The Mega Outage

You know those 2,731 redirects that you receive when logging into deltanet ...? Yeah, every one of those is a system that needs to be restored. ;p

I wish this would teach companies to stop getting in bed with Microsoft, but it won't.
You know those 2,731 redirects that you receive when logging into deltanet ...? Yeah, every one of those is a system that needs to be restored. ;p

I wish this would teach companies to stop getting in bed with Microsoft, but it won't.
The old stuff is working just fine, an awkward thing to point out to “disruptors.”
That is, if Delta can figure out how to take an A321 with 190+1. Last time, the gate agent almost refused to list me because of “payload optimization.” Staff Traveler showed 22 open seats, 14 nonrevs. I thought with 8 open seats, wouldn’t be an issue.

In the end, I did get on. But this BS is getting old.
With a SJI seniority number you won’t count against a payload optimized flight/weight restriction when occupying the JS and you won’t have to use Staff Traveler nor your buddy’s Delta Net login, you’ll have your own!!!!

This is a smart move for you. Don’t forget to do some interview prep prior!
I omitted a third option that seems to be popular for cloud-based servers where there it no opportunity to boot from a thumb drive or equivalent intercept:

Detach the drive, attach it to a healthy machine, remove the offending byte code kernel driver .sys file, detach drive, reattach to original machine.

Hundreds/thousands of servers.

Thumb drives are fairly verboten around campus.
I have a blanket slip request in but no confidence I can actually get into position so.

I was awarded a 4 day yellow slip that was supposed to start today. They pulled me off short call yesterday for a trip that cancelled, and the first leg of that original YS trip cancelled as well.

This is fine (don’t pay attention to the flames engulfing the building)
I have a blanket slip request in but no confidence I can actually get into position so.

I had briefly considered doing this when I got back to base instead of commuting home. But present circumstances suggested that returning to this nightmare was ill advised.

Assuming I can ever get released from work, at whatever location I may find myself I shall be purchasing the first available first class seat home on an actually functional airline.
I’ve had to drive three hours because Alaska left 30 minutes early on the last flight out of the night.
Guess we’re even.
In fairness, the PO'ing of offline jumpseat riders Ps me O too, being the leave-no-pilot-behind commuter type I am.

Jumpseat on Soufwes, apparently they're running just fine :cool:
OH RIGHT they go to O'Kurr!

Assuming I can ever get released from work, at whatever location I may find myself I shall be purchasing the first available first class seat home on an actually functional airline.
I am surprised he didn't buy a seat. It is how he got his first job.
Makes sense why you let them live rent free in that noggin of yours.

Commuting? No, I’m not spending money on that. That’s the whole point of JSing.

(Though I have heard some guys with tough commutes from PHX to LA or LAS to LA who just outright buy their tickets to work).