Thoughts? Pushback clearance not required, but...

My new favorite airport, GDL…

I like to think of myself as a GA guy who happens to fly airliners, but I know I don’t do enough GA flying anymore.

With that said, you’ll get no argument here. 121 guys, in general, flip out on non-towered airports.

This doesn’t include the SE Alaska regulars. I consider myself a regular but I’m not a master like a few of the captains I regularly see.

So yeah we are dealing with the FSS, traffic calls, HFR clearances and even a few local traffic call outs on a common frequency for VFR traffic on top of it all.

It’s pretty wild at times, for 121 ops.

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The things I’ve called my Captains over the years would make most of your heads explode:
Boss (Hoss never took)
Your Dude-ness
My Man

I just want you (and all of them) know that it comes from a place of Love. Sure, it may get on your nerves, but c’mon. Do you really think none of your mannerisms ever annoy anyone!?
That's cool. My manual says nothing about that. And it was a comment in general about flying with totally out of touch captains that want to micromanage the conversation with ATC when it's their leg (or on the ground in an non PF/PM operation).
My favorite is when they ask you a question everyone knows like “what runway do you want” or HCF asking which runway you are LITERALLY holding short of and they say “RUNWAY 3” in the background.

thanks, Cap