The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

On CCW value, I guess it depends on the state. I am doing it right now and I would call it a pathetically minimal hurdle: A few night classes and one range session shooting 50 rounds. If you are coming into it with plenty of experience it is probably fine, but most of these folks have never held or fired a handgun until this class.

I think that's a very bad assumption. The average person applying for a CCW is someone who's been around guns quite a bit. It's pretty rare for someone to apply for a CCW without having extensive firearms experience.
I think that's a very bad assumption. The average person applying for a CCW is someone who's been around guns quite a bit. It's pretty rare for someone to apply for a CCW without having extensive firearms experience.

Not in my class. 12 out of 14 had never fired a handgun and have minimal experience with long guns. I have heard the same things from others who have taken the class in recent years. The CCW demographic appears to be shifting. Hec, I only shoot occasionally and I have not fired a handgun in years.
I think that's a very bad assumption. The average person applying for a CCW is someone who's been around guns quite a bit. It's pretty rare for someone to apply for a CCW without having extensive firearms experience.

My wife did... 1 day NRA class, 12 shots down range, and lots of paperwork and money and presto, she's got a nine tucked in her underwear.
Interesting. Maybe it's just different here because it's rare for someone in the South to have not had experience with firearms, CCW permit or not. In any case, I think it's a good thing that that many people are getting CCW permits. I hope they continue to gain experience with their firearms after getting their permit, though.
Interesting. Maybe it's just different here because it's rare for someone in the South to have not had experience with firearms, CCW permit or not. In any case, I think it's a good thing that that many people are getting CCW permits. I hope they continue to gain experience with their firearms after getting their permit, though.

Well, she shoots better than me now. I must be an awesome instructor.
WacoFan said:
I speak for pullup too when I say that you need to get a picture of this. It'd be hot and go viral.

Like in goodfella's?

I think that's a very bad assumption. The average person applying for a CCW is someone who's been around guns quite a bit. It's pretty rare for someone to apply for a CCW without having extensive firearms experience.

Not up here, I can Concealed Carry anywhere I want (with a few exceptions) completely legally up here with no permit - I shouldn't need a permit to exercise a right.

That said, most people I know who would grow up with firearms.
Not up here, I can Concealed Carry anywhere I want (with a few exceptions) completely legally up here with no permit - I shouldn't need a permit to exercise a right.

That said, most people I know who would grow up with firearms.
One thing I didn't now until recently is that here you can even conceal carry in a school, provided the school administrator (i assume that means the principal of the school involved) knows and approves.
One thing I didn't now until recently is that here you can even conceal carry in a school, provided the school administrator (i assume that means the principal of the school involved) knows and approves.

Yep and we don't see murderous thugs firing willy-nilly into groups of errant toddlers. No, random acts of violence are a function of mental illness and population size - not firearm availability.
That being the case, there were 31,000 killed by guns in 2010, and the majority of them were by hand guns.

So if you really want to run down that line of thinking, it would make sense to ban all pistols eh?


I didn't think it sounded like that good of an argument either.
Included in that 31,000 figure are however, police shootings, suicides, criminals shot in self defense, accidental shootings and murders of which the murder numbers were 10,225 and the suicide numbers in that figure above are 17, 772.

32,310 people died in auto accidents in 2011. There are roughly 260 million guns in private ownership, and 62 million vehicles registered in the United States. More than four times more guns than cars. More than 95% of the guns out there are never used against a person.