The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

That didn't stop the guy from shooting a missile at an american citizen.

"We need you to kill this person in the name of national security."

"Well, if its in the name of national security..."

The incident you're referring to may not have been a military member. That could've very easily been CIA, and we already know their position on killing Americans.

Just because the operator isn't in the aircraft, doesn't mean he or she doesn't know where it is operating and who is being targeted.
The incident you're referring to may not have been a military member. That could've very easily been CIA, and we already know their position on killing Americans.

Just because the operator isn't in the aircraft, doesn't mean he or she doesn't know where it is operating and who is being targeted.

The second part might be true, but the real matter is Americans killing Americans, and no matter who you work for, theres someone who will be willing to do the job.
Hypothetical question:

If it came down to police banging on doors, snatching up guns, who would actually give it to them "bullets first?"

Theres plenty of bravado about guns and freedom, but when it comes right down to it, exactly how strongly do you feel?

Could you imagine being one of those cops? I'd hang up my badge if I was told I have to go confiscate guns from some of these people.

In all reality, it would turn into a guerrilla movement

I agree.

Every single day I just shake my head as the news spews off some random story that gets people worried. As I said in another thread, people just don't seem to care about their rights anymore. I really do believe the media is a big problem with all of this, just as much as the politicians. The media blows up stories, gets everyone wound up, and then the government comes in to take advantage of peoples emotions. It's disgusting that all these politicians are all about their personal agendas, rather than truly defending what they swore to do.
Look to the enlistment numbers. For over-simplicity look at numbers of the current force that enlisted from (not currently listed as a resident of, but enlisted from) the red states. I'm sure that there are a fair amount of enlistees from those states. Figure that they were raised with more "red state" values, and then assume that a large percentage of those would "defect".

Then you have Fish314...........:)
This coming from a person who starts threads like the JFK assassination. Like we're ever going to solve the mysteries behind that on the internet. o_O

Well, if Doug ever reopens the JFK thread, and the members who entered it just to disrupt it will stay out or be polite, I'll try to. Like many mysteries, the National Archives and other credible sources actually have many of the answers that the mass media does not cover extensively. However, people get so emotional over some topics that they won't permit a polite discussion, and they don't bother to really read & review what is presented before they start criticizing it. I did the best I could to explain what happened to JFK before the heckling started. Then I stopped. What happened to him really isn't that much of a mystery anymore among historians. But the MSM hasn't worked up the courage to cover the ugly and disturbing story, so the general public hasn't caught up.

JFK needs to be discussed in a calm and relatively polite atmosphere to accomplish anything. It's a very complex story, and it helps to explain IMO the genesis of many of the Gov't-Corporate abuses we deal with today.
Even if the brass gives the order, it has to be executed, and I believe they'll have their own insurrection to worry about in that case.

Ill need to read you in to what our responsibilities will be within the upcoming Exective Privilege operations......

All the hype and craziness about this debate is conjecture. It really comes down to just this: Which way will the military go?

It appears to be a common belief among a lot of people that the military will mindlessly Blitzkrieg the cities and countryside of the Unites States if given the order to do so. I simply don't see that happening. Military members are not robots. They are Americans. They are people. They are us. I wouldn't fly over my old neighborhood clearing my crew to mow down anyone they see with a gun. I don't think Hacker15e, or bunk22, or MikeD, or ///AMG would either. Even if the brass gives the order, it has to be executed, and I believe they'll have their own insurrection to worry about in that case.

Exactly why I'm not too worried. We ARE our government. We ARE our military.

I have a strange viewpoint on this. I very much don't think that MORE guns are the solution to gun violence. I think that the "we need guns to protect ourselves from tyranny" is a little tin foil hat. I think this world would be a much better place if they had never been invented. I have zero desire to live in a place where everyone who is out and about is packing heat. I think if you live in a place where you feel you need to carry a gun everywhere you go, you should probably just move.

But more importantly I believe in democracy. There is no one person who should decide a major direction change for this country. If a majority of this country believes that the second amendment should change, then hell yes, I'm all for it. But one person unilaterally revoking the second amendment, no. That won't happen. I think more realistically we're talking about Obama using an executive order to mandate mental health checks as part of your background check when purchasing a gun. Or something along those lines. There won't be police going door to door collecting your guns. If you believe that, its time to turn off the Rush Limbaugh.

The Rush comment is simply because I was scanning the FM stations on the way home from work last night. I heard about 2 minutes of that guy. It scares me that people have made him a millionaire. Friggin wacko.
There seems to be a thread full of bunched panties over a non-existent executive order and no actual legislation on the table. Personally, I am going to wait to see what is proposed before giving it much thought.
There seems to be a thread full of bunched panties over a non-existent executive order and no actual legislation on the table. Personally, I am going to wait to see what is proposed before giving it much thought.
I would rather not wait and see what happens. Stop it before it gets to that point because if it does, it's too late.
If it wasn't so sad I'd laugh!

The NRA has ragged on Obama since he was elected POTUS even though he never said anything about gun control. By falsely accusing Obama for something he didn't do they increased membership and manufactures sold more guns.

Now the NRA is being left out in the cold and they are crying about it. NRA's lack of leadership in getting 100 round clips off the streets has caused as much damage as the shooters themselves.

I own more guns than most people but have never liked the NRA.

I would rather not wait and see what happens. Stop it before it gets to that point because if it does, it's too late.

The problem is that you don't know what it is you are trying to stop, and even if you did, I can't imagine how you stop legislation from being proposed. For all we know the executive order comment is part of a comprehensive plan to deal with mental health screening and has nothing to do with firearms. It is all guesswork until something is put on the table.
Now the NRA is being left out in the cold and they are crying about it.

Not sure what you mean. The NRA is doing just fine. Money is rolling in and membership is skyrocketing. And as always, lawmakers are falling in line as the NRA reminds them what can happen to their political careers if they don't do as they're told.

NRA's lack of leadership in getting 100 round clips off the streets has caused as much damage as the shooters themselves.

Clips? :rolleyes:

Ridiculous, hyperbolic comment. You've been watching too much Lawrence O'Donnell.

I own more guns than most people but have never liked the NRA.

The NRA is the only reason you're still allowed to own those guns. Without their efforts, your guns would have been outlawed decades ago.
The NRA is the only reason you're still allowed to own those guns. Without their efforts, your guns would have been outlawed decades ago.

Since most of my long gun only hold 2 rounds and my handguns 9 rounds you'd have a hard time proving that.
Not sure what you mean. The NRA is doing just fine. Money is rolling in and membership is skyrocketing. And as always, lawmakers are falling in line as the NRA reminds them what can happen to their political careers if they don't do as they're told.

My guess is the NRA membership has plateaued and lawmakers will see NRA support as a burden.