Thoughts? Pushback clearance not required, but...

Probably a certain bias towards being non-military myself, but I didn't really like being called Captain. It was fine when it was the rampers or loaders cause there was no way they new my name. I think just using first names was best. I guess I was pretty informal. I'd often hold the door open for the F/O if I was walking in the front and let them get their hotel key first if they were first in the door. Being courteous, polite, and easy to deal and work with goes a long way. I think most people enjoyed flying with me because I was laid back. It certainly wasn't my flying skillz. I loved it when the young load supe would bring us our weight and balance papers. Often you could tell they were nervous cause they probably got yelled at many times by type A flight crews. If they called me Capt, I'd say "hi, I'm Don and this is Joe the F/O, how's it going? You could see the stress melt in their face.
You guys are cute. If you’re the FO, you’re making a courtesy call at AUS. It is literally the ONLY note under our Departures…

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As long as you realize this is written for every airport that doesn’t have a ramp or ground freq listed. Also a lot of places like MCO I’ve heard ground asking people not to call for push since they are so busy. The combination is like nails on a chalkboard.

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As long as you realize this is written for every airport that doesn’t have a ramp or ground freq listed. Also a lot of places like MCO I’ve heard ground asking people not to call for push since they are so busy. The combination is like nails on a chalkboard.

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If it’s in the 10-7, you’re doing it as the FO.

Go take the upgrade if you can’t do your job as a FO properly, and then run your own ship as CA to Beefy’s standard of operations.
Anything but boss works for me.

The forum spambots love to register with "CALLING PEOPLE HOSS". Yeahhh, delete:
Screenshot 2022-12-12 at 10.08.46.png
If it’s in the 10-7, you’re doing it as the FO.

Go take the upgrade if you can’t do your job as a FO properly, and then run your own ship as CA to Beefy’s standard of operations.

So like if it says not to on the ATIS? Or if ground sounds like an auctioneer from Tennessee and has told several aircraft not to do it?

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I flew with a CA that would basically try to tell me what to say on the radio constantly.

"You're throwing me off, man!"
I'll see that raise you giving you the frequency to talk on before instructing you on what to say.

Had a guy at USAir do that to me."30.05, Tell them that we're ready for push."

Uh, dude? I've been based here for 3 years. I think I know the ramp tower frequency by now.
I'll see that raise you giving you the frequency to talk on before instructing you on what to say.

Had a guy at USAir do that to me."30.05, Tell them that we're ready for push."

Uh, dude? I've been based here for 3 years. I think I know the ramp tower frequency by now.

Yeah, that’s always fun.

I had a captain a couple years ago explain to me the process for obtaining a clearance. Cool, I’ve only been flying for 20 years, thanks for clearing that up!

So freaking glad I upgraded… I tell my FOs from the start to do what needs to be done on their leg. Turn on the anti-ice as you see fit, tell me what you want with ATC for Wx deviations, etc. They seem to appreciate it.
Yeah, that’s always fun.

I had a captain a couple years ago explain to me the process for obtaining a clearance. Cool, I’ve only been flying for 20 years, thanks for clearing that up!

So freaking glad I upgraded… I tell my FOs from the start to do what needs to be done on their leg. Turn on the anti-ice as you see fit, tell me what you want with ATC for Wx deviations, etc. They seem to appreciate it.
Had a dude on a rando line check with a Fed, starts briefing me that ohare is crazy busy. “So when we talk to ATC, we will talk about it, then we’ll call them, we’ll write down what they say, then confirm with each other, then respond”.