Eh, they taught us in stages - first with everything on, then with AT but no AP, and then everything - including FDs - off. I've certainly flown with everything off - had to for OE. Unfortunately, I have had very little opportunity to put things into practice - don't fly much on reserve so when I do I really try to maximize the learning opportunity for the given conditions, and lately there hasn't been a lot of margin for error so I've been limited in what I could experiment/practice with. That visual into MSY this past weekend, for example, was the first visual I've been assigned in a couple months.
At <100 hours on the airplane, while I'm confident in my basic skills, I am also smart enough to know that I don't know everything, and I'm not about to play push-the-personal-envelope under suboptimal conditions. I'm not in a rush - the chances will come, and I'm looking forward to looking back to this point to see what I've learned over the next few hundred hours. This is the fun part.

Someday I'll be as good as you.