The Mega Outage

I was proud of our guys this week.

Our MEC put out a note to be extra vigilant about making the walk and ensuring we got our fellow pilots on board.

Jumpseaters galore. I was flying Friday-Monday. We didn't get any kind of comms about taking jumpseaters but I made sure everyone who could fit on the aircraft was going. Making the walk was important last week.
Jumpseaters galore. I was flying Friday-Monday. We didn't get any kind of comms about taking jumpseaters but I made sure everyone who could fit on the aircraft was going. Making the walk was important last week.
I got an alpa blast mail about it, didn’t look close enough to see if it was from the MEC or a generic alpa
Jumpseaters galore. I was flying Friday-Monday. We didn't get any kind of comms about taking jumpseaters but I made sure everyone who could fit on the aircraft was going. Making the walk was important last week.

You didn’t get this on July 18………….?

You didn’t get this on July 18………….?

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I pretty much do it anyway. I generally just delete the ALPA emails as they are basically just spam 99% of the time. I didn't see anything specific to the IT meltdown from our MEC.

The gate agents in MSP couldn't figure out CASS so I told them to just put the delay on me and get the jumpseaters on. The FAs said we got some kind of shout out on some company social media platform. (shrug)
SJI has put a significant amount of effort into keeping AFA or any other FA union off property. The signs they have in the FA schoolhouse lobby make you think signing a union card will give you space herpes, disappoint your grandmother, and directly cause several kittens to be slowly drowned. You don’t want that to happen, or do you, Comrade…
SJI has put a significant amount of effort into keeping AFA or any other FA union off property. The signs they have in the FA schoolhouse lobby make you think signing a union card will give you space herpes, disappoint your grandmother, and directly cause several kittens to be slowly drowned. You don’t want that to happen, or do you, Comrade…
As long as Mecca is happy they won’t have the vote
SJI has put a significant amount of effort into keeping AFA or any other FA union off property. The signs they have in the FA schoolhouse lobby make you think signing a union card will give you space herpes, disappoint your grandmother, and directly cause several kittens to be slowly drowned. You don’t want that to happen, or do you, Comrade…

“Ooh that cheeseburger looks good, I’m going to go get one” (AFA Drive)
“Ok, see ya when you get back”
“Ehh, line was too long”
“It goes fast”
“That’s it, I’m hungry!”
“Get some food!”
“Oh they’re having spa day”
“I guess you weren’t hungry”
“The lawn is getting dry!”
“Turn up the lawn sprinklers!”
“But then I’m wasting water”

Now I’m just… indifferent. if they do, fine. If they don’t, fine. They’re doing way better with the threat of organizing than the power of being organized.
Who does that? Seriously?
AS also closed the doors on my gf at the time and I in SEA 42 mins before departure (as in check-in is still open) on a 737-900ER booked to 22 pax to SFO during COVID (also the last flight of the night). It was the only time I've seen a gate agent get in trouble in my years of non-reving. She comes up and says "Oh, everyone was on board so we closed, you can go to Sacramento at the gate next door" (leaving 5 mins LATER than SFO but didn't start boarding yet). She barely looked up from her phone as she told me. I simply walk over to the adjacent gate and ask if they can roll me over to SMF, they are like "Wait, WHAT?". Turns out there was a supervisor who was working the SMF flight who stormed over just in time for a uniformed soldier to walk up and ask why the SFO flight looks closed haha. Turns out, he came off Southwest on a self-made connection and made the 30 minute check-in window at a kiosk by which time the flight was already closed! While the agent and supervisor were loudly arguing rather than anyone trying to communicate with the PIC, the SFO flight pushed like 25 early leaving behind 1 revenue passenger and a crowd of 4 non-revs who showed up dumbfounded like myself. Never seen that before, either.

The supervisor asked me if I'd write a statement but I was on a @Rocketman99 buddy pass so I was like, "Yeah...I'll just try again, tomorrow, its cool". The other non-revs were not so chill but they worked there lol. Ended up getting a hotel then doing SEA-GEG-SFO the next day to get one last Q400 ride and got awesome pics as WX was great up until we got to GEG. Still, wtf.


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