Started ATP 2 Days Ago

Hello, perfect timing on this thread! Thanks. I m getting ready to start the process as well. A couple of questions for Brandon and the loans
Without divulging too much of your personal finances....did you get the Wells or go with Sallie mae?
Assuming we would be flying full time and not working, how can one qualify for such a large loan without a job? I do not own a home so I have basically no collateral
Im assuming I will need a consigner.
How many days do you expect to reach CFII? your TT (hours) as you write...That will give us some clue as to the speed and your progress... Thanks again. This the perfect thread. Don't get burned out.

I am still trying to find financing that works as I needed a cosigner for both Wells Fargo and Sallie Mae. My gma was going to cosign but the guy at Sallie Mae scared her out of it. Prepare who ever you have cosign to be given the worst case scenario over the phone and possibly be persuaded otherwise as my gma was.
I enjoy the honesty as it gives me a good idea of what I'm looking at. My life recently consisted of 630 am to 6pm Monday through Friday and spending 6pm to 7pm with my kids before they would go to bed. I then would get on the computer and do school work from 7-9 and then spend about an hour with my wife after that before starting the whole thing over again. I made it work, is that a good idea of what may schedule will be like? More/less rigorous? I just like to have the best understanding I can so it's not such a slap in the face.
The hour with the kids and the hour with the wife may happen. What probably won't happen is the regular routine. You may catch the hour with the kids at a different time each day, and the same for the hour with the wife. As you get closer to 1,500 hours you will probably have worked out a routine and a system for making the most of your time with the family, so it may not feel as though you're gone quite so much.
Hey Miguel.
on your next post....

/// share your total time so we know where you are ///
/// at this point what is your best guess when you will finish CFII? in weeks/months ////
Hey Miguel.
on your next post....

/// share your total time so we know where you are ///
/// at this point what is your best guess when you will finish CFII? in weeks/months ////
Hey sorry haven't really had tims to jump on here. I have about 60 hours total time in a month and 11 days of the program. I should be done with the program through CFI in about 5 more months. But if you want to be a CFI for ATP, you need to go to Jacksonville and get ATP CFI training. They sort of standardize all of their CFIs to make sure they all have the same knowledge and teach the same way. That takes about a month, so I'm guessing 6 more months until I'm actually teaching at ATP
Hello, perfect timing on this thread! Thanks. I m getting ready to start the process as well. A couple of questions for Brandon and the loans
Without divulging too much of your personal finances....did you get the Wells or go with Sallie mae?
Assuming we would be flying full time and not working, how can one qualify for such a large loan without a job? I do not own a home so I have basically no collateral
Im assuming I will need a consigner.
How many days do you expect to reach CFII? your TT (hours) as you write...That will give us some clue as to the speed and your progress... Thanks again. This the perfect thread. Don't get burned out.
With regards to the loan I got mine through Wells Fargo with a consigner with a 7% interest. Mine included all of check ride fees. Total loan request amount was 74,994
I'm thinking that nearly everyone will need a cosigner. As for paying on the loan, payments are deferred until 6 months (I think its 6) after you complete the program.
Yes, you have a year from when you get the loan until when you need to begin making payments on it.
Hello, perfect timing on this thread! Thanks. I m getting ready to start the process as well. A couple of questions for Brandon and the loans
Without divulging too much of your personal finances....did you get the Wells or go with Sallie mae?
Assuming we would be flying full time and not working, how can one qualify for such a large loan without a job? I do not own a home so I have basically no collateral
Im assuming I will need a consigner.
How many days do you expect to reach CFII? your TT (hours) as you write...That will give us some clue as to the speed and your progress... Thanks again. This the perfect thread. Don't get burned out.

So I'm finally able to answer your question pertaining to financing. I did not need a co signer by splitting Sallie Mae into a 40g loan with 9.8 interest. I got approved for that but somehow couldn't get approved by wells Fargo for a 35g loan. Financial advisor at atp said it happens all of the time and to wait a month and to apply to Sallie Mae for a second loan of 35g and it will most likely get approved.
Yeah...that's kind of where I'm at. Good luck ever paying that off is what I'm telling myself. I didn't think I was that big of a risk. All I have is student loan debt with a 750 credit score. Doesn't help I'm only making 40Gs a year though.
Hey Migeul. sorry to put even more pressure...but thanks for the info and updates.

Getting close to PPL checkride?
Hey Troy,

Sorry I haven't had time to answer back. I was busy getting ready for the PPL. I took it on May 2nd and passed it went very smooth and I felt very prepared for both the oral and the flight portion. The written I took like a week prior to that and ended up getting a 90% on that.
Congrats! Did you do it in an archer or do they use the 172s for the private? I stopped by Banyan Pilot Shop and noticed one taxiing in, they only had the 172s for single engine when I instructed there.
Congrats! Did you do it in an archer or do they use the 172s for the private? I stopped by Banyan Pilot Shop and noticed one taxiing in, they only had the 172s for single engine when I instructed there.
We actually have no 172s at FXE now. Only archers and Seminoles. And thank you so much for the congratulations. question....So IFR...Comm? ME? Again this is helping me immensely in deciding where to go.... Will you do the IFR,comm checkride together in single or multi?
Or do they do all separately?

Standing by....