scary experiences as an airline pilot


Well-Known Member
I read scary stories in flying mag, and other places but there almost always general aviation (small prop planes) stories, is there any airline pilots here who have had scary experiences that you would care to share. Scary pertaining to anything, midairs, weather, icing etc. I think it will make for an interesting post.
Once I was flying with a captain who put on a rubber ape mask when I wasn't looking. I about went through the roof when I noticed it....

Pretty funny. He's the chairman of our professional standards committe, too.
Fox guardin' the hen house, yuk yuk yuk!

I've had some scary experiences, but you'll have to wait for the book!
Fox guardin' the hen house, yuk yuk yuk!

I've had some scary experiences, but you'll have to wait for the book!

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like being handed a dirty diaper?
Scary stories... Let's see.. The time we were in nasty icing and the right boot decides it won't inflate...or the time when my FO decided we were going to land sideways on an icy runway regardless of what I had to say about it....or the time I had an aileron sort a jam on me...

But there have been plenty of great times as well.. Like the time I looked back to check on the pax (19 seat airplane) and the beautiful woman in row 1 decided to give me a free show.. and a show she gave me!!!


Oh... people don't generally hand you a dirty diaper.. They usually leave them under the seat in front of them or smear them against the wall. People can be NASTY!!
like being handed a dirty diaper?

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Even worse, maybe like some toothless idiot walking in the cockpit and saying "WOW! A colored pilot!!" and not taking the hint that he needs to STFD during boarding.
It's too bad we still have people on this planet who think that. It's even worse when they get to interact with us and open their mouths...

I had someone complain after a flight because he thought we let the FA fly the airplane..

People need to pull their heads from places they don't belong.
Even worse, maybe like some toothless idiot walking in the cockpit and saying "WOW! A colored pilot!!" and not taking the hint that he needs to STFD during boarding.

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Hey, one of my friends had an experience like that. She's in the galley getting something to drink, and someone says, yeah, can I have a coke before we leave? She says, you'll have to talk to the flight attendant about that and heads on up to the cockpit.
((some toothless idiot walking in the cockpit and saying "WOW! A colored pilot!!"))

He was toothless cause every black guy he said that to socked him one in the mouth....