Thoughts? Pushback clearance not required, but...

That's cool. My manual says nothing about that. And it was a comment in general about flying with totally out of touch captains that want to micromanage the conversation with ATC when it's their leg (or on the ground in an non PF/PM operation).

I flew with a CA that would basically try to tell me what to say on the radio constantly.

"You're throwing me off, man!"
I flew with a CA that would basically try to tell me what to say on the radio constantly.

"You're throwing me off, man!"
My personal favorite, when center asks for a ride report and the captain says what the response should be.

Side bar, since upgrading almost every FO calls me sir which is jarring but also they ask if it's ok to switch to tower when we are taxing outbound. Bizarre.
My personal favorite, when center asks for a ride report and the captain says what the response should be.

Side bar, since upgrading almost every FO calls me sir which is jarring but also they ask if it's ok to switch to tower when we are taxing outbound. Bizarre.

And everything thinks you know stuff too, amarite? :)
I flew with a CA that would basically try to tell me what to say on the radio constantly.

"You're throwing me off, man!"

It's more things like when going into ICN (and the 10-7 page says they will clear you to land short final) and the Captain tells you to ask tower for a landing clearance every half mile while still 10 miles out.

Edit: and then get salty when, after the second time, you tell them you'll wait a bit before asking again.
I'm not a fan of the ramp in Austin, but Tacodeli is just sooooo good. It outweighs the bad of the ramp, except during a weather event. Also, as a general rule of thumb always give way to Southwest. Always.

You simply must visit the Amy's Ice Cream while you're there and ask for a Mexican Vanilla Brown Cow. I believe they're by gate 7-ish....but my memory is a little hazy.

It's a couple thousand calories of the most amazing chocolate shake I've ever had. @Minuteman - concur?
My personal favorite, when center asks for a ride report and the captain says what the response should be.

Side bar, since upgrading almost every FO calls me sir which is jarring but also they ask if it's ok to switch to tower when we are taxing outbound. Bizarre.

Dying breed.

I'm young(ish) but I've noticed it's the older FOs who, even though look almost old enough to be my father, will say "hey Captain" and carry a respectful tone.

The younger FOs in the LAX crowd? Surfer type hey brah!

It's almost as if there's a direct correlation between age and maturity when it comes to cockpit workings.
It's more things like when going into ICN (and the 10-7 page says they will clear you to land short final) and the Captain tells you to ask tower for a landing clearance every half mile while still 10 miles out.

Edit: and then get salty when, after the second time, you tell them you'll wait a bit before asking again.

Hey Cap, you know why it's called Incheon right?

You have to inch on to get a landing clearance!

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Y'all remember a United and an AA got in to it on the ramp in AUS a few years ago. Can't remember if they high fived or one slapped the other on the behind. I think it was a butt slap, actually. IIRC, the report identified the lack of ramp control in AUS as a factor.

I might also be smoking crack.
Dying breed.

I'm young(ish) but I've noticed it's the older FOs who, even though look almost old enough to be my father, will say "hey Captain" and carry a respectful tone.

The younger FOs in the LAX crowd? Surfer type hey brah!

It's almost as if there's a direct correlation between age and maturity when it comes to cockpit workings.
Not really. In the past week I had a 2x, 3x, 5x year old FOs and they've all done it.

I've been a captain most of my career but this is my first 121 left seat so I critique myself constantly.
My personal favorite, when center asks for a ride report and the captain says what the response should be.

Side bar, since upgrading almost every FO calls me sir which is jarring but also they ask if it's ok to switch to tower when we are taxing outbound. Bizarre.

I don't say "sir" cause this isn't the military anymore, but I have been known to check if switching tower is cool. We didn't do that at mil bases, ground positively switches you. I think I cracked that code at last (like be up tower at least in time to hear the guy in front of you get cleared for TO.....but sometimes earlier if its busy and they might offer you a different parallel early).....but I had no previous frame of reference to base that decision on. I do say "captain" here and there. Seems like both a sign of respect, as well as a "it's your show, tell me what you need" icebreaker.

"That was brilliant, sir, I bet everyone without range of your radio just loved the quip. The 'meow' just capped it all off nicely"

In the van to the airport in Maui on my last HI trip, I asked my CA if he wanted me to throw out some meows on the RTB. Told him I had a pretty good meow game. I did admit that I couldn't understand how a couple adults could decide that is what they wanted to do with their time, but that if he wanted it, I'd deliver. He said no thanks. Then I asked if he had thoughts about how a flat earth could have so much water on it
I don't say "sir" cause this isn't the military anymore, but I have been known to check if switching tower is cool. We didn't do that at mil bases, ground positively switches you. I think I cracked that code at last (like be up tower at least in time to hear the guy in front of you get cleared for TO.....but sometimes earlier if its busy and they might offer you a different parallel early).....but I had no previous frame of reference to base that decision on. I do say "captain" here and there. Seems like both a sign of respect, as well as a "it's your show, tell me what you need" icebreaker.
Anything but boss works for me.
I think I cracked that code at last (like be up tower at least in time to hear the guy in front of you get cleared for TO.....but sometimes earlier if its busy and they might offer you a different parallel early).....but I had no previous frame of reference to base that decision on.

In general, unless there is a sign, notice, or instruction otherwise, flipping to tower after you pass the last point at which ground could give you a different instruction (new taxi route, hold short, give way etc) is mostly expected. Mostly. Except for all the exceptions of course.

Anything but boss works for me.

How about Hoss?
