The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

You mean like LBJs Great Society.................................................winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you know Obamacare was heavily modeled from a state with a Republican Governor?

That and look at crime levels in socialist countries.
Do you think the right wing nut jobs like we are seeing in Oregon will follow the laws? Why don't you bring them up? Why do you focus on the 'gangbangers'?

Also, I would respect your position on guns a little more if you look at a lot of the socioeconomic challenges these 'gangbangers' have that leads them to gangs. Maybe if we fix those issue, arguments about gun violence would be a moot point.

Total number of people shot in Chicago (a model of gun control) in 2015: 2349

Total number of people those rednecks have killed:......0

It's a good thing you aren't a doctor. Somebody would be having a heart attack and you would be screaming about his foot having a cyst.

Also Hacker has repeatedly called for socio economic examination and policy changes to combat violence. You told him what was needed was gun control first. Don't suddenly try and use that argument against him. We all know better.

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Total number of people shot in Chicago (a model of gun control) in 2015: 2349

Ok you start out saying how many people shot in Chicago.

Total number of people those rednecks have killed:......0

Then you talk about killings. So which one do you want to talk about? Because I am pretty sure white people killed quite a few more folks than 0 in 2015.

It's a good thing you aren't a doctor. Somebody would be having a heart attack and you would be screaming about his foot having a cyst.

Also Hacker has repeatedly called for socio economic examination and policy changes to combat violence. You told him what was needed was gun control first. Don't suddenly try and use that argument against him. We all know better.

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You don't know better.
Did you know Obamacare was heavily modeled from a state with a Republican Governor?

That and look at crime levels in socialist countries.

Yea cuz they dont publish the numbers of citizens that they take behind the wood shed and shoot.

P.S. AHHHHH the old SEGGY bait and switch.... nice try
That and look at crime levels in socialist countries.
Finally. The truth shall set you free. What you really desire, is for this great Republic to devolve into a socialist state with a heavy handed government that forces it's citizens to behave in lock step rather than allowing for individualism, free thought and spirit. A system that does not reward self-reliance but rather fosters the disintegration of individuals, accountability, freedom and relies on the government for it's needs. Under a Constitutional government, the power of the government is limited. Limited government allows the citizens to rule their country. Not the other way around.

The Founding Fathers did not envision nor did they attempt to form a socialist state. They conceived of and gave us a Representative Republic. What Seggy really wants is that no longer would the people dictate to the government. He prefers and admires a government that dictates to the people. No government OF the people. Instead, he wishes for a government that is run and ruled over, by bureaucrats and intellectual elites who know better, what you need and want, than you do.

The far Left government teat suckers have decided that they know, better than you, how you should live your life, do your job, enjoy your vacation, build your house, drive your car, get an education, which doctor you visit, which hospital you select, even to the last detail of how you groom your lawn, or whether you can fly the American flag outside of the home that you think you own.

People like Seggy are convinced that you and I are incapable of taking care of ourselves, or even managing our own lives. In his world, no one is required to be responsible for his or her actions anymore. It is now understood that when someone commits a heinous act, it is not the perpetrator's fault. The solution for them is to take away the freedoms of everyone and punish the good along with the bad. They fear and despise true Patriots.
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Also, I would respect your position on guns a little more if you look at a lot of the socioeconomic challenges these 'gangbangers' have that leads them to gangs. Maybe if we fix those issue, arguments about gun violence would be a moot point.

That's pretty funny, Mark.

Right here in this very thread, post 34:
If only Mr Obama would use his "unfinished business" resolution to look outside of "the gun" for the actual root causes of violence in society, and use his "pen and phone" to work on some of that.

If he was really concerned about it, he'd take a step back away from his partisan platform position and look seriously at the social, economic, and legislative links to violent crime.

Those are more complicated issues to parse, but don't involve infringements to constitutionally-protected rights to work on.

And then, I posted nearly the same thing in another thread back in October:
Completely agree then why is it the "gun" that is seen as the point of intervention, rather than the other social, economic, educational, factors that go into a subculture that is disproportionately victimized by violent crime?

Oh, look -- here's another from back in August:
Sociologists have for a long time seen the roots of many different types of antisocial behavior -- including violent crime -- in the loss of the ability to attain economic or social expectations.

You're completely correct in your last sentence; that is where we need to focus our time, effort, and money, instead of the low-hanging, red-herring of a fruit, firearms.

I'd like your whole post if not for the first part, where you're apparently not reading things that I actually post. Here's a hint: I'm a sociologist by education, so it is not too difficult to see where I might believe we'll find the root causes.
Finally. The truth shall set you free. What you really desire, is for this great Republic to devolve into a socialist state with a heavy handed government that forces it's citizens to behave in lock step rather than allowing for individualism, free thought and spirit. A system that does not reward self-reliance but rather fosters the disintegration of individuals, accountability, freedom and relies on the government for it's needs. Under a Constitutional government, the power of the government is limited. Limited government allows the citizens to rule their country.

The Founding Fathers did not envision nor did they attempt to form a socialist state. They conceived of and gave us a Representative Republic. What Seggy really wants is that no longer would the people dictate to the government. He prefers and admires a government that dictates to the people. No government OF the people. Instead a government that is run and ruled over, by bureaucrats and intellectual elites who know better, what you need and want, than you do.

The far Left teat suckers have decided that they know, better than you, how you should live your life, do your job, enjoy your vacation, build your house, drive your car, get an education, which doctor you visit, which hospital you select, even to the last detail of how you groom your lawn, or whether you can fly the American flag outside the home you THINK you own.

People like Seggy are convinced that you and I are not capable of taking care of ourselves, or even managing our own lives. In his world, no one is required to be responsible for his or her actions anymore. It is now understood that when someone commits a heinous act, it is not the perpetrator's fault. The solution for them is to take away the freedoms of everyone and punish the good along with the bad. They fear true Patriots.

First, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark are kicking our ass when it comes to having higher standard of living than we have here. So is it really that bad if we have more of a Nordic Model?

Also if you think we have a capitalistic society you are mistaken. Look at what happened in 2008 when the banks were failing. In a capitalistic society they would have been allowed to fail. They didn't fail.
Do you think the right wing nut jobs like we are seeing in Oregon will follow the laws? Why don't you bring them up? Why do you focus on the 'gangbangers'?

Also, I would respect your position on guns a little more if you look at a lot of the socioeconomic challenges these 'gangbangers' have that leads them to gangs. Maybe if we fix those issue, arguments about gun violence would be a moot point.
Maybe we need a Community Organizer in Chicago.
That's pretty funny, Mark.

Right here in this very thread, post 34:

And then, I posted nearly the same thing in another thread back in October:

Oh, look -- here's another from back in August:

You're completely correct in your last sentence; that is where we need to focus our time, effort, and money, instead of the low-hanging, red-herring of a fruit, firearms.

I'd like your whole post if not for the first part, where you're apparently not reading things that I actually post. Here's a hint: I'm a sociologist by education, so it is not too difficult to see where I might believe we'll find the root causes.

So you support free health care for all, free college education, a higher minimum wage, food stamp programs, etc, to start to solve the problems?
So you support free health care for all, free college education, a higher minimum wage, food stamp programs, etc, to start to solve the problems?

To agree on the root cause is not to agree on the proposed solutions.

So, no.

More importantly, are you going to retract your "I would respect your position on guns a little more" statement?
First, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark are kicking our ass when it comes to having higher standard of living than we have here. So is it really that bad if we have more of a Nordic Model?
Since you are of incapable of thinking for yourself, let alone taking care of yourself, then you should certainly move to a country with a parliamentary representative democratic constitutional monarchy with strong socialistic leanings/characteristics and which are countries with enormous welfare and tax burdens.

If Denmark were one of the US states, it would rank tenth among the poorest states for per capita GDP. Finland- would come in fifth among the poorest if it were a US state and Sweden would be the seventh-poorest as a state of the US. Citizens classified as “low income” in the US live better than those classified as low income in the EU – including Denmark, Sweden and Finland. The US also ranked higher in average dwelling space and domestic appliance ownership (clothes washers, dishwashers, radios, etc.).

Let us know when you need help packing your bags.
To agree on the root cause is not to agree on the proposed solutions.

Ok. What are your solutions? More guns?

So, no.

More importantly, are you going to retract your "I would respect your position on guns a little more" statement?

No, because you really aren't offering solutions to the problem.
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Ok you start out saying how many people shot in Chicago.

Then you talk about killings. So which one do you want to talk about? Because I am pretty sure white people killed quite a few more folks than 0 in 2015.

You don't know better.

Oh no it's not about white people vs black people is it? You blamed those rednecks in Oregon. You said that's the problem.

Those 2000+ shootings alone were in Chicago in spite your assurance to us all that rednecks with guns are the problem. Must be a Bass Pro Shop selling illegal guns to fishers and hunters who go down to Chicago on weekends and shoot people. You know for the last 30 years... To bypass handgun bans, the lack of carry and conceal, and the requirement to be licensed and registered. I mean what else could be causing all those shootings.

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lol @ him wanting fingerprint unlocking of guns and gps tracking

Actually that can be part of the long game and divide and conquer technique. In the end it will make guns safer.

Say the gun manufacturers are required to put these safeties on weapons. They can then get more money for the guns as it has to have the product they make on it that makes it safer. They would be for something that can increase their bottom line while the gun owners will hate something like that.
People like Seggy are convinced that you and I are incapable of taking care of ourselves, or even managing our own lives. In his world, no one is required to be responsible for his or her actions anymore. It is now understood that when someone commits a heinous act, it is not the perpetrator's fault. The solution for them is to take away the freedoms of everyone and punish the good along with the bad. They fear and despise true Patriots.
This is why we must enact a total ban on competitive sports, spelling bees, car racin', all things equine, test scores and children playing cowboys (cops) and indians (robbers). For when the least of us is picked last we are all cry baby losers that are incapable of living this cruel thing known as A Modern Life. To think that our ancestors worked hard and died young to give the next generation a better life is a falsehood. It wasn't until government decided you could live longer and hoard cheetos and Mt Dew that the American Experiment became the success that it is today. It wasn't Old White Slave Owners and their dead document. It was FDR, LBJ, and last but not least The Anointed One. It is time we give up our rights so that the weakest among us, the ones that owe everything they have to a system that doesn't promote hard work, self sacrifice but to being a number-can feel safe, smug and forever better than their betters.
Science Bless America.
Perhaps it was covered somewhere in this thread, but the so-called ban for the CDC to not conduct gun violence research seems...well just plain moronic. During the last budget vote the ban was once again maintained. Tired of so many in this country (especially elected leaders) being afraid of research, knowledge & those pesky things called facts. Let the CDC study happen and see what we can find out. It's akin to attempts of blocking Galileo or Copernicus from their important work. Fear & paranoia of facts won't get us very far.
Perhaps it was covered somewhere in this thread, but the so-called ban for the CDC to not conduct gun violence research seems...well just plain moronic. During the last budget vote the ban was once again maintained. Tired of so many in this country (especially elected leaders) being afraid of research, knowledge & those pesky things called facts. Let the CDC study happen and see what we can find out. It's akin to attempts of blocking Galileo or Copernicus from their important work. Fear & paranoia of facts won't get us very far.

So long as we don't have the predetermined outcome that previous CDC officials stated was the objective, then there would be no issue.

Instead, CDC officials publicly stated that their goals in research were to "systematically build a case against firearms."

As soon as the intent is to be objective and let the findings follow the research -- like Galileo or Copernicus would -- then you'll see this kind of thing go away.