The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

Even better, he is using deer hunting as some standard by which firearms capability shall be yardsticked. Maybe he can point out the part of the 2nd Amendment or some other caselaw, or something in the Federalist Papers that indicates that the right to keep and bear arms has anything at all to do with hunting.

I'm getting pretty damned tired of the gun phobics holding up hunting as some sort of noble activity, while me carrying a handgun for personal defense is viewed as some sort of "gun nut" behavior. I don't know why killing cute woodland creatures for fun is considered admirable, but having guns that never kill anything is evil.

My guns have never killed anything. If you want to take away someone's gun, take away the hunting rifle that has killed hundreds of living things.
For the record I think that the desire to own a gun for protection is every bit as valid a reason as hunting. We have the right to bear arms, and that right is not specific to small (or large) game hunting.
Let's not forget that the purpose of the 2nd amendment has NOTHING to do with hunting.

Well, now that the Heller SCOTUS decision has taken the "it isn't an individual right, it is a right connected with militia service" argument off the table, they have to find a new one.
I'm getting pretty damned tired of the gun phobics holding up hunting as some sort of noble activity, while me carrying a handgun for personal defense is viewed as some sort of "gun nut" behavior. I don't know why killing cute woodland creatures for fun is considered admirable, but having guns that never kill anything is evil.

My guns have never killed anything. If you want to take away someone's gun, take away the hunting rifle that has killed hundreds of living things.
For the record I think that the desire to own a gun for protection is every bit as valid a reason as hunting. We have the right to bear arms, and that right is not specific to small (or large) game hunting.

I believe that when people on the same side of the table start comparing their reason to do something as somewhat more legitimate than another persons it is not a good thing. The correct answer to Piers, Geraldo, Bloomberg is the following "I own a gun for my own reasons, and others for their own reasons, and it is not your business or anyone else why anyone has a gun". Nothing more, nothing less. It is the only acceptable answer. You start to engage bozo's on a Constitutional right it will lead to a "discussion" and possibly a "debate". That is bad. Where fundamental rights are involved discussion and debate have no place.
Sorry, forgot to mention that I have no problem with hunting if someone eats what they kill. As long as the kill is humane. But "sport" hunters who just get a sick thrill out of blowing holes in deer and rabbits make me sick.

I agree. If you are going to sport-hunt and not eat it I can only support, and take part in, the killing of rare or exotic animals. If you are just killing rabbits or deer or something well, frankly you need to get a bankroll so you can kill something rare or exotic.

Can you imagine the thrill of killing the last example of something on earth. So you can have it mounted in your living room? Gives me chills.

Sorry but this is disingenuous. The holocaust did NOT occur because a population was disarmed. The holocaust occurred with, at the least, implied consent in a different world where antisemitism extended far beyond German borders. This in no way implies propriety but DOES speak against the hyperbolic nature of this particular meme.

There are far better arguments for the Second Amendment. It is wrong to distort history.

Edit: Late posting - refers to Schindler's List meme only.
Sorry but this is disingenuous. The holocaust did NOT occur because a population was disarmed. The holocaust occurred with, at the least, implied consent in a different world where antisemitism extended far beyond German borders. This in no way implies propriety but DOES speak against the hyperbolic nature of this particular meme.

There are far better arguments for the Second Amendment. It is wrong to distort history.

Edit: Late posting - refers to Schindler's List meme only.
Stuff like that pops up on the Internet and generally isn't meant so much as a lesson in history but more for the LOLz (laugh out loud) and WTF (what the... You get the idea).

Good post, but I wouldn't take my post too seriously.
Sorry, forgot to mention that I have no problem with hunting if someone eats what they kill. As long as the kill is humane. But "sport" hunters who just get a sick thrill out of blowing holes in deer and rabbits make me sick.

I agree. Killing for the sheer sake of killing is ethically reprehensible. I grew up hunting, but the small game we hunted we took home with us, and yes, it really was our dinner. Rabbit stew, roast pheasant, etc, we did not kill to kill an animal. We hunted to bring home something for dinner.
Ehhh ... my apologies. Didn't mean it so much personally and should have thought of that; rather - for me - as a more general response to the larger issue. I enjoy divergent perspective, in any event, but don't mind voicing my personal opinion. I sometimes forget the nature of the Internet ;-)
Ehhh ... my apologies. Didn't mean it so much personally and should have thought of that; rather - for me - as a more general response to the larger issue. I enjoy divergent perspective, in any event, but don't mind voicing my personal opinion. I sometimes forget the nature of the Internet ;-)
No apology necessary because no offense was taken. :) I appreciated the quick history lesson and though I would clear a little bit of a generational gap.
Sorry but this is disingenuous. The holocaust did NOT occur because a population was disarmed. The holocaust occurred with, at the least, implied consent in a different world where antisemitism extended far beyond German borders. This in no way implies propriety but DOES speak against the hyperbolic nature of this particular meme.

There are far better arguments for the Second Amendment. It is wrong to distort history.

Edit: Late posting - refers to Schindler's List meme only.

I thought the holocaust occurred because the merits of killing all the Jews, homosexuals, gypsies, disabled and poles are kind of least to thinking people. Fortunately our new Defense Secretary will understand. Hagel uber alles!
Let's not forget that the purpose of the 2nd amendment has NOTHING to do with hunting.

True....however I have heard from some that this bill will never pass. Its all up to the Supreme Court. Even if it doesn't hold up in court they can confiscate and destroy thpusands of guns before the court stops them. If you reside in Illinois ....might want to consider sending your guns out of state until this is over ruled.