The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

I'm getting the hell out of dodge quickly. I will first be immigrating to the south, then I'll assess my next move. The farther south you can go the better. I fail to see how any kind of gun control scheme would go well in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma or the Southeast. I'm getting below the Mason-Dixon line for sure, as soon as possible.

As for whether it was misleading or not...well, Biden did say "Executive Orders" in his meeting. Since Obama is the one that can do this, and since Biden can speak for him on this issue, I'm not sure how it's misleading.

I didn't think the president could issue an executive order overturning an amendment.
Hypothetical question:

If it came down to police banging on doors, snatching up guns, who would actually give it to them "bullets first?"

Theres plenty of bravado about guns and freedom, but when it comes right down to it, exactly how strongly do you feel?
Hypothetical question:

If it came down to police banging on doors, snatching up guns, who would actually give it to them "bullets first?"

Theres plenty of bravado about guns and freedom, but when it comes right down to it, exactly how strongly do you feel?

In all reality, it would turn into a guerrilla movement
Hypothetical question:

If it came down to police banging on doors, snatching up guns, who would actually give it to them "bullets first?"

Theres plenty of bravado about guns and freedom, but when it comes right down to it, exactly how strongly do you feel?

I feel strong enough to shoot first. I doubt I'll have to because I don't think they'll make it through the Rockies to get to me before they get "thinned out"
Gun control outrage discussions sadden me. The Gov't has been caught doing so many other underhanded things to repeal our rights and freedoms during the last 12 years, yet, for reasons I fail to understand, the citizenry accepts them all with barely a whimper.

This. I dont understand why someone would be outraged over something being taken away, that they will probably never use in anger, as opposed to warrant-less wiretapping and the patriot act.

I've spent two days in jail because of the patriot act, and zero because of gun control laws, even with owning over $10,000 worth of guns. Guess which one I care more about.
I feel strong enough to shoot first. I doubt I'll have to because I don't think they'll make it through the Rockies to get to me before they get "thinned out"

Why would they even bother to come to your house when they can just freeze your bank accounts, and make your life unlivable in general?
Why would they even bother to come to your house when they can just freeze your bank accounts, and make your life unlivable in general?
Hypothetical question:

If it came down to police banging on doors, snatching up guns, who would actually give it to them "bullets first?"

Theres plenty of bravado about guns and freedom, but when it comes right down to it, exactly how strongly do you feel?
The fact that anyone is talking about either of these things matter of factly is scary as hell.
Why would they even bother to come to your house when they can just freeze your bank accounts, and make your life unlivable in general?

As strange as it my sound, there are people who can get by just fine without bank accounts, credit cards, targets, malls, gas stations and things like that. How will I eat? my guns of course. How would I travel? My horses and mules of course. That doesn't scare me in the least. Those things only scare people who generally live in the cities and can't take care of themselves.
Hypothetical question:

If it came down to police banging on doors, snatching up guns, who would actually give it to them "bullets first?"

Theres plenty of bravado about guns and freedom, but when it comes right down to it, exactly how strongly do you feel?

That's a pretty unrealistic idea of how this would go down. People wouldn't be sitting calmly in their homes, waiting for the 21st century SS to come take their weapons away. Any sort of move to take away our guns would almost certainly quickly cause large numbers of Americans, especially down here in the South, to form highly organized and very well armed militias. The SS wouldn't be going door to door to take away weapons, they'd be going against small armies. That's why this will never happen. Even the gun phobics in D.C. know that trying to actually take away guns would result in a new American civil war. And even lefty pinkos like myself would be on the secessionist side. I can put up with quite a lot. But I can't put up with the loss of the one thing that protects all other freedoms.
The fact that anyone is talking about either of these things matter of factly is scary as hell.
Bingo. The executive order of gun confiscation shouldn't even be a point of discussion. Before anyone corrects me and says its gun control, take a look at history and where this will go...
As strange as it my sound, there are people who can get by just fine without bank accounts, credit cards, targets, malls, gas stations and things like that. How will I eat? my guns of course. How would I travel? My horses and mules of course. That doesn't scare me in the least. Those things only scare people who generally live in the cities and can't take care of themselves.

I can do all that also, (I am still a redneck,) But I'm not fooling myself into thinking that I need my FNH FS2000 in order to do it.
With all the above said, I think this thread is ridiculous. VP Biden likes to run his mouth. He's famous for it. He doesn't speak for the President, and there's about as much chance as President Obama signing an executive order to take away guns as there is of me voting for the Koch brothers.
With all the above said, I think this thread is ridiculous. VP Biden likes to run his mouth. He's famous for it. He doesn't speak for the President, and there's about as much chance as President Obama signing an executive order to take away guns as there is of me voting for the Koch brothers.

That and Obama can't issue an executive order overturning an amendment.