Southwest tries to redecorate LGA tower

How’s FedEx in regards to CA/FO workload? My friend tells me it’s a very CA centric airline in relation to AA. Says she does very little in the right seat.
It's pretty Captain-centric. The Captain does the cockpit preflight and loads the box whilst I'm doing the walk around. I preflight the "cabin" (checking safety equipment, etc). My cockpit setup is pretty much setting up my displays, checking the O2 and entering the performance data, then sitting around pretty much until we get a Prelim.

It's kind of nice not having to do all of the inside and then all of the outside.
One clown at my place does PA’s from his previous airline time he retired from. “We know you have a choice in air travel and your continued business with us is highly appreciated….”

Hey Cliff, we’re a DOD/USFS charter, remember? These pax had zero choice in what carrier they flew on…….

It’s actually in one of our manuals. Don’t make a “we know you have a choice in airline travel, thanks for choosing us,” when operating in certain Alaska cities, because newsflash, we are the only option for a lot of those airports.
It's pretty Captain-centric. The Captain does the cockpit preflight and loads the box whilst I'm doing the walk around. I preflight the "cabin" (checking safety equipment, etc). My cockpit setup is pretty much setting up my displays, checking the O2 and entering the performance data, then sitting around pretty much until we get a Prelim.

It's kind of nice not having to do all of the inside and then all of the outside.

AS is the exact opposite. FO busy as hell. They do the walk, the box, and most of the preflight. CA flow for preflight is easy peasy.

At VX, most guys would alternate the FMS box and the walkaround. Here, I’ve noticed if I offer to do the box or the walkaround, it takes them out of their usual routine. Now I tend to do it only when the FO is running late.
Its the Captain's show, and his/her seatbelt sign. Thats the way I treated it when I was an FO, and it was nice not having to worry with it honestly. That doesnt proclude situations where its obvious it should be on from saying something of course in the interest of safety or when directed to by the Captain. Everyone kind of has their own threshold for when to turn it on, and having two people trying to run the seatbelt sign just becomes a game of musical chairs. I am totally open to when the FO says "want me to let em up?" and its nearly always "go for it" and I am appreciative of the communication rather than just glancing up and turning it off/on.
One clown at my place does PA’s from his previous airline time he retired from.

There used to be someone at C5, who had previously been at Midwest Airlines until they went out of business. He would use their old slogan, "the best care in the air", in his welcome aboard PAs.
There used to be someone at C5, who had previously been at Midwest Airlines until they went out of business. He would use their old slogan, "the best care in the air", in his welcome aboard PAs.

Coming from there, Am surprised he didn’t say to try our onboard baked chocolate chip cookies. Haha
There used to be someone at C5, who had previously been at Midwest Airlines until they went out of business. He would use their old slogan, "the best care in the air", in his welcome aboard PAs.
Lyle was the man. I think I did his last line check before mandatory retirement.
There used to be someone at C5, who had previously been at Midwest Airlines until they went out of business. He would use their old slogan, "the best care in the air", in his welcome aboard PAs.
The (in)famous, harmonica playing scab at AirTran used to announce "all metal Whisperjet service"...pretty sure the Whisperjet died with one of his previous employers when the rEAL pilots got fed up.
Here, I’ve noticed if I offer to do the box or the walkaround, it takes them out of their usual routine. Now I tend to do it only when the FO is running late.

I might be suffering from Stockholm syndrome or something, but I can relate to that sentiment. I think it is more of a matter of coming back inside from the walk around, and not necessarily knowing what has been done, and what still needs doing. So I just do everything I normally do anyway, in that case. Honestly, it makes no difference to me. Even in the right seat, I'm paid well enough a minute (okay, maybe not 330B pay) to not bitch about having to punch some buttons, that take little thought and are punched the same way every time.
Also if you get there early enough say hi to the two in back. It takes 30 seconds or so but many of them really appreciate that too.

I'm normally the guy who targets being at the gate for a report day/leg about an hour prior. In that setting, I'll normally have a few minutes upstairs to chat with everyone which is nice. But definitely on turns or jet swaps mid-day, there are a lot of times when I don't even see the C until we're in the van to the hotel. I do normally always make a point to chat up the D during the bathroom breaks, just to make sure everything is going ok back there and my medieval temp control knob for the aft cab is appropriately positioned.
I might be suffering from Stockholm syndrome or something, but I can relate to that sentiment. I think it is more of a matter of coming back inside from the walk around, and not necessarily knowing what has been done, and what still needs doing. So I just do everything I normally do anyway, in that case. Honestly, it makes no difference to me. Even in the right seat, I'm paid well enough a minute (okay, maybe not 330B pay) to not bitch about having to punch some buttons, that take little thought and are punched the same way every time.

I get there early too. I usually leave from a call out early so I don't have to speed or stress about being late. It's probably annoying but I just want to put my bags away before the whole L1/galley area becomes crowded with people. So I offer to do the walk around or go get coffee because "either way the last thing I want to do is sit here and annoy you."

So far I've only had one guy take me up on getting coffee. It's about 50/50 on the walk. The last guy I flew with wanted to do the walk around so I just chilled out. It's honestly kind of boring on a 4 leg milk run to just sit there. Also the fitbit starts chirping at me to move and I only experience that when I'm confined to a 737. It never happens in my life outside of work :oops: So I get the crew popcorn in KTN and coffee in JNU.