The official "Waiting on FOL from NYC PEPC"

I found out today that my background is done. It's great news but odd because half of my references are sending their forms today.
One of my references is an old friend I've known for 5 years or so, but the address I put was her old home address that I don't think she's at any more... is this going to be an issue? Who all do they MAIL actual letters to? They should be able to reach her by phone.
One of my references is an old friend I've known for 5 years or so, but the address I put was her old home address that I don't think she's at any more... is this going to be an issue? Who all do they MAIL actual letters to? They should be able to reach her by phone.

They don't call, they mail a scantron sheet...
My employer got their letter this last week....But oh wait...whats are questioning my commitment to this company....well aren't you observant!!!!!!!

I was talking to my General Manager today about what he is going to put for mine when he receives it. He told me that there will be some serious butt kissing and at least 2 bottles of Patron coming his way for a "decent" response. He told me that he feels inclined to fail me due to him not wanting to lose me. I am kinda nervous!! I just finished my SF86 this past weekend and it was released on Monday so who knows how long that thing is gonna hold me up now. I am really hoping for a class date with you.
Are fol's e-mailed or snail mailed?

also with those that got fols. how long did it take to get it after your references got letters?
Are fol's e-mailed or snail mailed?

also with those that got fols. how long did it take to get it after your references got letters?

Not sure if there is a correlation between the reference letters and the FOL, it must have been a few weeks. Im PUBNAT2 though, things moved pretty quick for us... Some people got FOLs before anyone got a letter. Just depends what is on your SF86 I guess...
Well you guys are a little farther then I am in the process. I am going to chicago next thursday for the PEPC. Since you guys just did this last month I had a question about the hearing test at the PEPC. Can anyone give me a brief description of the test. I have had ear surgery about six months ago. I have been tested once since the surgery and based on those test results I would have barley passed the FAA initial hire requirements. I just want to have a idea of what i am in for when I get there. Any info on this would be greatly appreciated. You can send me a PM with your info on this. I really appreciate any info at all.
You are basically in a room with three hearing machines. When you hear the beeps, which come in quick succession, you have to push the button on your handheld joystick. The beeps start low (meaning easy to hear) and get higher in pitch and are much harder to hear. Some beeps I couldn't hear and I just pushed the button anyway. BUt that was me so you do what you will. that's pretty much it. Oh and the room was kinda noisy and the instructor was moving stuff around on the desk so it made it harder to hear.
Not sure if there is a correlation between the reference letters and the FOL, it must have been a few weeks. Im PUBNAT2 though, things moved pretty quick for us... Some people got FOLs before anyone got a letter. Just depends what is on your SF86 I guess...
true. i got my fol. my references just got their letters about a week ago. my sf85p was not completely clean. i've had some credit issues. i'm sure it's just an interim clearance as they proceed with the investigation.
If u have an FOL then you r good...i have some credit issues and when i got my FOL my hr rep said that everything was clear otherwise i would not have gotten an FOL
Well you guys are a little farther then I am in the process. I am going to chicago next thursday for the PEPC. Since you guys just did this last month I had a question about the hearing test at the PEPC. Can anyone give me a brief description of the test. I have had ear surgery about six months ago. I have been tested once since the surgery and based on those test results I would have barley passed the FAA initial hire requirements. I just want to have a idea of what i am in for when I get there. Any info on this would be greatly appreciated. You can send me a PM with your info on this. I really appreciate any info at all.

What churchill1 said.

And after the hearing test, the woman told us that the only test they really had to do is the "6 foot conversational" test -- if you can hear someone talking in a standard conversational volume from 6 feet away, you're clear -- but they have to run the "press the button when you hear the beep" test to get your scientific range.