Random Ramblings


Well-Known Member
In reference to 61.129.4.ii

5 hours in night VFR conditions with 10 takeoffs and 10 landings (with each landing involving a flight in the traffic pattern) at an airport with an operating control tower.

Sweet, an excuse to go flying tonight. :nana2:

I'm going to leave ktyq at about 0630z and head 60nm west to khuf and knock these landings out. I'll probably head out VFR and pick up a clearance on the way back to Indy; just for the experience of picking up on the fly. Looking forward to seeing the city lights and maybe spotting some freight dogs...

I've already got well over 5 hour night solo requirement, but surprisingly to me, zero -night solo towered field landings-. I've got 17 more hours to go before that 250TT, and am planning a BNA trip later this week if wx cooperates.

The BNA trip is going to be an anti-technologically advanced aircraft trip to see if I can really find my way around with a watch and an E-6B. This PA-28-140 does have a LORAN, but it's getting turned off, I'll back myself up with ground based navaids.

Anyways, just wanted to share.
Last night was a lot of fun. I ended up departing right on schedule. Went VFR to HUF and ended up with a straight in 18 mile final for rwy 23. Completed 10 takeoff and landings, filed with fss, and flew back to Indy IFR in time to mix it up with the after sort Fedex departures, topping it all off with an ILS approach to rwy 36. Good stuff.

Changed my plans to CID instead of BNA for Friday. Should be fun.