Two Lockheed Electra crashes in as many days.

If you think the federal government isn't a bloated unsustainable institution at this point you're lying to yourself.

I do, but exactly none of them, outside of perhaps elected officials, are "elites". They aren't billionaires. Maybe the moniker of "elite" is just an inappropriate title to describe what you, and many others, are trying to describe. But I'd tend to agree that the actual definition of elite, describes a lot of what is wrong with this country and world. They are just very good at getting us commoners to point our fingers at someone else. It's a survival instinct.
I replied to some one else and you jumped in and changed the subject, I replied. You want with every fiber of your being to define me as a some sort of a right wing activist. I'm not, but I'm also not blind. I don't understand this unfettered devotion to a political ideology, it's becoming a religion and it seems as if Joe Biden is the Pope.

Yes, I did respond to a post. The rest, is uh, predictable.

This probably could become its own thread, but if you think the government is too big, [gestures at all the Boeing threads] see what happens when corporations self-regulate.