The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

I'll own that! :cool:

edit to add: Actually I didn't have to wait until old age to be a G.N. - I learned it young.

Me either, I'm too young to be such a codger, but I may as well accept it. Last night I was at dinner with three actual English professors, and I got to correct one when he used "less" when he meant "fewer". :ooh:
I'll own that! :cool:

edit to add: Actually I didn't have to wait until old age to be a G.N. - I learned it young. My grandmother (and my father) were/are uber-G.N. so I come by it naturally, but I can't hold a candle to them.
My folks were very basic with grammar. Later on in life it's one of my great regrets I didn't pay more attention in language. I understand more grammar in Spanish than I do in English, wth.
It's funny, I tend to write very grammatically correctly, but I speak with a upper-midwestern accent and have an annoying tendency to say my sentences backwards.

"Throw the cow over the fence some hay, eh."

It's funny, I tend to write very grammatically correctly,


I heard NRA was to have another response today. Not too pleased with the commercials they put out in response and from what data I've seen, a lot of Americans are now leaning to the requests of Obama.

The NRA is doing their job, and their ads hit home. The House will kill any gun control measures that come before them (except for maybe background checks, just as a token gesture), and even Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has been noncommittal on even bringing anything to the floor. He's a long-time gun rights supporter in the Democratic Party.
Pretty much the final word on the usage of the English language in 21st Century America, at least as far as I'm concerned. It's pretty interesting, if you can stick with it.

Did you know that probing the seamy underbelly of U.S. lexicography reveals ideological strife and controversy and intrigue and nastiness and fervor on a nearly hanging-chad scale? For instance, did you know that some modern dictionaries are notoriously liberal and others notoriously conservative, and that certain conservative dictionaries were actually conceived and designed as corrective responses to the "corruption" and "permissiveness" of certain liberal dictionaries? That the oligarchic device of having a special "Distinguished Usage Panel ... of outstanding professional speakers and writers" is an attempted compromise between the forces of egalitarianism and traditionalism in English, but that most linguistic liberals dismiss the Usage Panel as mere sham-populism? Did you know that U.S. lexicography even had a seamy underbelly?

Article continues here:
ATN_Pilot said:
The NRA is doing their job, and their ads hit home. The House will kill any gun control measures that come before them (except for maybe background checks, just as a token gesture), and even Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has been noncommittal on even bringing anything to the floor. He's a long-time gun rights supporter in the Democratic Party.

Then why the increase of support as reported by the media? I'll admit I need to confirm said increases but I'm out and about today.
It amuses me no end that anyone trusts "the media" (Mainstream or otherwise) to simply tell them bald, unalloyed Truth. If in fact they ever did (which I seriously doubt), they certainly aren't doing it now. It's a fragmented dialectic, and Reportage professionals are as much victims as perpetrators of this, but the fundamental truth is that we're all going to be much more responsible for what we choose to listen to and how we choose to derive meaning from what we hear than ever before. Personally, I think this to be a Positive development, but in order for it to remain Positive, we're all going to have to do a lot more critical thinking, and pay attention to many more potential sources of information. Anything good comes with a price.
Then why the increase of support as reported by the media? I'll admit I need to confirm said increases but I'm out and about today.

Are you talking public support, or congressional support? I've seen no reports of increased support in the House. There are certainly reports of increased public support, which is to be expected. We've always seen jumps in polling data in support for gun control following a mass shooting. Typically the support jumps up to the 55-60% level, then within a few months, support drops back down to around 40%, which has been the normal level for quite a while.
The NRA is doing their job, and their ads hit home. The House will kill any gun control measures that come before them (except for maybe background checks, just as a token gesture), and even Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has been noncommittal on even bringing anything to the floor. He's a long-time gun rights supporter in the Democratic Party.

Sadly I think your overly optimistic. I also think the NRA is missing the point with the message in these ads. Tax policy? Really? This isn't about you protecting your kids with your guns or Secret Service protection for his. This is about very different ideas of what our society should look like, high ideals transcending party boundaries.

Reid is less a Nevadan than a Democrat, and I really do not believe in these waning years of his career he is really ginning for a fight over this. The House might slow it down but based on the message the NRA and pro 2A side is putting out there we can expect capacity and other restrictions as they continue to make me look like a scared relic hiding behind my guns.

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Yeah, I think the NRA is doing a very poor job with their tactics. Instead of stating very clear facts about what is going on, they are making us look like a bunch of ignorant hillbillies who will refuse to "give up their guns". Here are the facts that they need to be hammering on:

Gun control does not work...there is science to prove it

The only way to truly eliminate GUN violence is to rid the WORLD of guns...not going to happen...just look at drugs.

You cannot stop criminals by regulating law abiding citizens...

Much to everyone's shock, the 2A has nothing to do with hunting, sporting, personal defense.

Much to everyone's further shock, the phrase "well regulated militia" has nothing to do with the US military...they need to have linguists come in and attest to that as well as educate people on the Supreme Court cases that support this.

Education about the 2A and what it was created for...which might be tiring since if you don't understand the 2A, then you don't understand the other amendments or the constitution very well.

Scary black guns MISLABELED "Assault Weapons" are not the most power gun out there and while powerful, is not anywhere as close to as deadly as they have made it out to be. A 9mm can kill you just as fast.

Start looking at why people are killing others instead of how they kill them. You are attempting to treat the symptom instead of the disease.

Stop making yourself look stupid by saying its not fair the presidents family get protection and not our own. First off, it is not his call...secondly they are protecting the President of the United States and head of the EXECUTIVE branch of goes far beyond Barrack Obama.

These are just a FEW of the arguments that should be made instead of weak ones that make us look like a bunch of vigilantly fools who want to play dress up.
You can ban all types of weapons and sadly criminals are going to be able to get them no matter what. Why discriminate against the law abiding citizens when you can't even control the crooks???????
they are making us look like a bunch of ignorant hillbillies who will refuse to "give up their guns".

Judging by the at LEAST 50 internet memes I've seen this week alone it's not just the NRA making gun owners look bad. Ignorant hillbillies are doing a good job of it as well.
If you've come to the point where you think that you need to have a slick advertising campaign which will compete "on the statistics" to defend a fundamental, basic human right, you've already lost. It would be like European Jewery taking out a full page ad in Der Spiegel explaining how they're not totally responsible for every bad thing that's ever happened in Central Europe. This message brought to you by Dr. Godwin. Hey, it's better than Dr. Goebbels.
Yeah, I think the NRA is doing a very poor job with their tactics. Instead of stating very clear facts about what is going on, they are making us look like a bunch of ignorant hillbillies who will refuse to "give up their guns". .

The problem is that people don't seem to care about the stats. They respond better emotionally to loud commercials that give quick "facts" about what's going on. People don't want to pour over pages of information, or do their own research. Look at the elections. The hateful commercials from both sides get votes, it's no different with the gun/anti gun agenda.

You make very good points though.