The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

Sadly, I think Mr. Train is right on this. It is not going to be some sweeping gun grab but changes are coming, and something will get through. Unfortunately since our collective ability to use reason and apply it to meaningful discourse pushed from the gate a long time ago, it will be totally ineffective in saving lives, and totally effective in hurting those who have done nothing wrong.

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It's already happening. Biden is the "weather ship" bird, to use an aviation term. He's the one who tests the waters by making a prepatory comment regarding what the Obama administration is "considering", or Obama is considering, and based on the reaction of the people towards that, Obama will either write-off Biden's comments as "crazy Uncle Joe" if there's negative feedback, or he'll backup Biden's comments as supportive of his own views. In this case though, I think he's already made his decision, and all thats being done is slowly working it into fruition, like the proverbial frog boiling in the pot of water.
Look how the stricter cigarette laws have changed the culture of smoking in America. Stricter gun laws could change the culture of guns in America.

But you didn't answer the question. How will more strict gun control improve things? My contention is that without some kind of confiscation there are simply too many guns out there that can be had for criminal uses and your gun control will not work. And you'd be confiscating them from the law abiding (I'm making an assumption that criminals do not care - a safe assumption).

This "gun culture" you speak of - do you think Hollywood plays a part? Do you think the mere presence or existence of guns is the key player? This is a typically opaque response from left-field. There is a rush to "Do something!!!" but there is no specific, measurable or concrete plan and it's all based on emotion.
Well it prevents the illegal buyer from easily acquiring the trunk load of guns that are later used in crimes.

To me these are the sensible laws we should be working with. Close as many avenues as possible to reduce the illegal guns out there over time. At most this is a slight inconvenience to legal owners, and it does not alter what a law abiding citizen can own. No law is going to prevent what the nut jobs are going to do, but we can make it harder for regular criminals.

I agree with you, especially if the check is quick, easy, without fee and record of the purchase is destroyed after a period of time. I never really considered the idea black marketeers would be scouring Craigslist looking for guns, but it makes sense. This and finding a way to encourage people to secure their weapons when not in their direct control I think could be steps with real results.

Gun safe tax credit, buy a high quality US made safe, have it installed professionally, stimulate the economy, protect your valuables and community, and get some of.your money back from Uncle Sam.

It is a winner I tell ya!

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I agree with you, especially if the check is quick, easy, without fee and record of the purchase is destroyed after a period of time. I never really considered the idea black marketeers would be scouring Craigslist looking for guns, but it makes sense. This and finding a way to encourage people to secure their weapons when not in their direct control I think could be steps with real results.

Gun safe tax credit, buy a high quality US made safe, have it installed professionally, stimulate the economy, protect your valuables and community, and get some of.your money back from Uncle Sam.

It is a winner I tell ya!

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You're not supposed to be able to buy guns on Craigslist - for what it's worth.
So what I'm getting out of this is that I should buy up a bunch of burned out, poorly maintained AKs and Glocks, and make a killing on cragislist. This is why I come to JC for financial advice. See if you find that sort of gem in the Wall St. Journal, suckers.
So what I'm getting out of this is that I should buy up a bunch of burned out, poorly maintained AKs and Glocks, and make a killing on cragislist. This is why I come to JC for financial advice. See if you find that sort of gem in the Wall St. Journal, suckers.

Yes. As long as that's the only killing you do, you should be ok.

"Will trade for stuff that goes bang". Usual line in CL.
I'd say you made a good trade.

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Not really. Spent a lot of time restoring and having the Yamaha up and running. But needed some cash to pay off some dental bills; and this was the quickest way I could dump the motorcycle.
The U.N. Arms Trade Treaty does absolutely nothing to block the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms. You've been listening to Alex Jones too much.

This kind of nonsense is where I part ways with my fellow 2nd Amendment supporters.

If the gate is to high they will go over the fence
..fence to high they will pole vault. I sincerely hope your misinformed opinion isn't how you truly believe my friend. We shall see if your opinion has changed in a few weeks buddy
Not really. Spent a lot of time restoring and having the Yamaha up and running. But needed some cash to pay off some dental bills; and this was the quickest way I could dump the motorcycle.

My first bike was a YZ, first year with the monoshock. Fun bike, took a lot of work though. I am a Colt guy but the Kimber should hold up for you, and if you reload should be a lot less expensive to enjoy than the Yamaha, although I really miss my bikes....

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