You’re on the correct page. “The example” section for flaps 1. You’re also correct, it is “should be made” where you are looking just one paragraph above the example.
And I would argue, it falls under the “using flaps as speed brakes is not authorized” wording on that same page.
Essentially by putting flaps out at 248 knots, you ARE using flaps as a form of speed brake.
But come on, wasn’t A320 family flaps 1 max 230 knots? So you flew years with no ability to throw flaps faster than 230 and now can’t fly a 737 without having to use flaps above 240 kts? Sorry sir

but especially coming off an Airbus, I don’t see the point of flaps above 240. *NOT* that I stop a FO. But it is poor form. If you feel that you are that close in, can’t make it, without flaps 1 above 240, you probably needed gear down about 3 miles ago. FH says don’t use flaps as a speed brake. Gear down = your friend.
And to your point, there was a whole lot more on this flap extension and speed brake usage in the Stan Notes (not controlling), but that entire section was taken out.
Now? The problem is guys are extending too close to max Vfe, and getting over speeds on flaps. Keep that up, and it WILL become a hard limit.
I’ve only been on the airplane for 3.5 years, and there’s been 0 times I’ve asked for flaps 1 above 240 knots.