The Encore Air Cargo Iron Curtain

Most have at least 48 hours off. Some more than that. The actual flying isn't hard but it is very fatiguing.
It's not the flying that's fatiguing. I could do the type of flying we do 8 hours a day no problem. It's the split shift and 15 hour duty days that are killer.
It's not the flying that's fatiguing. I could do the type of flying we do 8 hours a day no problem. It's the split shift and 15 hour duty days that are killer.

Bah, you have an autopilot SON! I like the split shift. Got a GREAT nap in OMA, now I've got 60 hours to GO NUTS! WOOHOO!

The only crap thing about frieght is it's more like a "real job". Monday-Friday, fixed hours, small vacations once a year. I would kill to have the stretches of time off the 121 guys get, but it's not worth their paycheck to me.
Bah, you have an autopilot SON! I like the split shift. Got a GREAT nap in OMA, now I've got 60 hours to GO NUTS! WOOHOO!

The only crap thing about frieght is it's more like a "real job". Monday-Friday, fixed hours, small vacations once a year. I would kill to have the stretches of time off the 121 guys get, but it's not worth their paycheck to me.
just need the right freight job. I get 8 reserve weeks/yr plus my vacation (next year is 2 weeks, this year is only 1). so every 6 weeks i get time off, and if i don't get my reserve it is 500/day pay! so I do have the potential to have 10 weeks off/yr
Is it necessarily a good idea to go somewhere while you're on reserve? That's more what I'm getting at. Friends and family are scattered all over the world. It'd be nice to have a stretch once in awhile to visit them. BAH, they can come visit me!!!
Is it necessarily a good idea to go somewhere while you're on reserve? That's more what I'm getting at. Friends and family are scattered all over the world. It'd be nice to have a stretch once in awhile to visit them. BAH, they can come visit me!!!
they usually call the week before or even sometimes it just gets scheduled for a few days that you don't get the reserve. but if they call you during the reserve week and you aren't able to work i think you are not required too, at least this is how I understand it. I guess I will find out in a few weeks when I get my first one!
Job posting says Sioux Falls. I take it that this run would be outstation based and fly to Sioux Falls?
I'll apply and see what happens. I'm locked in at FLX until July 14th, though leaving early may or may not be a big deal. Business is business and it's a two-way street.
just need the right freight job. I get 8 reserve weeks/yr plus my vacation (next year is 2 weeks, this year is only 1). so every 6 weeks i get time off, and if i don't get my reserve it is 500/day pay! so I do have the potential to have 10 weeks off/yr
If you don't mind me asking, who do you work for Blip? I am VERY close to 135 mins and been doing some serious thinking/research on 135 operators. Thinking AMF is my first choice, but I am open to other ideas.... Thanks, any info is appreciated
Unless things have changed substantially, FLX doesn't "hold it against you" if you leave early, they just want their bonus back. That is, they won't say mean things about you when someone calls (provided you give them their money back). I do think it pretty much sinks you for "falling back on" FLX in the future.
I'll apply and see what happens. I'm locked in at FLX until July 14th, though leaving early may or may not be a big deal. Business is business and it's a two-way street.

I would get that figured out before you apply. We're not too happy when people break our contracts, so I doubt we'd take a close look at somebody who's breaking another companies contract to work for us. Same thing goes for a 2 week notice. We won't hire somebody who won't give a 2 week notice to their current employer as we want to get a 2 week notice ourselves.
I would get that figured out before you apply. We're not too happy when people break our contracts, so I doubt we'd take a close look at somebody who's breaking another companies contract to work for us. Same thing goes for a 2 week notice. We won't hire somebody who won't give a 2 week notice to their current employer as we want to get a 2 week notice ourselves.

I share your sentiments, but FLX is an unusual case in this regard. Ernst (DO), for all of his curmudgeonly faults, understands that very few guys are cut out to stay at FLX for life. If you do your job, don't make yourself a problem, and pay back the grand they give you at the end of training, you've fulfilled your end of that particular bargain (although, as I said, if you don't do your 6 months, I would pretty much forget about going back to FLX if the next thing doesn't work out).

That said, in my experience, this advice is 100% correct everywhere else I've worked, and well worth noting.
I would get that figured out before you apply. We're not too happy when people break our contracts, so I doubt we'd take a close look at somebody who's breaking another companies contract to work for us. Same thing goes for a 2 week notice. We won't hire somebody who won't give a 2 week notice to their current employer as we want to get a 2 week notice ourselves.
Do you consider it breaking the contract if he pays back the money? Cause he'd be adhering to what the contract says. I have a year contract with my current company, but there's a value over 12 months. If I want to leave early, it's no big deal, just pay what is owed as per the contract.
He's right though, business is business and as long as both parties adhere to what is agreed upon at the beginning, I can't see how anyone would be upset by that.
Do you consider it breaking the contract if he pays back the money? Cause he'd be adhering to what the contract says. I have a year contract with my current company, but there's a value over 12 months. If I want to leave early, it's no big deal, just pay what is owed as per the contract.
He's right though, business is business and as long as both parties adhere to what is agreed upon at the beginning, I can't see how anyone would be upset by that.

I'll apply and see what happens. I'm locked in at FLX until July 14th, though leaving early may or may not be a big deal. Business is business and it's a two-way street.

I was referencing the comment 'though leaving early may or may not be a big deal'. All I said was, he needs to figure that out. If it is a big deal to flx, then I wouldn't recommend applying. If it's not, it's not, then go ahead and apply. I have no idea how flx looks at stuff like this, nor apparantly did the poster, but it would be in their best interest to find out prior to applying.

Business is business. Yes, it sure is. And part of our business is finding pilots that will stay a year. It's not profitable for us if they don't. We do have a training contract, but it only includes the cost of training (every person's contract is different based on hours of ground, hours in the airplane, hours in the sim, etc... not a standard 5k or 10k like most companies), not the full salary that goes along with training, nor the IOE time, nor the lost charters with floater pilots covering routes. We'll deal with it if somebody leaves, that's fine, and if they pay back the contract then 'business is business'. But at the same time it's in our best interest, as a business, to pick applicants we think will be dedicated to a year minimum. I suppose you can argue we should increase our training contract. I personally don't advocate increasing any potential costs for pilots though. Or, we can try to find applicants we feel will be dedicated. Does it always work? No. But we try.