The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

Am I? Or is that an opinion?

I think that others folks are instigating 'crap' on this thread and the Gun thread. Why weren't they told to 'stop instigating crap'?

Because this...

I want to make sure all the ammosexuals out there sign this petition to exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights and have to allow open carry during the GOP Convention this summer! How can the GOP do business with a place that doesn't allow for it!?!?!

Extremely hypocritical of them!!!!
Sigh.....hard to believe they let you fly airplanes.....frankly I am surprised you are allowed out of the house without a helmet and adult supervision.

Nothing in the video showed any sort of hypocrisy. It was pure satire and wasn't even funny.

What's with the personal attacks?
What's with the personal attacks?

Because you are a troll who loves to do nothing more than start crap with people on here.

In point of fact you are unamerican with your constant anti 2nd amendment posts. The 2nd amendment is just as important to the national well being as the 1st, 3rd, 4th and so on and so on. You really want to do something about it. Go run for congress and try to get the 2nd repealed.

You sir are a professional victim. Your second and third post in just this thread, which you started by the way is;
1. Are you guys instigating crap?
2. What's with the personal attacks?

This implies you came here in the hopes of getting attacked for your posting. That is the very definition of a troll.

We get it, you're afraid of the big black scary guns. You're welcome to your opinion. That is the great thing about being a US citizen, you get a opinion. A right to an opinion earned by the blood of patriots through the use of those scary black guns. But you need to understand it is a minority opinion not the majority. Over 50% (well over) are positive toward gun ownership by the citizens of the United States. It is an american staple. I am assuming you are not well educated because you don't seem to understand history, current events and why guns are a american staple and unique only to America. But more importantly it is a valuable tool for self defense for those who are preyed on by those that would take from the weak. And there are many many people who are under constant threat and need a firearm for self protection. And they should have that right to defend themselves.

Since you are acting like a child when you make these threads, I'll explain it to you like you are a child. Your posts are insulting and regularly intended to incite personal attacks on you. Which for some reason you seem to enjoy. Maybe we need to have you and Maximillian_Jenius have a nice chat with you for a while and see if you should really be in command of passenger carrying aircraft.

See if it is possible for you to look at this from another view point. Change it from the 2nd amendment to the 1st amendment. What if I kept coming on here and telling you over and over that you shouldn't have the freedom to express your opinion. That you shouldn't have the right to speak your mind. Wouldn't that piss you off? Wouldn't that seem insulting to you?

What makes it worse is you are attacking Eddie the Eagle. The whole point behind the Eddie the Eagle is to promote gun safety for children. That is like religious nut cases who don't want sex education taught in schools and then acts surprised when we have all these kids running around pregnant in high school.

Eddie Eagle helps kids understand what to do when they see a gun with no adult around. And you're suggesting that it's a bad thing???? Without an educational tool like Eddie Eagle most kids who have not developed proper reasoning skills will most likely try to emulate what they see on TV and in movies. And that doesn't usually end well for someone.

Nothing in the video was factual or took into account the valuable education that Eddie the Eagle gave kids about gun safety. Basically it was pure satire making a ridiculous argument that something like Firearms education was bad. It was a typical left wing attack with ridiculous claims that have no basis in fact. Which is pretty normal behavior for children.

Stop acting like a child and people will stop attacking you.
Because you are a troll who loves to do nothing more than start crap with people on here.

In point of fact you are unamerican with your constant anti 2nd amendment posts. The 2nd amendment is just as important to the national well being as the 1st, 3rd, 4th and so on and so on. You really want to do something about it. Go run for congress and try to get the 2nd repealed.

You sir are a professional victim. Your second and third post in just this thread, which you started by the way is;
1. Are you guys instigating crap?
2. What's with the personal attacks?

This implies you came here in the hopes of getting attacked for your posting. That is the very definition of a troll.

We get it, you're afraid of the big black scary guns. You're welcome to your opinion. That is the great thing about being a US citizen, you get a opinion. A right to an opinion earned by the blood of patriots through the use of those scary black guns. But you need to understand it is a minority opinion not the majority. Over 50% (well over) are positive toward gun ownership by the citizens of the United States. It is an american staple. I am assuming you are not well educated because you don't seem to understand history, current events and why guns are a american staple and unique only to America. But more importantly it is a valuable tool for self defense for those who are preyed on by those that would take from the weak. And there are many many people who are under constant threat and need a firearm for self protection. And they should have that right to defend themselves.

Since you are acting like a child when you make these threads, I'll explain it to you like you are a child. Your posts are insulting and regularly intended to incite personal attacks on you. Which for some reason you seem to enjoy. Maybe we need to have you and Maximillian_Jenius have a nice chat with you for a while and see if you should really be in command of passenger carrying aircraft.

See if it is possible for you to look at this from another view point. Change it from the 2nd amendment to the 1st amendment. What if I kept coming on here and telling you over and over that you shouldn't have the freedom to express your opinion. That you shouldn't have the right to speak your mind. Wouldn't that piss you off? Wouldn't that seem insulting to you?

What makes it worse is you are attacking Eddie the Eagle. The whole point behind the Eddie the Eagle is to promote gun safety for children. That is like religious nut cases who don't want sex education taught in schools and then acts surprised when we have all these kids running around pregnant in high school.

Eddie Eagle helps kids understand what to do when they see a gun with no adult around. And you're suggesting that it's a bad thing???? Without an educational tool like Eddie Eagle most kids who have not developed proper reasoning skills will most likely try to emulate what they see on TV and in movies. And that doesn't usually end well for someone.

Nothing in the video was factual or took into account the valuable education that Eddie the Eagle gave kids about gun safety. Basically it was pure satire making a ridiculous argument that something like Firearms education was bad. It was a typical left wing attack with ridiculous claims that have no basis in fact. Which is pretty normal behavior for children.

Stop acting like a child and people will stop attacking you.


This makes absolutely no sense. Are you ok?

This makes absolutely no sense. Are you ok?

Really? You can't understand simple logic? Or is it reading comprehension that is a problem for you. I'm thinking its both.

Just look at your profile page. Go to the section for postings. Of the 14 postings on the first page 11 of them are in anti gun posts.