Scope Bribe

Yup...Seniority based nonrev for travel in the back and a jump seat reservation system on first come first served. It works well.
i wish we could get our old nonrev system back.
I like it. Allows you to plan a lot more than the old system. Just went on vacation and love the flexibility the combined network allows for.

It's for this same reason I like the jump seat booking system as well. Planning is worth its weight in gold. Senority already gets you better schedules, vacation, pay, aircraft choice, base etc.
Yup...Seniority based nonrev for travel in the back and a jump seat reservation system on first come first served. It works well.

I like our system of boarding order based on check-in time. It prevents the guy who books the flight 31 minutes prior to departure from bumping you. It forces you to be proactive and it makes the standby list more predictable. When I had Delta benefits I couldn't tell if I was getting on until they handed me a seat. Nonrevving is so much better now.

Our jumpseat priority is seniority based.
I like our system of boarding order based on check-in time. It prevents the guy who books the flight 31 minutes prior to departure from bumping you. It forces you to be proactive and it makes the standby list more predictable. When I had Delta benefits I couldn't tell if I was getting on until they handed me a seat. Nonrevving is so much better now.

Our jumpseat priority is seniority based.
I hate the way the mainline Delta employees game the system and don't list until the very last minute
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I like it. Allows you to plan a lot more than the old system. Just went on vacation and love the flexibility the combined network allows for.

It's for this same reason I like the jump seat booking system as well. Planning is worth its weight in gold. Senority already gets you better schedules, vacation, pay, aircraft choice, base etc.

It's such a shoddy system, if a flight cancels everyone on the standby lists goes above everyone on the next.

As far as the jumpseat goes, I have moved very far into the column of seniority based jumpseat. Especially with the way nonrev is now, seniority should matter. Ideally I would like nonrev to be seniority and JS fcfs but since there is no chance of that happening I think the only solution is to change the JS system.

The fcfs system is also being heavily abused by some of the newer people. Booking multiple jumpseats holding the JS for a friend things like that.
It's such a shoddy system, if a flight cancels everyone on the standby lists goes above everyone on the next.

As far as the jumpseat goes, I have moved very far into the column of seniority based jumpseat. Especially with the way nonrev is now, seniority should matter. Ideally I would like nonrev to be seniority and JS fcfs but since there is no chance of that happening I think the only solution is to change the JS system.

The fcfs system is also being heavily abused by some of the newer people. Booking multiple jumpseats holding the JS for a friend things like that.
Do you commute on mainline? I do, but am the only commuter 99%of the time so I don't run into people abusing the system. I'm curious what they do, however.
The fcfs system is also being heavily abused by some of the newer people. Booking multiple jumpseats holding the JS for a friend things like that.

Our system is seniority based JS until 24 hours prior and then at that point it's FCFS. At first it was kind of strange, but now I like it. At least you know how it's going to be by the day of.
It's such a shoddy system, if a flight cancels everyone on the standby lists goes above everyone on the next.

As far as the jumpseat goes, I have moved very far into the column of seniority based jumpseat. Especially with the way nonrev is now, seniority should matter. Ideally I would like nonrev to be seniority and JS fcfs but since there is no chance of that happening I think the only solution is to change the JS system.

The fcfs system is also being heavily abused by some of the newer people. Booking multiple jumpseats holding the JS for a friend things like that.

Do you realize the largest employee group at the company best able to take advantage of travel, the FA's, have an average of 10-15 years on pilots as it is?!?

Not to mention the 40 and 50(!) year seniority folks on the list, on both sides.

Wanting the nonrev system to be seniority is ludicrous! It would be a bloodbath for pilots and our families, especially as the company is renewed over the next decade. The vast majority of pilots would be junior to the vast majority of FAs.

Saying "seniority should matter" like it doesn't already blows me away. Are new hires getting A330CA slots? Are they getting 20 day off lines? Do they get August vacation? In that train of thought are they getting 35 days of it?

How does seniority NOT matter?

The only person a seniority based system is good for is the #1 guy.

People abuse sick time. Should we get rid of that because of the few that do so? If not, why throw out the FCFS jumpseat system when only a few are abusing it? The union and company can get involved and have a come to Jesus.
Our system is seniority based JS until 24 hours prior and then at that point it's FCFS. At first it was kind of strange, but now I like it. At least you know how it's going to be by the day of.
This is exactly what we need at AA. Its all about planning and if Ive got two possible flights to chose from and I know our jumpseat is taking it makes all the difference in the world.
my question is what happens if you are all set to go on flight a and then it cancels. You are basically sol for the rest of the day with the fcfs system both front and back.
It's such a shoddy system, if a flight cancels everyone on the standby lists goes above everyone on the next.

As far as the jumpseat goes, I have moved very far into the column of seniority based jumpseat. Especially with the way nonrev is now, seniority should matter. Ideally I would like nonrev to be seniority and JS fcfs but since there is no chance of that happening I think the only solution is to change the JS system.

The fcfs system is also being heavily abused by some of the newer people. Booking multiple jumpseats holding the JS for a friend things like that.
I think the abuse of JS is still a rarity. Sometimes there may be a simple explanation like a common last name. I like the idea of a hybrid system.
my question is what happens if you are all set to go on flight a and then it cancels. You are basically sol for the rest of the day with the fcfs system both front and back.

At our company you roll to the top of the list because your check in time is earlier than everyone else's. So if you get bumped to the next flight, you are highest priority in your class. So if you were an S4, you'll go to the top of the S4 list on the next flight.
Seniority should matter in everything.

Have you tried a check-in priority non-rev system? It has quite a few advantages over a seniority system.

If it is very important that I get high priority, I made it a priority to check in exactly 24 hours prior to my flight. I really had a major problem with senior jackwagons checking in 31 minutes prior to a flight and bumping people who planned ahead and booked a couple of days prior.

The check in system encourages people to book a day early, so you can see with good accuracy how many nonrevs will be there. If it's 5 hours prior to the flight, I can count and know fairly accurately if I'll get on or not. That's good for planning.

It's good for everyone, including senior people, because it makes nonrevving much more predictable.
No, it's definitely not good for the senior people. Say you're a senior guy, your last two legs get canceled, and now you have the opportunity to get home a day earlier than planned. You show up at the gate to non-rev or jumpseat, and some jackwagon 20 years junior to you has the seat reserved. Pure BS.

Seniority over all else. It's the great equalizer.
No, it's definitely not good for the senior people. Say you're a senior guy, your last two legs get canceled, and now you have the opportunity to get home a day earlier than planned. You show up at the gate to non-rev or jumpseat, and some jackwagon 20 years junior to you has the seat reserved. Pure BS.

Seniority over all else. It's the great equalizer.

Yeah yeah, we get it. You're a Unionista.

I support seniority for jumpseating. But nonrevving with check in time determining priority is brilliant. It really does solve many of the BS issues with nonrevving. Most notably knowing if you'll get on or not a few hours ahead of time.

If you're commuting, seniority for the Jumpseat equalizes that out. We have 5 jumpseats on our Airbi for company pilots. (2FD, 3 cabin) And we don't oversell, so I can't tell you the last time I had to leave someone behind. I rarely even have someone on the jumpseat.