mingus, Norman Mailer is here to read an excerpt from his latest book, and then we also have a girl from Omaha who's hiding a banana. We'll find out where.


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but a small portion of people don't agree with me, it's weird that they're what we call the "elite".

I think MAGA as well as establishment Democrats are particularly bad at identifying "who" the "elites" are. I will offer a suggestion. "They" aren't the govt payroll people at "alphabet agencies", no matter how misguided some of their programs have been historically.
I think MAGA as well as establishment Democrats are particularly bad at identifying "who" the "elites" are. I will offer a suggestion. "They" aren't the govt payroll people at "alphabet agencies", no matter how misguided some of their programs have been historically.
Anthony Fauci was the highest paid employee in the US federal government. He was never voted into his position, he was a bureaucrat. He recently joked about turning down a $7 million dollar salary. You're right, there's plenty of blame to spread around on both sides of the entire machine. Here's an explanation of where your taxes go from an unbiased YouTuber...

Anthony Fauci was the highest paid employee in the US federal government. He was never voted into his position, he was a bureaucrat. He recently joked about turning down a $7 million dollar salary. You're right, there's plenty of blame to spread around on both sides of the entire machine. Here's an explanation of where your taxes go from an unbiased YouTuber...


Straight for the horse’s mouth, he wasn’t in it for the money. Also, checks notes, no one knew who was until 2020 and he worked in that department for nearly 40 years, which means he had plenty of opportunities to seek a higher income in the private sector but didn’t because he believed in the work the NIH was doing.

Sort of refutes the conspiracy that he is part of the deep state and used his position for personal gain.
Straight for the horse’s mouth, he wasn’t in it for the money. Also, checks notes, no one knew who was until 2020 and he worked in that department for nearly 40 years, which means he had plenty of opportunities to seek a higher income in the private sector but didn’t because he believed in the work the NIH was doing.

Sort of refutes the conspiracy that he is part of the deep state and used his position for personal gain.
I never said he was part of the "deep state", I said he was the highest paid federal employee and no one elected him. Did you watch the video I posted? If you think the federal government isn't a bloated unsustainable institution at this point you're lying to yourself. They're the largest employer in the country.
I never said he was part of the "deep state", I said he was the highest paid federal employee and no one elected him. Did you watch the video I posted? If you think the federal government isn't a bloated unsustainable institution at this point you're lying to yourself. They're the largest employer in the country.

I did not. The thing is, YouTube influencers rely on views as income, just like Dan Gryder, and as a the viewer, I am cautious how I spend my clicks. For the same reason, I’ve never watched one of Jerry’s twin Cessna videos.

Why bring up Dr. Fauci today, a year and a half after he retired? That’s easy. Right wing media is running stories about Dr. Fauci’s compensation and that’s why you’re mentioning him now, in a thread about a vintage airplane hitting a tree.
I did not. The thing is, YouTube influencers rely on views as income, just like Dan Gryder, and as a the viewer, I am cautious how I spend my clicks. For the same reason, I’ve never watched one of Jerry’s twin Cessna videos.

Why bring up Dr. Fauci today, a year and a half after he retired? That’s easy. Right wing media is running stories about Dr. Fauci’s compensation and that’s why you’re mentioning him now, in a thread about a vintage airplane hitting a tree.
I replied to some one else and you jumped in and changed the subject, I replied. You want with every fiber of your being to define me as a some sort of a right wing activist. I'm not, but I'm also not blind. I don't understand this unfettered devotion to a political ideology, it's becoming a religion and it seems as if Joe Biden is the Pope.
I replied to some one else and you jumped in and changed the subject, I replied. You want with every fiber of your being to define me as a some sort of a right wing activist. I'm not, but I'm also not blind. I don't understand this unfettered devotion to a political ideology, it's becoming a religion and it seems as if Joe Biden is the Pope.
Dan Gryder is Guy Fawkes then