Scope Bribe

Funny. Over on the SWAPA forum, the militant guys are all salivating over this deal, bashing SWAPA for being unproductive in not getting something similar. Sure, they don't understand the scope, but as I said earlier, the scope is really a non-issue in practice.
My swa buddies main beef with what they don't have is the 16% DC.
Its all part of the game. Nothing to get worked up over.

I hope all the AA guys stay at JetBlue..Its clearly the better choice.
Yup, nothing to see here......

Every time I'm in a van with a blue crew its "I was a 99 hire at airways, glad to see things turned around" from the captain.
I don't know why they would leave. They've got it made now. JetBlue will be getting a330s soon and they could be senior captains.
I'd love to see a post that describes the retirement plan at each of the majors for the sake of comparison. I don't want to see it here though... You should put it on the other board. ;-)

My guess is much of the apathy there is the result of so many of them having a government retirement. This is just a part time job for them. A little extra scratch.
Why am I mad? I hope that's not a serious question.

I'm a third lister. Don't see what bearing my date of hire has in this situation. If you're a 30 year guy or a dude in his first day of indoc, this offer was insulting to us all.
I just find it absolutely hilarious that someone who applied/hired pre-merger, with the rates that were in place at the time, could be infuriated at anything in the MOU or contract offer. You're making tens of thousands of dollars more a year than had the merger not taken place, with a company that has a very viable future moving forward assuming management doesn't screw it up.

I don't get the focus on pay rates and being "+X%". The APA has always had this hard on for pay rates while effectively ignoring QOL issues, it goes back decades in their contract. They were always substandard to UAL and DAL.
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I just find it absolutely hilarious that someone who applied/hired pre-merger, with the rates that were in place at the time, could be infuriated at anything in the MOU or contract offer. You're making tens of thousands of dollars more a year than had the merger not taken place, with a company that has a very viable future moving forward assuming management doesn't screw it up.

I don't get the focus on pay rates and being "+X%". The APA has always had this hard on for pay rates while effectively ignoring QOL issues, it goes back decades in their contract. They were always substandard to UAL and DAL.
Wow I don't even know where to begin. Yea I was hired before the merger but so what? At that point we weren't the biggest airline in the world making billions in profit. I don't care if I'm making more now than I would have been without the merger. The merger happened. The game is different now. WE deserve what we are worth.

Your line of thinking is similar to the "id do it for free because I love to fly" crowd. Just because this job is better than the regionals or the airways of old doesn't mean that we shouldn't be compensated like our peers. You need to change your view, for all of our sake.
Wow I don't even know where to begin. Yea I was hired before the merger but so what? At that point we weren't the biggest airline in the world making billions in profit. I don't care if I'm making more now than I would have been without the merger. The merger happened. The game is different now. WE deserve what we are worth.

Your line of thinking is similar to the "id do it for free because I love to fly" crowd. Just because this job is better than the regionals or the airways of old doesn't mean that we shouldn't be compensated like our peers. You need to change your view, for all of our sake.
I love this
And not in a sarcastic way
American Pilots do deserve what they are worth....Unfortunately Parker and Kirby have the backstop of "cost neutral" arbitration in the contract. You don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate.

I hope that this group can put enough pressure on the move management off the dime but USAPA couldn't and Parker won't hesitate to go to court for an injunction to stop any type of job action. US Airways pilots are still under an injunction.

Parker and Kirby have said many times that they don't care if you are unhappy. Your happiness means nothing to the bottom line. They really do believe that. If they cannot quantify it on a spread sheet it doesn't exist. If they cannot measure it; it doesn't exist. They are not mean and hateful, they just don't care. Happiness of employees doesn't help the business plan.

That's what I have seen for the past 8 years with this management.
American Pilots do deserve what they are worth....Unfortunately Parker and Kirby have the backstop of "cost neutral" arbitration in the contract. You don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate.

I hope that this group can put enough pressure on the move management off the dime but USAPA couldn't and Parker won't hesitate to go to court for an injunction to stop any type of job action. US Airways pilots are still under an injunction.

Parker and Kirby have said many times that they don't care if you are unhappy. Your happiness means nothing to the bottom line. They really do believe that. If they cannot quantify it on a spread sheet it doesn't exist. If they cannot measure it; it doesn't exist. They are not mean and hateful, they just don't care. Happiness of employees doesn't help the business plan.

That's what I have seen for the past 8 years with this management.
That's because money doesn't buy happiness. It's been proven over and over again, but this thread is a great example. In it, a pilot is actually "infuriated" (!) (using his words) while getting tens of thousands of dollars thrown his way for a job he voluntarily took knowingly making much less initially.

I wonder how he'd feel if the merger hadn't happened?!?