Yikes! The most I've seen at the other color on the 767 is CI200. We usually fly around in 80, which is about 320-ish on the way up, .81 in cruise and 300-ish on the way down.
And guys still edit the climb and descent speeds off the zipper because the A/Ts are so sloppy.
The A/Ts are also the reason that most guys will slow down when it gets really bumpy, so we don't have to worry about an overspeed.
On the other end, if we're early, have a good tailwind or it's a Saturday, we always seemed to get TOCO'd (Top of Climb Optimization), which is CI0.
Coming into The Planet, though, it doesn't matter, the STARs all have us doing 290 and most guys will pick up the mach number to above .80...unless it's an Airbus. No one knows what those guys do or think and most of us are too afraid to ask!