Things in hotel rooms


your social justice comic center
Hey primates, I like flying...I really do.

There are little cute soaps, shampoos, swower caps, toilet paper rolls, coffee packs, and a comp breakfast to take home after a hotel room stay but I recently encountered one of these wandering around on my bed the next morning waiting to catch a ride. warning...graphic image (creepy).

I have been traumatized everytime I go to a hotel room for rest now. I was just wandering how you keep thisor defend yourself against these freaks of nature of an unholy planet off your primate bodies? They hone in on your CO2 with every exhale. You primates had these things nearly shut down for good (many of you thought they were some mythical creature)...I don't know what the hell you primates are thinking these days. You primates are their number one choice of meal looking to feed every three nights and they spread like the common cold except much harder to get rid of. Now what in the world is wrong with you primates and what are you going to do about it before they break you all down psychologically one family at a time ever so slowly by the lack of sleep?
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Never set your bag or clothes on the bed.

Great advice to your brother and sister primates but is that it? You invented this elephant mask to stop snoring, nuclear weapons to pop the planet but this,,, what....just let it ride?
Seriously? Check the bed. If there are bugs, leave room and go get another one. It ain't rocket science.

No no, rocket science is easy compared to this. Primates, look you must understand it's not about what is just best for you. It's about coming together and solving simple (as one) problems such as this. It is what is best for your kind. If you get another room they will move as you move around eventually with you...all of you. It's about zooming out (pilots) and coming together on the problem. They don't like my blood therefore I have nothing to lose here. I'm of not your kind. I just see so much potential just thrown away, primates.

Imagine how much time of ya'lls total lives are wasted checking beds of hotel rooms without even thinking about how much time is wasted if you bring one of these critters HOME with you. Now that doesn't make much sense when your best trait, which has kept you alive from one generation to the next, is the ability to reason.

Who does not understand? Easy to come together and create a rocket but not to overcome a pesky pain in the ass bug?
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Doooood, @splash please don't post stuff like this!!!. I spend too much time in hotel rooms. My philosophy on nasty things in hotel rooms in like a dog crossing traffic. I'll just pretend everything is A OK.
Primates? What is your obsession with this word?

Don't put your bag or clothes on the bed. Check your bed before you go to sleep. It's not difficult.

What're you checking the bed for though? Bed bugs, only come out at night, and are attracted to your body heat and CO2 emissions, while you sleep. If housekeeping did their job and changed the sheets, you won't see, the bedbug droppings. Or droplets of dried blood. So how would you know in advance, that your bed is infested?
What're you checking the bed for though? Bed bugs, only come out at night, and are attracted to your body heat and CO2 emissions, while you sleep. If housekeeping did their job and changed the sheets, you won't see, the bedbug droppings. Or droplets of dried blood. So how would you know in advance, that your bed is infested?

Doesn't have anything to do with sheets, it is about the mattress and headboard. Housekeeping departments are on high alert so the instances of bedbugs are remarkably down compared to a few years ago. There are worse things to worry about.
What're you checking the bed for though? Bed bugs, only come out at night, and are attracted to your body heat and CO2 emissions, while you sleep. If housekeeping did their job and changed the sheets, you won't see, the bedbug droppings. Or droplets of dried blood. So how would you know in advance, that your bed is infested?
You lift the mattress and check between the mattress and box springs.
Primates? What is your obsession with this word?.

To get an A+ response from top primate reader and writer leaders such as yourself.

Thanks for the tip already written but the bed bug has no effect on me as I have already stated. I don't exhale CO2, primate. I am one of your gods of scientology! I like flying...I really do, it's a challenge! Space travel is really simple and easy compared to flying, think about it for a moment. I'm not patting myself on the back here but ya'll haven't nor do ya'll believe traveling at the speed of light is even possible. Fizz 483 figured that out back in heed 9.5913. See, we measure our time by our distance (heeds) from our closest moon (Ganthar). It is a very beautiful moon. I imagine what I looks like now...Aaaah
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What're you checking the bed for though? Bed bugs, only come out at night, and are attracted tt your body heat and CO2 emissions, while you sleep. If housekeeping did their job and changed the sheets, you won't see, the bedbug droppings. Or droplets of dried blood. So how would you know in advance, that your bed is infested?

Hey maximillian primate,

Hint, morning. We (most) wake up in the morning when the sun is up and the sun was surly up peaking through the hotel window when I found it.
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Doooood, @splash please don't post stuff like this!!!. I spend too much time in hotel rooms. My philosophy on nasty things in hotel rooms in like crossing traffic. I'll just pretend everything is A OK.

Awe, I'm sorry AAPalmTree primate, I understand the truth is sometimes hard to handle. I just had to throw it out there. I need some A OK pills too sometimes but I do my best not turning my head away from the small very fixable ones such as this one. Thanks for the kind and honest reply.
Doooood, @splash please don't post stuff like this!!!. I spend too much time in hotel rooms. My philosophy on nasty things in hotel rooms in like a dog crossing traffic. I'll just pretend everything is A OK.


I do check the bed for bugs, and my suitcase lives on the suitcase rack. But otherwise, as far as I'm concerned I'm the first person ever to stay in that room.

I know I'm wrong, but it literally helps me sleep better at night.