The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, but cash no questions isn't hard to do. I know an out of state dealer that will do it for a mark up.

Sent via smoke signal.
staledog, it actually happens quite frequently. The best estimates are that 40% of gun transactions take place with no background check. I can go to any gun show in Georgia and buy a gun with cash, no background check, and no record of me even having been there. Exactly as it should be, frankly. You just have to buy from one of the few private sellers instead of the FFL sellers.
Hail Ceaser. Someone knows their Roman Legion history.

'Never order a soldier to fight in his home province.'

I was born at night, but not last night - it doesn't take a history major or a rocket scientist to know the most logical way for powerful forces to divide and conquer the populace.
If it wasn't so sad I'd laugh!

The NRA has ragged on Obama since he was elected POTUS even though he never said anything about gun control. By falsely accusing Obama for something he didn't do they increased membership and manufactures sold more guns.

Now the NRA is being left out in the cold and they are crying about it. NRA's lack of leadership in getting 100 round clips off the streets has caused as much damage as the shooters themselves.

I own more guns than most people but have never liked the NRA.

I agree completely, I have never been a member and probably never will. And I have quite a few guns.

To answer the question of what I would do if my door was knocked on and I 'had' to give up my guns, well isn't that why they are there?
The best estimates are that 40% of gun transactions take place with no background check. I can go to any gun show in Georgia and buy a gun with cash, no background check, and no record of me even having been there. Exactly as it should be, frankly.

I don't have time to read this whole thread, but I know it is just everyone agreeing with one another, so I will spice things up a little bit here.

No, that is NOT the way it should be. As I said in my other post, it is fine and dandy if you want to view this and tell me I am whatever for thinking otherwise, but if you don't start thinking a little more pragmatically about this, you are going to be very pissed off when the laws get tougher.
I don't have time to read this whole thread, but I know it is just everyone agreeing with one another, so I will spice things up a little bit here.

No, that is NOT the way it should be. As I said in my other post, it is fine and dandy if you want to view this and tell me I am whatever for thinking otherwise, but if you don't start thinking a little more pragmatically about this, you are going to be very pissed off when the laws get tougher.

Explain to me how stricter gun control is going to solve this. Columbine - illegal guns. Newtown you could argue that way - they were stolen from a murder victim. Do tell how stricter gun laws will help ANYTHING. You can't, because they won't. I still want to see you flop around giving an answer, but you won't really answer the question because they will not help at all. 1 in about 115 people live in Chicago (I believe). 1 out of 22 gun deaths in the US happened in Chicago. Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the US. How's gun control working out there?
If Obama Slama actually uses Executive powers to drastically change gun laws and restrict the purchase of certain firearms to citizens, Obama might not be President for much longer. He would piss off a lot of people, and there are a lot of crazy people out there.
What is this, the 15th gun thread this week? And 110 replies in 24 hours? I think we need to rename JC or at least the lav to something more fitting. It's clearly not about airplanes and flying or any of that sort anymore.

I think everyone's position is well known at this point, and if big scary Obama actually comes for guns(lol), it looks like the majority of us here can all form a militia to resist.
The south will rise again and all that to. We'll put the new capitol in Kentucky for Boris Badenov. As long as I have a lifetime supply of good quality bourbon.

For the love of god can I get someone to talk about a pilot shortage, how much their job sucks and tacos? Sweet delicious tacos.
If Obama Slama actually uses Executive powers to drastically change gun laws and restrict the purchase of certain firearms to citizens, Obama might not be President for much longer. He would piss off a lot of people, and there are a lot of crazy people out there.

Your statement is why people push for gun control. What side are you on anyway?
Where do you live? Because I'd love to go gun shopping with cash, no background check, and no record that I was ever there and bought one. But I've never seen that, not even in Texas. Everyplace across the country where I've looked at guns, it's the same story: if you're from out of state and want to buy a gun, the only way to do it is have them ship it to a dealer in your home state.

When it comes to direct private sales, in most states you can list your firearm though normal channels for selling any used item(in Maine it is the Uncle Henry want ad), and anyone can call you up and arrange to buy it for cash directly. None of the normal checks you would go through at a dealer apply. I was looking for a used S&W 686 that way, and it truly came down to meeting the seller at an agreed location and exchanging cash for the gun.

The problem is that gun running is alive an well, and criminals are well known to acquire guns via this method. Even worse, some folks make it a business to buy lots of used guns and sell them at a profit on the streets. The idea of background checks is a joke with the current system; they just prevent criminals from buying a shinny new gun from a dealer and nothing else.
I don't know how you're figuring that. Every indication is that gun control isn't going anywhere. It will never get through the House. Lawmakers have fallen in line, and this isn't going anywhere on a federal level. Some of the northeastern states will probably enact their own laws, and the NRA will challenge those laws in court. Most of them will probably be struck down.

My point was more about gun laws in general and your belief that they are all unconstitutional. I do think we are going to see something passed at the federal level though.
staledog, it actually happens quite frequently. The best estimates are that 40% of gun transactions take place with no background check. I can go to any gun show in Georgia and buy a gun with cash, no background check, and no record of me even having been there. Exactly as it should be, frankly. You just have to buy from one of the few private sellers instead of the FFL sellers.

As a gun owner, and a person who is against restricting types of weapons/ammo/magazines, and in favor of our 2nd amendment right, I cannot agree with your statement. Asking for background checks in private sales is something I'm completely on board with. Guns ARE weapons. They're not cars, they're not couches, they're not TVs, they're weapons. Because of that there should be some sort of control on who is allowed to own one. How would you honestly feel if you sold a gun for cash, and then found out the person you sold it to committed a murder with that weapon? The idea that someone, anyone, can just walk up and buy a gun with cash from a private party with absolutely no background check is scary IMO. There are plenty of people out there who are American citizens who should NOT be in possession of a firearm.

No, that is NOT the way it should be. As I said in my other post, it is fine and dandy if you want to view this and tell me I am whatever for thinking otherwise, but if you don't start thinking a little more pragmatically about this, you are going to be very pissed off when the laws get tougher.

staledog, it actually happens quite frequently. The best estimates are that 40% of gun transactions take place with no background check. I can go to any gun show in Georgia and buy a gun with cash, no background check, and no record of me even having been there. Exactly as it should be, frankly. You just have to buy from one of the few private sellers instead of the FFL sellers.
Interesting that you and cmill say that. I believe you, but I haven't seen it myself. Even at gun shows I've been to, they make you abide by the waiting period and you have to come back the next day to pick it up if you buy something. Of course I'm talking IL, so I'm sure things are much looser down south. Even with all the private sellers I've encountered, almost all insist on doing a transfer through an FFL. If you don't, and that gun gets used in a crime, it gets traced back to the person who owned it before. Then the original owner is looking at jail time, for selling a gun "illegally", because they didn't go through an FFL.
No, that is NOT the way it should be. As I said in my other post, it is fine and dandy if you want to view this and tell me I am whatever for thinking otherwise, but if you don't start thinking a little more pragmatically about this, you are going to be very pissed off when the laws get tougher.

You're in for a big disappointment. Thankfully.
How would you honestly feel if you sold a gun for cash, and then found out the person you sold it to committed a murder with that weapon?

I wouldn't think anything of it. After all, I didn't commit the murder. A person committed the murder, using an inanimate object. He could have just as easily killed someone with a knife. Should we start up background checks on knife sales, too? :rolleyes:
Interesting that you and cmill say that. I believe you, but I haven't seen it myself. Even at gun shows I've been to, they make you abide by the waiting period and you have to come back the next day to pick it up if you buy something. Of course I'm talking IL, so I'm sure things are much looser down south. Even with all the private sellers I've encountered, almost all insist on doing a transfer through an FFL. If you don't, and that gun gets used in a crime, it gets traced back to the person who owned it before. Then the original owner is looking at jail time, for selling a gun "illegally", because they didn't go through an FFL.

Those must be IL state laws. There are no federal laws that require background checks on private sales, waiting periods, a requirement to go through an FFL, or criminal liability if your gun gets used in a crime. Fascist states have instituted such ridiculous laws, but the NRA has prevented it on a national level.
Explain to me how stricter gun control is going to solve this. Columbine - illegal guns. Newtown you could argue that way - they were stolen from a murder victim. Do tell how stricter gun laws will help ANYTHING. You can't, because they won't. I still want to see you flop around giving an answer, but you won't really answer the question because they will not help at all.

Look how the stricter cigarette laws have changed the culture of smoking in America. Stricter gun laws could change the culture of guns in America.
Look how the stricter cigarette laws have changed the culture of smoking in America. Stricter gun laws could change the culture of guns in America.

Correlation does not equal causation. In reality, better education of the health dangers of smoking is what has probably contributed to the reduction of smoking in America. We all know that poor people continue to dump money into cigarrettes, even when it means that they can't pay their rent. Laws and taxes don't discourage "vice" behavior. Only education does.