Scope Bribe

That's normal, actually. Nobody is going to go to the effort of writing actual contract language for concepts that have not been agreed upon at the table.

True but when the deadline is in about 48 hours that doesn't leave a lot of time to go back and forth and hammer it down.
I think more and more are starting to realize that the pay rates that are coming are probably going to be better than anything the company proposes right now. It is very, very refreshing to see senior captains realize this and take a stand against scope. Funny thing... on both IOE trips I was asked my thoughts on scope on the first day of the trip.

I have brought it up with most of the guys I've flown with. Everyone seems to be in line about no scope concessions of any sort. I'm more afraid now of any loopholes in arbitration that were not foreseen.
True but when the deadline is in about 48 hours that doesn't leave a lot of time to go back and forth and hammer it down.
Did you listen to the conference call last night? The BOD had the full language and was scrutinizing it overnight.
I missed last nights call..heard the LGA call the day before. It sure is going to get interesting.
I've been meaning to , but I"m off today and I refuse to let this stuff piss me off anymore than it already has.
Maybe. There are several F&H lawyers who are REALLY good at making language difficult even after both sides have agreed to concepts.

Eh, that's usually because management has told them to do so. F&H lawyers can be really reasonable and easy to deal with when management isn't instructing them to be otherwise. They do as they're told.
Eh, that's usually because management has told them to do so. F&H lawyers can be really reasonable and easy to deal with when management isn't instructing them to be otherwise. They do as they're told.

I know. I spent a whole lot of time across the table from JetBlue's new VP of Labor. He's a really good guy and I know any direction he got to screw us over came from management. But it doesn't mean they aren't really good at doing what they are told.
Why are you infuriated? When were you hired at Airways?
Why am I mad? I hope that's not a serious question.

I'm a third lister. Don't see what bearing my date of hire has in this situation. If you're a 30 year guy or a dude in his first day of indoc, this offer was insulting to us all.
Funny. Over on the SWAPA forum, the militant guys are all salivating over this deal, bashing SWAPA for being unproductive in not getting something similar. Sure, they don't understand the scope, but as I said earlier, the scope is really a non-issue in practice.
Funny. Over on the SWAPA forum, the militant guys are all salivating over this deal, bashing SWAPA for being unproductive in not getting something similar. Sure, they don't understand the scope, but as I said earlier, the scope is really a non-issue in practice.
I really wish we had you over here on our team. It's obvious you get it. So many dudes here who are pushovers. I only have a slight man crush.

However, I do think the scope grab is huge. Our management team will outsource to the limit. We can't allow that to happen any more than we already have.
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I know. I spent a whole lot of time across the table from JetBlue's new VP of Labor. He's a really good guy and I know any direction he got to screw us over came from management. But it doesn't mean they aren't really good at doing what they are told.

This makes me feel better. Up until this point, all I've heard on him was the ranting on BluePilots, which I put zero stock in. I actually value your opinion. :)

We've got a LOT of guys over here that have AA recall rights that are waiting to see how this shakes out before pulling the trigger. If AA gets a decent deal and they go back, we're gonna need to upgrade a lot of guys. Almost every one of them I know is at LEAST an E190 CA with a couple of A320 CAs tossed in. Several are even based in MCO.....